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We collect things
play with them awhile
put them away
where they accumulate

The unfinished project
in the garage
The clothes you are wearing right now
The dirt under your fingernails
the people who call you by name
the randomness of it all
becomes part of the story

This rainy day
a couple weeks before Christmas
feels like home
no happy ending
just old hands
soft  to touch.
 Jul 2016 samuel austin
Austin B
What is it about staring through a window of a moving vehicle that makes it so dramatically surreal. Maybe the window represents a barrier between reality and dreams. Our thoughts hiding deep in the sky waiting to be plucked from the clouds. Knowing that once you stop gleaming into this portal of innate consciousness you have to either take flight to your dreams and aspirations and take hold of life's ultimate achievability of happiness. Or be content with reality and remain behind the pane of glass that gave you a glimpse of your own reflection of where you want to be. Maybe it's the ability to see the stars at night while pretending you're in a movie. The final scene where there is a happily ever after and whatever music is playing creates the perfect setup for what could be the best picture of your life. Or maybe it's the constant idea of moving and visually understanding new things around you. The idea of something new every mile sparks an interest of curiosity in your mind of what if's and could haves. Where do I want to go, where do I want to be. The thing that people tend to miss is you get chances everyday to be on the other side of that window. So next time you arrive back to reality to wherever you are in this world remember you can always change your destination.

— The End —