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An urge
to fall on my face in the embers
scoop them up in my palms to give me scars that I'd remember
To Pray
God would take his very fingertips
rip open my chest
and throw my heart at the nearest star
because that kind of surrender
that kind of sacrifice
is much too far
when all I can think about is how far
I've fallen,
from what I thought He wanted me to be.
Consume me with warranted zealotry.
I am tired of praying But not feeling.
I am tired of doing and not being.
Release me from all I can't break free from.
 Sep 2012 saoirse
I’m wondering which will go first. Will my lungs explode from the incapability of breathing? Or will my heart burst from the longing of something that isn’t there anymore? I’m not sure which will happen first, but, I know that both are inevitable. I went back to the place where you and I went for our 1st date today. It’s been nearly eight years now. I miss everything about you. The disease has become worse for me. The pain in my chest is excruciating. I feel as if no one understands the extent of pain that I’m going through.
Everything is slowly blurring from my mind. I hope that one day the sickness and lonely desertion will go away. I hope that time heals my wounds. But for now I hope that this day will end soon. I pray for a change. I wish you were here. I need you to make my pain go away. I wish you could caress me in your arms. I walked around the desolate town today. I only saw shadows of where you had been.
Suddenly, I am falling, although I’m not sure as to where I’m going. Things turn from color to black and white. And then, all at once, I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. I realize, then, that I am falling forward onto gray concrete. I scream out “Help” but all I hear are faint voices in the distance. I feel nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Time has passed now, I feel as if I’m a ghost inside my own mind.
Then, out of no where, comes your hand. I know it is yours because your veins are distinct. You have one on the left side of your right hand that protrudes through your skin. Then, I see your eyes, bright & enchanting green with specks of brown in them. I can see the brown now because we’re in the sunlight. The sun gets bigger & the sky becomes bluer. You’re pulling me up from the concrete. I don’t know how or why this is happening. What I do know is that it feels like a dream. Maybe it is. I can’t be sure. But then I feel your hand intertwine with mine & you say “Are you okay, Margaret? I’ve missed you terribly.”
I know that this is all in my head. I know that I’m dead and that you are, as well. I’m happy that the pain is gone, though. I’m glad we’re together once more. I never thought that such a place was real. That the flowers are blooming and the trees are swaying in the gentle breeze. You have my hand and we are walking down this path. I don’t know where we’re going. I do know that it is so beautiful here. To be happy is to be in a place that brings you happiness. I know that this is true. Being here for an eternity is much better than the pain I felt while existing without you.
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Andrew Monroe
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Andrew Monroe
If you see my potential
If you see how I can change
If you see the amazing things I could be
Please leave now

If I show you my scars and you think they can heal
If I have a few pounds you think I can loose
If you have faith my income can grow
Please leave now

If you know I could be all you want me to be
If you know I can overcome all of this
If you know I can become the man you want
Please leave now

If you see differences but not shortcomings
If you see unique oddities that add to my charm
If you describe my quirks as adorable
If this version of me is complete enough for you
Then stay a while
 Sep 2012 saoirse
I want to go outside and run till I can't run anymore and then run some more.
To run till my legs give out and I've forgotten it all.
But you can't out run your past, can you?
Sadly it follows you everywhere you go.
You can never quite forget it.
Always nagging at the back of your mind.
A steady reminder of the pain and horror.

I sit in the corner curled up rocking  back and forth.
I concentrate on forgetting. Clear your mind.
Forget who you are, pretend your Winnie the Pooh being careless and trusting. Eat Huney and laugh a lot. Play with Hang out with Piglet and go visit Roo later. Be innocent.

Deep breaths..
Just relax.
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Angie Sea
Liquor in my head I want you in my bed
That's the text I sent

We went from wandering crowds
to the shall I call you asked

We met
went to bed

But the night didn't end
You molded into the way I bent

Legs almost braided
Fingers interlaced

And I knew I'd never been held just so
How dangerously vulnerable I'd become

In your hands
Between your lips

Wetter and harder
how easily we reacted

Our hearts I thought would explode
Beating you on top of trembling me

It was perfect dreamlike
the closest I'd been to a fairy tale

There was that desperate catching of breathes
from the space between our lips

The purest sweat
from our most primal tumbling

And we held tight so tight
to any part we could hold on to

Our movements in awe
of the fluidity of pleasure

And we held tight
Me to you

You to all of me
Pulling me even closer

Physical emotion
through the echoing vibrations

And I'm thinking about you
in ways too deeply

Of you being deeply
inside of me
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Deana Luna
What will it be like
when I first see you in december
how will it feel to touch you again?
will I touch you again?
will it ever be the same?

Our lives will have changed so much over these couple months apart
will the sound of my name still leave your lips in a rose hued haze?
or will it fall flat only to be realized a moment too late?

When will the sadness end?
waiting staring at the clock tick tick tock
it keeps going non stop tick tock tick tick
yet gets slower every time I look back
tick            tock         tick

A month can go by in an instant
but the thoughts of you are slower than time can comprehend
so it maliciously stops and lags and makes me think of you incessantly
and never lets it end
until it does

But not for long
not longer than a couple quick moments because time doesn't make sense
it never has with you
and now it's proving its point

Well I don't need any **** points to be proven
let me sleep or I'll die of desperation
let me sleep let me sleep!
but time's not that kind
you deserve this it says
you deserve this for falling in love

So I deserve this.
I deserve this massacring of mind
because I fell for you

But I can't stop thinking
what will it be like?
to see you to touch you to feel you
how will you respond?

The night that special night
in my bed
the last time we saw each other
before we both left
that magical night
words were spoken bodies were touched
but none of the words mattered
none of them could make sense of our emotions
nothing came close
no sounds could describe what we were feeling

So we lied there on my bed and you slipped your fingers
inside me
and you showed me stories instead of told me
and you showed me my body
and you opened my soul
and you took out my bruised heart
and you held it so tightly
and you whispered to it
it's alright
everything will be alright
the bruises will heal far sooner than you think
and some won't
and that's ok
because I love you

And that's how I accepted it
our parting
because you whispered into my heart
into my soul
my body
you loved me
you still do
and I do too.
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Claire Waters
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Claire Waters
i woke up at four am
you had died approximately three hours before
i got chills and lay impossibly still
with wide eyes
there was something
all around me

i climbed cautiously
down to the bathroom
to smoke a cigarette
as if someone
was watching

i drank a lot
of water

now whenever i get chills
i think it is you
trying to touch me

today as i methodically
wiped down tables
a radio broadcast in the background
was having a deep
sunday night personal in-depth hour
on the talk show
and all this losing a loved one
and a piece of me
is really getting to me
because you're still here
aren't i breathing?

this feeling is not a wishbone
it breaks evenly
and we walked away
with half of each
 Sep 2012 saoirse
Olga Valerevna
have you ever felt like your words were rain
like they were meant for only the thirstiest souls
and as soon as you opened your mouth, you began the search
which turned into a realization -
every single person needs water
including you
sometimes one single cup is enough
(those sporadic moments spent with strangers you'll never see again)
others demand more
time be the gauge
as for those you're in constant contact with
well, measure infinity
if (and only if) it is so, what you're pouring out can only be what you've taken in
these two are one and the same
well, we must be in a drought
Just some jibber jabber.
swimming in a dropout ocean
drowning in disease
scented waters sleeping in
discussing bended knees

swelling ear drums underwhelmed
living in a giving tree
standing under shadowed rainfall
continuously breaking keys

taking time run out tonight
climbing my own refugee
single spirited willow jars
sorting through debris
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