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3.8k · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
now that iv fallen i shall pick myself up
dust myself
clean myself purify myself
wash my spirit and keep moving

walk high be a man

respect myself get success
be a gentleman
respect all but trust non work
hard play hard rewarded
be handsome go internetional
look good  

#look good
# sj # keep cool calm and collected
# move on
# 1 day
1.8k · Oct 2015
hApPy BiRtHdAY BrOThEr
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Happy birthday day older
Brother have a blessed year
And wish you more to come
You in a mission for greatness
But i wish you the greatest
My spirit dances and my
Energy is that of a cheetah which doesnt get tired everytime i
Think about you brother
You none like the rest of the older
Brothers you unique with
Taste and a good advisor and motivator and i am blessed to
Have a brother like you
Happy birthday bro
1.3k · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
carried out by the whistling
tune my whisteling tune which no
instrument can immitate
my whistling tune which plays
on the heavens above my whilstling
tune which is magnificent, innocent
and creative

i cherich my whistle tune it gives me
my own identity my own signature
my own creativity my whistling tune
is the best for i whistle evry rise of the burning star to the the rottating of the coin
my whistle tune goes like this


its touches my sences presess my
my hunger for success pushes me where
their is no limit for i love my whistle tune
#whistle with me
keep cool calm and collected
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
you broke my last hope on us
you failed to see how much i love
you took me for gratenge
i begged for your love with blood n tears
fought all my battels for you
gave you all my love  

but you failed to see how much i love you

i kept on going till i was broken
you telling me about ******* who i dont even care about
is this how you want it to be
talking to your bestfriend and making yourself believe that i dont love you after all iv done for us
i feel ashamed and guity because you failed to see how much i love you
you mean the world to me but you have tured you back on me made me kneel down for you but still you failed to see how much i love you

now i have to let you go exit your life this wasnt my plan but we have made it like this so we gotta take what life throws at us i love you but i hate the fact that you fail to see how much i love you
by the time you read this it will be too late  
i love you but they say if you love something let it go if it comes back then its yours

i love u Nolwazi but you failed to see how much i love you so i gotta let you go
# not ohk
#23:59 # brake
1.0k · May 2016
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2016
I look up in the sky everything is normal
With the clouds forming images reminds me
Of the good old days
Laying down on the field field with grass
Which is crystal green I wonder why
Do we turn our backs from enemies
Because that way its easy for them
To back stab you
I wonder why do we think that we
Are living a good life when
We don't hear the sound waves of hearts
Everytime we eat.

Everything happens for a reason
Because its DESTINY..! But iv beg
To differ we make our own destinies
You live the life that you choose
Join the culture that you like .

But at the end of the day I'm
Just talking to myself its funny
How inspiration can come in different
Ways for me it started by looking
At the clouds.
#make your own destiny
1.0k · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
push the reset button!
push the reset button!

should i?
shouldnt i?

i should push this reset button you deserve it you deserve happyness like other people you are very special surely i have to push the reset button to make you happy to creat memories which are better then before i cannot stand by and watch you being so unhappy it was my fault at the first place so it is my responsibility to help you get back to ur feet and walk with u to a certain destination where i wont be able to walk with u it is my responsibility to make sure u happy  so i decide to push the reset button
#be cool calm n collected
1.0k · Jul 2016
Sandile JUNIOUR Jul 2016
Is it true am inlove or love is in me
Does she love me im doubting
You've never done anythng wrong but
For some reason my gut feeling has lost faith
You dont tell me that you love me ...but you
Call me baby ...i aint no baby im grown now
No..its my fault for not beiliving in you.
I trust you maybe its your ways that i dont believe
In confused all that i have ..
But am i all that you have ..? Im just being insecure
Ofcourse i am ..right..?
#maybe it is
929 · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
push the reset button!
push the reset button!

should i?
shouldnt i?

i should push this reset button you deserve it you deserve happyness like other people you are very special surely i have to push the reset button to make you happy to creat memories which are better then before i cannot stand by and watch you being so unhappy it was my fault at the first place so it is my responsibility to help you get back to ur feet and walk with u to a certain destination where i wont be able to walk with u it is my responsibility to make sure u happy  so i decide to push the reset button
#be cool calm n collected
911 · Jan 2016
pretty dark
Sandile JUNIOUR Jan 2016
The pretty white light I had
Flashed off now there's only
A pretty dark light within me
This dark light makes me see
The beauty of darkness
And it took away my fear of
Darkness I'd prefer it to be dark,
The globe not to shine nor to be
Dim,People are scared of what they
Can't see, they are scared of the
In chanting night the darkness is not
So bad because it is my light
The beautiful darkness
858 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Thank you for showing me that i was too child minded
Thank you for helping me unlock
My unknown talent
That you for celebrating in my wins and moaning in my losses
Thank you for making me see things in a defferent coloured nature
Thank you for teaching me about love
Thank you for the amazing experiences that you shared with me
Thank you for being there for me when i needed you to be
Thank you for reaching into my inner deep thoughts and making them your own
Thank you for loving me unconditionally
Thank you for making me feel like a men
Thank you for trusting me and telling me your deepest secrets
Thank you for never judging me like everybody did
Thank you for being in my team all these years
Thank you for the wisdome that you've shared with me
Thank you for impacting me on creativitiyness
Thank you for setting me free of myself

Thank you nolwazi joubert
You the best
854 · Sep 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Sep 2015
I am sophisticated in
my own way I addmire
the summer for I get to
cool off  

I am sophisticated
because I make sure that
my dreams become reality
why can't you see that
I love my imagination
I love you more then you know

I am sophisticated
because I handled the
pain of the unknown that
you caused now I'm an addict
the passion of rap is
what I've got just like the
passion of writing that you've
got I never tryed to fit in
I was just sharing my deepest
desires with you for me to
be on stage not for the women
but for my licking

I am sophisticated
because I learnt to
make my dream a reality
and you've never
supported me on that dream
now you claiming that you love
me while I loved
you unconditionally
yea I'm a "rap addict"
at least some people
appreciate what I do
people who are loyal and wish
for the best out of me

I am sophisticated because
I follow what I believe in.
claiming that you love me
# I'm not a player I play my music whatsup with u
#over reacting
#keep cool calm and collected
847 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
the unexpected manifested
i told my people that its gonna happen
i rang the bell a thousand time
i talked too our sherift with a loud and clear
voice but there was no reaction
they thought that i was being foolish
i was tooken for grantage now look
what happen  
they now all on the knees apologiesing to
me for what its too late the unexpected
happen infront of everybody
i heard by the whispering air that it had happend now whos foolish now whos being
sycho i deserved that respect along time ago
now you give me its not okay
you people took me for grantage the unexpected happend look what u did
#ignorance people
#whrz the love and respect
#keep cool calm and collected
816 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
that beatiful smile that
you have you would make my day
full with joy everytime i saw you smile
my heart would jump out of joy
my body would feel like dancing
that beautiful smile
that i letted go
but i still keep that beautiful  smile in memory
for it gets me thru tough times and rough times
that beautiful smile that kills me inside when i peep at your profil pics that beautiful smile
that shined brighter then the sun she so bezzar so independent
my thought of that beautiful smile
starts my day
#sj # missing you alot
# beauty in you
774 · Dec 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Dec 2015
I stood so firm giving out my speech to people who really inspire to me people who care I felt like I was rare up on the stage and giving condolences to all my fans nice life but would clash wood smooth wooden chair but thoughs going wild on the air drank champagne looking at a crowed all there to celebrate me I new this was the start of something, something very sparky iv never felt so alive it was about time I waked up and shine but would clash wood wearing my Italian suit looking like the person on my mirror wooden door I was trying to open but thoughts all over thr door would this happen...??? Kept asking me questions but I found the answeres while I was celebrating ..
This poem is about me thinking about my performance which is gonna take place live( TV ) every time I came across something wooden I would wounder and think so I named it would clash wooden
735 · Jan 2016
Sandile JUNIOUR Jan 2016
One body is a title
Two bodies are more then a title
Iv researched and found
Out that everything is a title
The air that strokes down your hair well if you have some hair its titled the wind,the ground that we walk on is titled the ground,the fresh aroma that you wake up to in the morning that doesn't Quinch you're thirst but make you're body temperature to slowly inflate with heat its called Coffee

Everything has its own title and its own purpose so

Everybody seem to have miss placed their ghost on this question would they ever find it..?
Life time
693 · Nov 2015
flaming atmosphere
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Today has been hot
The suns heat is our new body guard
Its these days when you
Sleep half naked because of the
Interaction you facing with the heat
Youe ice cream melts
You have to **** it fast
Your body needs water
You have to drink fast

My little town is hell
The heat is always flaming
Its too hot couldn't finish this poem
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Iv been thinking stressing
About you not that I thought
You where dripping tears about
Me but I was not willing to
Leave the town without saying
Goodbye and just to see you happy
Just for you to say your happy made me feel in lighted of course the light was in me so you couldn't see it
Seeing you happy was my only last wish I had in this place mission complete to my subconscious I told them that you where happy,but its those arguments you have with yourself but if your happy I'm happy and that has fueled me up for my next journey I keep say thank you but I don't think you've ever wondered why but thank you NOLWAZI JOUBERT MABILISI mega love for you
681 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Happy birthday to a
Fellow poet she's been
Gifted with the gift of writing
She cannot let go of the pen

All to well our fellow poet
Is a magestic imaginative one
She sweet as the candy mountain
Bold as a holly spirits she
Faces her darkness with a conquering pose

Happy birth day to our
Fellow poet for she is now
Chasing after her adult life without
Fear happy birth day Joubert
Follow Nolwazi joubert
At hello poetry and just say happy
Birthday she's part of the family
676 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
sorry mama for my pride
ignorence im sorry for your
incedent at the bridge my lord saved
your life may lord God be your superhero
continuosly for all the days of your  life

#mom  #sj.
# keep cool calm and collected
670 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
as i was indoors with nobody
around locked myself inside my
room everything was still not even a
sound of the wind blowing

There comes this noise out of dead silence
a flash back a glimce of my past and
future my present i was shorked
and started talking to my subconcious
the noice came again out of
dead silence i heard your voice saying "I LOVE U" and "WHERE ARE YOU SANDILE"
i took my purple note book which i we
wrote about all our things and came across
our special song the lyrics wrote by me and you the song came out of thin air and
started playing in my head by then i knew that i was making a huge mistake looking at your pictures after then paralised me  i was
frighten in a coner then there comes this noise out of dead silence saying "I LOVE YOU"
missing you alot
# keep cool calm and collected
643 · Dec 2015
lying on my filthy bed
Sandile JUNIOUR Dec 2015
Oh girl how I wish to
See your mother you're
Face is a reflection of an Angel
But you disappointed god when
You slept with me in my *****
I saw real passion in you
The sense of Adventure that made
Me start perusing all over your
Body I though you where the one
But you just one of the others
Girl you made me happy but you disappointed me you slept in my
Filthy bed though you where high
Class but you where not high enough
You say you love me, then you wouldn't have slept with me.
I broke you virginity now its open
For eternity,
Lying on my ***** bed feeling
Satisfied but I was paranoid
I love you but you love me more,  
Girl looking at you're eyes trying to
See you're desire of what you want to do with me and i see you lying on
My ***** bed.
these hoes
627 · Nov 2016
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2016
Whilist i was strugling to
Find myself again.
You came in to my life
A full generated spark happend between us.

You loved me for me
And not for who you wanted me to be
You give me support when i am on
The stage.

Your loving gentle hands mended my
Broken heart and patched my wounds.
I told you about my past
I took you to my tribe
I showed you my mom .

I trust you.
You allow me to be me
And you bring out the best of me.
Love you num-numz...She said be who you are # i became a star
619 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Just like numbers
And maths you gotta
Add l multiplied,subtract and
Divided them
I added up my strategies
In life multiplied my friends
For more opportunities
Subtracted the people that I
Don't need in my life and
Divided my friends from the
Life lessons are constantly
Evolving inside my head
I follow no man that's why I'm
A prodigy in what I do
I think before I move the next
Piece I look and strategies before
Action its all added up
The heart causes problems
The mind keeps you focus
Iv added up my wisdom
And I know where my kingdom is
I know where I'm going I'm an
Asset not a liability
I am strong and not weak as
My pillow I stand for myself
I was born alone
I just added simple
612 · Oct 2015
Ms RiGhT
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Ms right is nowhere to
Be found

Ms right where are you
Cant you see my shivering
Heart needs your warm love

Dear Ms right iv been waiting
For you for a while now
You know yourself if you
Reading this....I LOVE YOU

Iv been patiently waiting for
You out side my house of dreams
I haven't made no move
Make you're move thats how
I'll arrest you're heart at will

Ms right Mrster right is hear
For you and he loves you
And he'll never play tricks on you
He will rise you up when you down
Chear you when you sad cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh

Ms right where are you!???
Still wainting for my love .....
586 · Oct 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Another page
another wage another
war the countries are
corrupt because of
power cease all this

but who am I to
flip the page it was
destined to happen
my mood is a zero
my dreams of a peaceful
world are a mear mortal

sliding in between my back
I can never reach them
people nor "leaders" are
condemned by power
they are all evilly posse
this century keeps weakening
the earth people claim to
be organised but
yet I see them with
***** hearts

this aid is always active but
no one will ever answer
these people are horrific
these leaders are abonation
to the nation, but it is destiny
this world is coming to
an end and I am happy
570 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
as i sat on my bed covered
myself with a warm blanket
i felt warm but outside is cold
this winter is gonna affect me too much
ill be wearing several types of
wool make sure that the merciless winds
dont touch me
and stay away from the outside
this winter im gonna keep myself warm
and protected
hope for a warmer tomorrow
i want to be covered
but my thoughts say  i miss your cold
#cold #warm
567 · May 2015
make your move
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
i cannot do anything now
its all on you
make a move before its too late
i love you and i promissed
you that ill never beg for your love
if it wasnt for that i would have been on my
knees in tears asking for your love
i cannot do anything make a move on
me i love you
im waiting for you make a move plz
#keep cool calm and collected
553 · Dec 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Dec 2015
Iv had it with you  so called Christian you claim to be following God but you're eyes are blind they are following the devil,holy you are infected with false teaching there is, you can claim that you know better but you and I are the same holly holly you try to be wearing skirts that touches your kneez and caring a bible and thinking you are saved..!! You are condemned by light and darkness you fail to see what is real and the fact is you very selfish,rude,not kind that's blue ivy you have there resting within you you call me crazy what does that make you...!! Ha...!! A ***** you say I'm I'm stupid and I need to go to mental hospital that's why you came to a gun fight with a blunt knife, your wrong you think you know it all but you just the other chicks iv met ain't nothing special about you wake up and be in the world where you realised that you not a God follower you just a pretender realise that you not going anywhere with life a simple happy birthday request you turned it into a battle arina haha. ..holly holly your not indeed
I'm tired of watching people pretend in my present real facts
552 · Oct 2015
50 ways to say goodbye
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
goodbye the word with more
emotion then others
7 letters representing 50 feelings
50 ways to say goodbye
seperated by the train of life
i never got to say goodbye
eye to eye
551 · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
the tricks of this world they take
place without your notice
when they strike its like all your power
your dominion is put to test

i sometimes wonder if God tests his angels
for they r as quiet as shinning bulb
but as strong as lion  

1 soul can make heaven happy
no love is just an inttativity of gratitude
my soul as patient as it is waiting for it to assend it has nver spoken a word
my spirite is under the covernate of thy God
my love is paitiantly waiting for the right time for it to arrise and be natured again

1 soul no love
#sad # lonly
542 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
how could i be so perthetic
my love for you is bigger then then jupiter
i feel a wall between us
this wall is effecting us keeping you from
seeing how much i love you

how could i be so perthetic
i let you go i regret it
but a wall can never stop two lovers but
it is a challenge for one you fear pain
but what about me??

yes/no im craving for that answer
i wanna know that answere yes/no do you love me
yes/no do you need me
yea/no do you miss me

im just curious it seems like
your life is better without me
your making your self fearsome and strong
i just want you happy
but do you wanna see me happy?  
i dont know  about this wall between us but i
love you addmitt it now before its too late and im not their when you get over your fear of love please bellatrix plz
#keep cool calm and collected
528 · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
if you truly love me you
will tell me if you dont you
will tell me

i cant speak for you i cant think for
you i cant do anything
what are you waiting for what where
you waiting for tell me that you love me
and let the heavens rejoice let
the pple see the love that they thought
had died still lives  what are you waiting for?
many thingz have happen without you

iv told you that things are not the same
what where you waiting for you told me that you would love me forever but just some few weeks ago you didnt know if you loved me or not

if you love me you
will tell me if you dont you
will tell me

you say that you want to fix things but i see no action im not holding you back i dont have a problem with you

if  you love me you
will tell me if you dont you
will tell me
#unknown love
# keep cool calm and collected
524 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Another day in the blue
With people who are
Frenemies with the sun as
Hot as a burbinig stove plate
And the day as normal as the safari

Peope lack the energy to
Get thier inquiries so they send me as if i was a deciple a student and they are teachers
But i was raised learning
To do something positive that will in lighten me and never be a sevent to a human they think this is a new day but to me its another day

Another day in the light side
Trying to inhance my tomorrow
Its too blury waiting for the deleting of this day to happen while sitting on a stool and following the shade

Another day
515 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
i feel so missunderstood im
no bad guy i wasnt a villan wearing a mask
i was never a person of lasting lies time flys by day after day feeling so missunderstood
nobody cares about my

my mission wasnt to target and destroy but was to nature and love with pation and grace i wanted to teach you a lesson but it turned out to be the end of our story

i feel so missunderstood because i love you but am taken as a liar a wommerniser im just a boy in need of your love and happyness
i wanna grow with you but you see me as a fool

tried to teach u a harsh lesson it turned out to be that the cadles whr blown out and the smake from the cadles are just our memories fadding up into thin air but the two cadles still stand fermly

i feel so missunderstood
# sj
# keep cool calm and collected
509 · Dec 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Dec 2015
my life is my life I have seen iv gained knowledge of things that are assumptions and dissaproved by others but iv learnt to live not by the word of other people but I live in my principalls I love GOD and I have a personal relationship with him which doesn't reach the public but because people always assume they talk too much they forget that they can't trust themselves,Remember your teeth always bites you tounge once in a while when you look at the mirror you looking at you're best friend and worst enemy so judge not my life, no one is holly in this world even pastors sin even you sin, this is my life I believe in facts and amused by scientifiction I use my gift to get my heart desires this my life.
No hard feeling but stay  off
508 · Sep 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Sep 2015
the wind is blowing
the sun is shinning
the clouds are gathering themselves
and leaving
that makes me wonder
about about my love for
that girl I letted go

the trees are growing
the stars are shinning
the atmosphere is changing
i feel like I did the wrong thing
ms unknown why do I regret
what I did

the rainbow is colourful
the ocean is bright
the earth is rotating
I feel like there is a murk
over my head loose such
a soul and gain nothing
Ms unknown why did you
let this happen have
you forgoten our times
that we've shared
I try to move on but my heart
wont let go it wants nothing but

the fire burns
I still confess my wrongs
you know them all but my apologies for
getting fad up with being quiet
imma use what you've tough
me as positive forse
and get your attention
and I hope you will pay attention
Cz my soul is restless
need you back but is it too late ?
or do I still have time ?
#it got the best of me
#need u in my arms #im late
498 · Oct 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Life a mans best gift
Life has no friends
But makes more friends
Life is good
But life is bad
The unsung rythm
Of mischievous delirious
Melodic hypnotizing
Song of life is unknown
Life has a stellar evolution
And a fish out of water

Life is a treat paid with
Your silenced soul  life
Is fun, just like a pond
It evaporates so enjoy
Life leave space for
Life is great
But dont get to comfortable
Or u might wear the mask of happiness
496 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
I am angry i was angry
Will i be angry everytime
I frown the world turns
Up side down

I am special im not
In disguise this is the
Real me,what now cant you
Stop judging me!
The world turns up side down again
In this matter
I am forced to smile in
The darkness

I am a king i know
That i am honored by my
Loyal sevance they where
Named by the unknown
The first one named
1-heart he keeps me updated with how im feeling and is my trusted advisor
2-mind he is my night a brave worrior against life and confusion
3-eyes for they see incoming danger
And alerts my night
4-ears for they hear the tip-toes of my enemies traspesing and mostly know for listining to smooth rythms
5-mouth for they are the sounds of my kingdome

I have no reason to be scared of anything
I have believed that the world turns
Up side down because
I am a special king

I smile when im angry
#i smile when im angry
#up side down
489 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Another day in the blue
With people who are
Frenemies with the sun as
Hot as a burbinig stove plate
And the day as normal as the safari

Peope lack the energy to
Get thier inquiries so they send me as if i was a deciple a student and they are teachers
But i was raised learning
To do something positive that will in lighten me and never be a sevent to a human they think this is a new day but to me its another day

Another day in the light side
Trying to inhance my tomorrow
Its too blury waiting for the deleting of this day to happen while sitting on a stool and following the shade

Another day
475 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
Wai so dim in this world
That we dwel in
So many countries with talent
But none with light
Its getting more darker
As we imagine about the up
Coming light
World wide peace is a myth
And world wide mess is reality
I am glued to my chair willingly
I have the front seat of my life
It might be tough but i
Improvise im hipnotized but willingly im condemed willingly but just like a star i am bright
There is a start and end for history
Now its all in our memories dont blinck because you might miss youre destiny
Its so dark in here # Chinese language
471 · Jun 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2015
as i sat on my bed covered
myself with a warm blanket
i felt warm but outside is cold
this winter is gonna affect me too much
ill be waering several types of
wool make sure that the merciless winds
dont touch me
and stay away from the outside
this winter im gonna keep myself warm
and protected
hope for a warmer tomorrow
i want to be covered
but my thoughts say  i miss your cold
#cold #warm
467 · Nov 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Nov 2015
I see a tsunami coming with
Blessing i see a thunder storm shower bringing down blessings
I feel the temperature increasing
Just to heat up all my unpopped
Tallents i fight with the wind but it seems like its pushing me to my destiny.

These are gonna be some powerful blessings Watch out for the broadcast
let it rain
465 · Oct 2015
fame without known
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
I woke up to a bright sunny
Day the sun was in me
And by that time none of
The voices in my head have
Have noticed that im awake
It was a normal cloudy blue
Day with my brother snoring
In his room as i made my bed
And walked gently down the passage
With my bare feet and half clothed
Body i heard a bird singing a beautiful song when i got to
The bathroom i looked at my self a vision just ticked everything i have
Every desired was their 30000 people shouting my name, jay! Jay! Jay!
,when the vision vanished in a blink of an eye, leaving my mouth wide open my body a statue and face my a picture my soul roketing up to space and my heart changing melodies by then i had realized that i was famous but yet unknown.
Changing my life
Be what iv always wanted to do
458 · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
my heart is sobber and stabbed, that pain that i felt when i  first broke up with you, i know that you are deeply hurt you lost a part of you i swear that i was clumzy, i always dreamt about our love being forever, together forever that was the plan im deeply in love with you but do you love me?? am i fooling myself by saying i love u? ? im not i always loved you please love me back

Notes (optional)
442 · Jun 2016
Sandile JUNIOUR Jun 2016
Everyone yet no one is trustable
I cant discover new love,I'm still
Starring at the old one,too many problems
Noise I think I drank a slow poison because
I feel like my body is giving up.
#just need privacy.  Time to think
436 · Oct 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Im am not
Ordinary a billion
People in this blue
Planet and i was the
One who sees
The reality of being my
Individual me i am overwhelmed
When im alone
The people of this world will
Never understad me
I am out of a thousand i was put
Besides not that im the chosen
One but because i love my privacy
I dont follow the heard
I follow the star i was concieved
And raised alone not that
Im a stranded island but i know
That i should trust none
But respect all
424 · May 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
No love,No love
No not anymore it has torcherd me for
to long i use to serve it i was committed,dedicated, inspired by it but now
it turned the tables on me beated me up until i was on my knees, begging for it to love me again, It told me that you will never get that love again now at that moment, I defended my self from letting it go and
i was then clouded by anger never felt the love on the air,forced to face the fact that love doesnt exist , i now know that those feelings i had for her where worthless
now im all alone and that how i like it
I will nver play with love again better
i like then love

#fact love doesnt exist
#dont be fooled
# keep cool calm and collected
423 · Oct 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
the tingly feeling
I feel like I wanna run the
whole universe in
an blink of an eye
I feel like something unforgettable
is gonna happen happy I feel
my heart smiling and being
jumpy hush my heart stay calm
move to your rhythm
because your beat keeps me
I wonder
I'm so happy
422 · Oct 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
father said he would show
up after work me
and my mom waited
for him we called
him he never picked
up his phone
I was too anxious to
see him I was standing
on my toes at the window
waiting for  father to
arrive then after an hour
my little toes couldn't
carry me and the exitment
disappeared my body was
of an electrical cattle
I tried to be cool but I had already
reached my boiling point
and my range coming out like
steam from my body

father said he would come
and he did I had no patient
I had a great night with
my dad I love my dad
funny dad
awesome dad
he came
396 · Sep 2015
Sandile JUNIOUR Sep 2015
you have infected me with
the passion for writing
I've been writing ever since I
went to PMB in my
heart I know that you left
me for a reason

I was so nieave wanted control
and was impatient to see
you one more time but
I failed to see my wrong therefore

I know that there's nothing I
can do to get your attention again
but as much as my  fire was
burning in high temperature
I've decreased it and made it a
burning history

you've probably found another
guy who's better then me
that's ohk with me as long as you
rejoice over him
and for me Im living life in

another perspective state
but I still miss u
even though I'm also happy
with my new life but theirs a
blank space that will be filled
but it surely won't
be you

love is a metaphor for deepest
feelings I had feelings for you
but its high time we moved on
thank you for your marvelous
time that you've shared with
me in your life wish you the
#happy #live live live
#keep cool calm n collected
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