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  Feb 2020 sassybutsweet
i look at the moon
to know i’m not alone
i seek for the stars
to claim what’s ours
to the wind i whisper
words i never once utter
                    — z.g.
  Jan 2020 sassybutsweet
This old heart
Has beat a lifetime of beats,
Cried a torrent of tears,
And roared with exuberance.

This old heart
Has loved you for a lifetime,
Has yearned for your love,
And has melted into your soul.

This old heart
Will forever be yours.
  Oct 2019 sassybutsweet
Francie Lynch
As a young man in love,
I was selfish.
I walked with you,
I shared food,
I slept with you,
It was my insatiable thirst;
Desire, and
I needed to gulp it,
At any cost,
For survival.
Perhaps you felt likewise.
I didn't know.

Now, being older,
Which I do
Out of love,
I do for you.
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