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zumee May 2019
A Mother's Love is like a Rose
Sustains in soft abundance
her bees and birds, but to their foes
her petals: Razor Diamonds
Happy belated Mother's day :}
zumee Oct 2018
Oh well grow all you need to grow
inside my spine
And then take what you need to take
what's yours is mine
Then just give all you want of it
to some new thing
I'll stay here, the provider of that constant sting
they call love...
Mothers, by Daughter
zumee Mar 2021
the greatest precipice
over the edge
of a mind
to fall off
the mountain
of Truth
onto a featherbed
inspired by this

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.” ~T.M.
zumee Mar 2021
"Nights are like human beings -
never interesting
till they're grown up.
Round about midnight they reach puberty.
At a little after one they come of age.
Their prime is from two to half past.
An hour later they're growing rather desperate,
like those man-eating women
waning middle-aged men
who hop around twice as violently as they ever did
in the hope of persuading themselves
that they're not old.
After four they're in full decay.
their death is horrible.
Really horrible at sunrise,
when the bottles are empty
and people look like corpses
and desire's exhausted itself
into disgust.
But it's only in the light of ends
that you can judge
beginnings and middles...

The night has just come of age.
remains to be seen how it will die.
Till then, we cannot judge it."
Point Counter Point
~Aldous Huxley
zumee Feb 2021
the only time         
                     is to connect
blocking is reactive
connecting is proactive
zumee May 2018
Virtually nonexistent
is the ability
to stay virtuous while existing
by virtue of existence
zumee Apr 2020
in your name
definably You

live me your meaning
let me live you mine
zumee Apr 2020
seeing is believing
to an eye that ever tries

showing is deceiving
when the unseen never lies
no Truth is as insecure as to require your belief
zumee Jul 2018
Dance with me
in a language free
of ‘Love’, of ‘Truth’

True Love begins to die
the moment
it’s called by a name.
zumee Oct 2018
Sneaks up on you
like consciousness
in a monkey
zumee Dec 2019
Time will come
crashing down
happily ever after
zumee Jan 2019
I showed my heart to the doctor
he said, 'you just have to quit'
he wrote himself a prescription
your name was mentioned in it

Then he locked himself in a library shelf
with the details of our honeymoon
and I hear from the nurse that he's gotten much worse
his practice is all in a ruin...
~Leonard Cohen cover by G.A.I.
zumee Apr 2019
were philosophers too
zumee Apr 2019
when lightning strikes
a mosquito
zumee May 2018
When you carry the figurative
weight of the world
on metaphorical shoulders
By some semantic glitch
Your all-too-real lower back
takes a hit.
zumee Feb 2019
To makends meet
Spends his nights
serving metaphors on a silver platter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
zumee May 2019
Along the center
  c                                                       s  
  h                                                  y  
 i     ­                                      a
 n                            w
zumee Feb 2021
to be used
as a mind-
zumee Jun 2018
Spirit awakens
rises slowly
from the depths
riding the steam
Colombian roast
to Malian rhythms
caught in the air
I breathe in
the tenth-floor Westpark view
on the northern coast
of a southern isle

Time, she is a ticking oyster
and This
dazzling, lazy morning:
her mother-of-pearl.
A sunny day, good coffee,
Oumou Sangaré, and a green view...
to want for more would be criminal.
zumee Nov 2020
     you can imagine
     is real
     is imagined
     who is
zumee Jun 2018
mounds of flesh
bouncing vigorously
off the eyeball
emoting cells
on impact

Dame Nature

If only you had a spirit form
we could ******* to
zumee May 2018
All it takes is a sharp word
pressed softly
against the semantic membrane,

And suddenly
zumee Oct 2020
I have been blessed
with more words
than I will ever use
I have no need for yours

what does your Silence have to say
zumee Jun 2019
one of these days
i'm gonna get
one of those calls
that say
one of those things
one of those souls
swallows you hole
zumee Sep 2020
but will you make it
into my funeral
zumee Oct 2018
i spy with my little eye
that's unspeakable
zumee Nov 2020
no point
being scared
being afraid
zumee Mar 2019
Every Gentleman is first
a gentle son
zumee Sep 2018
To beat Death
without crashing on purpose
You need simply drive
at the speed of Life.
zumee May 2018
would You surrender
Your festering throne
to the purge of a blade
for another game
of cosmic lottery

the one luxury
a King is ashamed to acquire
all subjects can afford it
zumee Apr 2019
Ravenous Answers
on a dying question
zumee Dec 2018
everything is infinite
once you're in the l∞p
zumee Apr 2021




your phone




the screen

merrily merrily merrily brainwashed.
but hey we're squeeky clean
zumee Mar 2019
Bi-polar bear
in the robes of a grizzly
share the heart of a butterfly
in its cocoon
What's ur diagnosis, Doc
zumee Mar 2019
"Your Shadow
how tall it stands
zumee Jul 2019
inhabitants of Earth
a different planet
in orbit around the others
zumee Apr 2019
Pain is a Captain
at the helm of every mind
painfully waiting
for a Mutiny on board
inspired by this
zumee Dec 2018
To think
that future generations
might only ever know the feeling
of shivering from the cold
by catching a fever
zumee Mar 2021
Dear Mr. Prince,
(Charming or otherwise)
If you're standing here reading this,
chances are you're on the verge
of kissing and waking me up
yet again.
So before you go ahead
******* with my beauty sleep,
a couple things I wanted to clarify:

this is NOT a rescue mission.
I know how much you want it to be,
I know how happy it made you last time,
I know I should've mentioned it before,
I know, I know, I know
I'm sorry, okay.
I'm a *****, sometimes.
But You
so caught up playing the hero,
lost in the delusion
of your secondhand-savior tale,
you didn't even notice
that I was just
I'm sorry I hadn't the heart
(nor the *****)
to pull you
off your metaphorical stallion
down to reality.
The truth is, Mr. Prince,
I just needed a ******* break.
From the house, the chores,
the dwarfs, the nagging,
the expectations,
the ******* mosquitoes,
all of it.
A word to the village Shaman
for some Oblivion-Spa potion
did the trick.
And of course,
the next thing you know
she's being hunted
by the entire ******* kingdom
as the evil old witch
who poisoned the sweet, pure,
young maiden.
Well thank ****
I stocked up
before she skipped town.
Not that she can ever be found
if she doesn't want to.

and perhaps more importantly,
I'd also like to apologize
for not mentioning before
(also for lack of heart)
((and *****))
that I'm REALLY NOT into ****.
(((and *****)))
Nothing personal,
I'm sure you're a swell guy
(when you're not playing hero)
but really,
you're barking up the wrong tree.
Please find another tree.
(There are lots of other trees)
Thank you for understanding.

P.S.: If you're tempted to get naughty with my body
while my consciousness dissolves relaxingly into the void, you should know that my friend Gladys, the 800-pound brown bear who lives a few trees down, is up from hibernating and would be more than GLAD to see you off with a hefty dose of adrenaline, or more...

P.S.2: Dear Princesses,
Please disregard ALL the above
and come say hi!
A soft kiss on the lips
is enough to bring me back
from dimensionless rest,
but if you don't believe me
and feel the need to try
something a bit more
who am I to hold it
against you?

Lesbian Snow White had a thing or two to get off her mind before falling (back) into blissful slumber...
zumee Apr 2019
a Metaphor is like a Member
the more you polish
the fuller it grows
the essence of life
springs forth
zumee Aug 2019
to a severed soul
heaven burns
just as cold
as hell
zumee Sep 2018
The sparkling animations
of man the creator:
reflecting the inner source

The forgetful companion
forever drawn to Master's light,
remains easily tamed
by a starry night sky.
zumee Apr 2019
what makes the difference
between dying of truth
and surviving a lie
is the courage it takes
as you drive in the blade
to look the other person
straight in the eye
Maybe one day I'll learn how
to ****** love properly
zumee May 2021
Sometimes a wild god comes to the table.
He is awkward and does not know the ways
Of porcelain, of fork and mustard and silver.
His voice makes vinegar from wine.

When the wild god arrives at the door,
You will probably fear him.
He reminds you of something dark
That you might have dreamt,
Or the secret you do not wish to be shared.

He will not ring the doorbell;
Instead he scrapes with his fingers
Leaving blood on the paintwork,
Though primroses grow
In circles round his feet.

You do not want to let him in.
You are very busy.
It is late, or early, and besides…
You cannot look at him straight
Because he makes you want to cry.

Your dog barks;
The wild god smiles.
He holds out his hand and
The dog licks his wounds,
Then leads him inside.

The wild god stands in your kitchen.
Ivy is taking over your sideboard;
Mistletoe has moved into the lampshades
And wrens have begun to sing
An old song in the mouth of your kettle.

‘I haven’t much,’ you say
And give him the worst of your food.
He sits at the table, bleeding.
He coughs up foxes.
There are otters in his eyes.

When your wife calls down,
You close the door and
Tell her it’s fine.
You will not let her see
The strange guest at your table.

The wild god asks for whiskey
And you pour a glass for him,
Then a glass for yourself.
Three snakes are beginning to nest
In your voicebox. You cough.

Oh, limitless space.
Oh, eternal mystery.
Oh, endless cycles of death and birth.
Oh, miracle of life.
Oh, the wondrous dance of it all.

You cough again,
Expectorate the snakes and
Water down the whiskey,
Wondering how you got so old
And where your passion went.

The wild god reaches into a bag
Made of moles and nightingale-skin.
He pulls out a two-reeded pipe,
Raises an eyebrow
And all the birds begin to sing.

The fox leaps into your eyes.
Otters rush from the darkness.
The snakes pour through your body.
Your dog howls and upstairs
Your wife both exults and weeps at once.

The wild god dances with your dog.
You dance with the sparrows.
A white stag pulls up a stool
And bellows hymns to enchantments.
A pelican leaps from chair to chair.

In the distance, warriors pour from their tombs.
Ancient gold grows like grass in the fields.
Everyone dreams the words to long-forgotten songs.
The hills echo and the grey stones ring
With laughter and madness and pain.

In the middle of the dance,
The house takes off from the ground.
Clouds climb through the windows;
Lightning pounds its fists on the table
And the moon leans in.

The wild god points to your side.
You are bleeding heavily.
You have been bleeding for a long time,
Possibly since you were born.
There is a bear in the wound.

‘Why did you leave me to die?’
Asks the wild god and you say:
‘I was busy surviving.
The shops were all closed;
I didn’t know how. I’m sorry.’

Listen to them:

The fox in your neck and
The snakes in your arms and
The wren and the sparrow and the deer…
The great un-nameable beasts
In your liver and your kidneys and your heart…

There is a symphony of howling.
A cacophony of dissent.
The wild god nods his head and
You wake on the floor holding a knife,
A bottle and a handful of black fur.

Your dog is asleep on the table.
Your wife is stirring, far above.
Your cheeks are wet with tears;
Your mouth aches from laughter or shouting.
A black bear is sitting by the fire.

Sometimes a wild god comes to the table.
He is awkward and does not know the ways
Of porcelain, of fork and mustard and silver.
His voice makes vinegar from wine
And brings the dead to life.
Poem by Tom Hirons
zumee Jul 2021
Across the night, an open hunt
at break of dawn, a peekaboo...
I, trailing silver wolf
You, golden caribou
zumee Oct 2019
When larynx lays a toxic trap
that words can't help you out of
Palmed into a cosmic clap
without a way to wiggle out
when flawless lips are watching
whatever you do
do not
swallow the phlegm
zumee Jun 2018
I don't truly understand
half the poems that I write
and the remaining other half
I don't think I truly like.
zumee Aug 2018
Field of sun-flowers overhead:
The sparkling yellow grains
bursting out
of the stamens

The wind rises
a call to pollinate

I tuck myself
into a sheet-cocoon
fly upwards
out of the chrysalis.
zumee Oct 2018
Outstretched fingers  
in flaccid resignation:
The tragic letters plop
without a kick
without a scream
out mother-poet's womb
senselessly sentenced
to a hollow-frame fate

All poets mourn together
when a poem is delivered
to the world
without a pulse.
zumee Mar 2021
to be held
by existence
to hold dear
the self-appointed
who stole the thunder
of your creation
in the name
of Love
a poem about holding on for everyone but yourself

(zei: plural of zeus)
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