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Who are these leaders
Who choose grim gruesome wars
A solution, over peace

History haunts
Grieves and taunts
Knowing what wars bring along

Technologically empowered
Primitive and regressive in thoughts
Progressive world, are we ?

Yet to free ourselves
From the microscopic being
Held us captive as jewels in its crown

In cages the minds swept
Invisible the buildup
Outcome, one can see, outbursts

Disconnected, broken some remain
Breaking what they can’t own
Will this war come to an end
Prayers for peace 🙏

Silent whispers
Purple spoke to pink
Lavender winked
Somewhat convinced
Sugar red hibiscus
From his bed of green
Sprung into the conversation
With purple and pink
Yellow blush
Nine o clocks
Had to attend the briefing
By the sun
In his next meeting
The flowers seemed not to be in a rush
All, recently bloomed
They had moments enough  
To live
They tried to make the most of it
Under the rays of the sun
Flowers 🌸 🔆🌿🌿
Written - 23/07/2021
Once you enter
you're never coming back
See every inch has been mined with all those 500 traps
You'll have better luck in Vegas
Than getting by the post poem impasse
No matter a like , love or repost
Your intentions have been ghost
The few that do remain
prove the rule of "insane"
The blue bird flies
Colours of its feathers
Merges with the sky

Golden ribbons shimmered
Through the trees
Blue bird, mid air whirs, catches a fly

The blue bird sings
Verditer Flycatcher, the name
That’s my name, my name, my name
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