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Silent paws tread cautiously
With a mischievous glint
And a Cheshire grin.
The cat tilts over everything,
With a satisfactory glee.

The fiendish feline knocks over things,
Very well aware of my annoyance.
She leaves no corner undamaged,
And no object unbroken in pieces.

Preaching her wonderful ideology,
Of giving me no sense of peace!
Her thoughts are cold and numb
Her lips have stopped to hum,
A little song of love and joy.
After her heart was casted away-
In the dark vortex, like a toy.
.Ducks share ponds
with you, so what’s
this rat référence, if
you are a herbivore?

  Is someone trying
  to give you a bad
  name, and for why,
  I am asking myself?

  Vermin, I heard said
  of you, obviously only
  familiar with rodents,
  a Rent-O-**** person.

  We all know he tried
  get rid of Donny T &
  failed, now you are on
  the hit list, BEVARE !!

Poem for Elon Musk
I'm an athlete.
I can throw and catch,
and run in the sun-
all shiny and bright.
And you just sleep, sleep, sleep.
Look at me, mama.
I'm a writer.
I do poetry and stories,
all pretty and pink,
and all you do is,
sleep, sleep, sleep.
Look at me, mama.
I can dance.
I'm lonely,
I'll move to France,
meet a woman, get married.
Look at the ants crawl through
the spilled red juice on
the grass; nature everywhere,
as you sleep, sleep, sleep.
Look mama,
look at me, mama!
I have children now,
all good and wise,
you're a grandma.
Why don't you wake up?
Please look at me, mama.
I'm lonely and afraid.
I'm old now, and cold,
and you still,
sleep, sleep, sleep...
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry and go on boat adventures. Lol

My recently published limited edition e-book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories is available on Booksie .com
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