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Saša Milivojev Oct 2019
Silence bites
Below school's stairs
Trickling tears of fervent gore
From thy brethren's veins
Their cups to the rim they pour

All is shattered in the blast
Heavens echoing with silence
Dracula is licking his lips
Threading fingers through their tears
Pouring for his laughing friends

Ask why, if you dare,
on your blood they're feasting
you may lose your ears
the screwdriver your skull may be piercing

Chainsaw by the school
Truckloads of dead bodies
Buckets of ice of kidneys galore
****** lakes bear witness

Yet the World 's watching

My torn heart
Still is beating
While a crow my heart is eating!

In that chalice of gore
Flows all evil of the world
In it glisten child's eyes innocent
Shattered by the blitz

Voiceless stone
Sing of malice
Of the stake
Of the rope
Never will it pass
Our torment's toll
Rivers of blood will forever flow

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Oct 2019
In this century withal
Rivers of blood still flow
Bombs echo
Children are being killed
Heads are being severed
Millions are starving
Diseases are devouring
And you are singing

The gallows are trembling
In the valley of the fallen
In the salty tears
With our putrescent sores
We fall prey to the crows

Our festering entrails
For the starving wolves

A shattered house
Little boy is weeping
Over the body of his Father
That forever now is sleeping

Schools Temples and bridges bleeding
bloodstained wedding guests are screaming

Little white coffins
Maternal howls
Above Uranus
Hear the painful growls
Delirious poets are prattling
And not a word are you uttering

They blinded you
When they ***** your daughter
Strangled ‘er with the wire
They abducted your brothers
Tortured in the cellar
Shattered their fingers
With ferrous clubs
With a saw agape their skulls
Their legs wagons lacerated
Their limbs with machete dissected
Flayed the skin of their backs

Dumpers of corpses
Bulldozers to the grave consigned
Roads run over their bones in cement confined
Bodies filled the bottomless well over the brim
Come closer
Look within
The infinite darkness of the abyss
To hear the silence of the universe

A spark is glistening in an innocent eye
Children are helplessly falling to the dust
Venomous saliva dripping from their mouth
As their rosy intumescent faces bust

In their closing prayer
Reverends to a cross immured
Laughing at the stake they burned

Tender ivory cherubs
Flew away like a flock of birds

Rip my heart out from my chest
As I am unsleeping
May your golden ship catch wind away from shore
To raise your glass of blood once more
As you feast your eyes in silence

Saša Milivojev

Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska
Saša Milivojev Jun 2019
Grateful to the skies
And the darkest nights,
To the moon and stars
That are my night’s lights.
Morning and the Mosques
That wake me unsleeping,
When hopes of new victories
Upon me are awakening.
Through these empyrean gardens
Where black gold is flowing,
No wicked thoughts are growing.
No sadness and hunger,
Resentment and pain,
Here, one can love again.
In the warm desert
Thirsting for love.

Grateful my life,
To the blue infinity of freedom
To the Sun that shines the light
That gilts the sands with golden flames
And the Sea that hums a lullaby
Whose waters rise and fall with tide.
Drown the troubles, surface blessedness,
Here, where every cry diminishes.
Grateful to the Nature, Earth and Water
For the yields,
Sweet fruits,
Bees on flowers,
Honeyed lips,
Coconut in the palms of my hands
And the wild beasts
That emboldened me.
The compassionate
And the charitable.
To the seed of men,
Mothers that birth
Children that warm our hearts
And the old that leave this Earth,
And the snakes that devour the pests,
And the bird that on your shoulder rests,
And a camel that winks with her eye,
That knows how to smile.
So rejoice,
now and not tomorrow.
May the world be as such,
Life a song without a wail
Serene like a fairytale.

Saša Milivojev
Translated by Ljubica Yentl Tinska

— The End —