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zumee Apr 2020
Good & Evil
Right & Wrong
Strong & Weak

Motion & Repose
zumee Mar 2019
killing yourself is never the answer
the question
is your entire
Know the Question
zumee Feb 2019
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
zumee Jul 2018
Main witness
to human’s madness
of fish in schools
and fowl murderers

I lift my gaze into the sky
Golden God
to shed some light…

…Stabs me repeatedly in the eyeball.
zumee Mar 2020
when all is divided
all is connected
when all is One
there is nothing
to connect
zumee Mar 2021
in wordlight
a naked page;
the candles
zumee Dec 2019
I scream
You scream
We all scream
b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶g̶a̶r̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶i̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶d̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶v̶i̶a̶l̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶l̶t̶h̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶s̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶

my sugar-free milkshake brings all the diabetic boys to the yard
zumee Jun 2018
The way to unknow
to the nth degree
in retrograde infinity
is currently: unknown.
zumee Feb 2020
Everyone born
into the game
catches up with Death

A nimble few
at the speed of Now
run alongside Death
as equals
zumee Sep 2018
My entire existence would fit
inside your backpack
zumee Apr 2021
closes down;
opens up

bleeding currency:
numbers, color
...while the economics of the thing says that Cutting as a form of self-harm is simply a physiological carrying-out of the unrealized psychological metaphor of "opening up" (possible extrapolation in all directions of physical violence...)

You are not alone, You are not an island, You are Everything. Everything needs Everything else. Get up. Get help. You can do this.
zumee Nov 2020
so simple
zumee Dec 2021

dynamic grey

s  t  a  t  i  c  w  h  i  t  e
zumee May 2018
Just one thing
lady philosophy is shy
she covers herself in poetry
zumee Dec 2020
people ****
when you want them to
zumee Dec 2018
We're stronger than we think
in the moments
We're not thinking
zumee Jun 2021
"Frenzied mobs
of media thugs
are barging into houses,
living rooms,
toilets, beds,
with crushing information
breaking news
on skulls
young and old
none is spared
brains are left for dead."

will we ever learn
to take back the keys
zumee Nov 2019
This little lover went on a date
This little lover stayed home
This little lover had a honey to cuddle
This little lover had none

This little lover vowed never to love
ever again
all the way home.
zumee Sep 2018
She was a pretty, little mosquito
that conspired to fly away
once she'd gotten herself
pregnant from him
zumee Oct 2018
A timeless river kept a clock.
tic. toc. tic. toc.
It had the nerve to wonder how
tic. toc. tic. toc.
its flow was ever interrupted
tic. toc. tic. toc.
by every pebble.
tic. toc.
by every rock.
tic. toc.
zumee Jul 2019
i   l   l   u   s   i   o   n   s
  l   l   u   s   i   o   n  
l   u   s   i   o 
u   s   i  

u   s   i  
 l   u   s   i   o  
   e   l   u   s   i   o   n   
d   e   l   u   s   i   o   n   s
zumee Oct 2020
It all began
when the alien artisan
a masterpiece
zumee Feb 2019
The Universe & Me
we go way back
and forth;
only Nothing
can break us apart.
zumee Aug 2018
what was the question?
Just shaking my spear at life...
zumee Jun 2019
flavored un-
licking on a



zumee Mar 2019
Open up a holy book
Flip until you see his name
Douse the page in mindfuel

Roll the joint
Light a fire
Lose a heaven
Become it All

zumee Feb 2019
expressed with words
will never attain
expressed through living.
The Golden Rule is: Live before you write.
zumee Jul 2018
My mouth
is a loaded gun
pointed straight
at your porcelain head
to shoot flowering words
into that beautiful,
empty thought-vase
I saw a trigger warning on hp and got #triggered into writing something.
zumee Mar 2019
if all of creation is One
heaven is one hell of a Two
zumee May 2018
I write,
I write words,
I write words inside...
I write words inside isosceles!
I write words, inside.
I write words...
I write?
zumee Sep 2019
Missing the bus
isn't the end of the world
unless it's the bus
to the end of the world
inspired by the line in the movie
The Beach ***
zumee Jun 2018
"Had it only been me
I wouldn't dare voice the issue.
Now that you started crying
Would you please pass a tissue?"
zumee Mar 2019
if lips could speak
for themselves
would still choose silence
zumee Feb 2019
Where there's a Will
There's an entire Universe
(in the way)
Your Choice
zumee Jan 2019
iiiiiiiiiii    until u  
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    I never thought
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    I would ever give up
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii   O   n the power of words
 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    arranged with intention
  iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    till I heard the intent
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    of your silence
iiiiiiiiii    in my i
zumee Mar 2019
Inside every single one of us
is a double-helix ladder
connected to the stars
if we would just
zumee Aug 2019
The particles
in howsitgoings
The aggregate
a few-others away
from boring one of them
with a thought
through the eye
before evaporating
into the blue
zumee Jul 2018
In the matter of reality
is a versatile vice:

If matter is real
Infinity doesn’t matter
and vice versa
zumee May 2018
(take a deep breath and sound all the phonemes out loud, continuously, moving from one to the next at a comfortable pace as you read the corresponding line internally: u, i, e, əʊ, a)

u: Liquescent hurricane pouring through my lips

i: Swarm of ballerinas moonwalking on my cheeks

e: Effervescent cavers interrogating my throat

o: Yawning black hole pulling into my mind

a: This body's answer to my every question
zumee Aug 2018
" is it?" (looking up at him)
"The wallpaper? or the *******?"
"Well, one's kind of sloppy. The other's kind of perfect."
"My thoughts exactly."
zumee Jul 2020
rich get richer
poor get poorer
and poorer and poorer and...
talk is cheap
Silence: most can no longer afford
may you win the lottery today
zumee Nov 2021
like the heat of a moment
on Eternity's cold
it takes somebody cool
to keep a somebody warm
zumee Oct 2018
we have a thing
a living thing
we don’t know what else to call it
it’s unlike any living thing
that life did ever posit

it surfaced on a liquid night
our heads were swimming in the stars
and once back down on solid ground
the thing was sleeping
at our feet

now it tails us everywhere
hides inside a gaze
feeds on time,
heaving hips,
musings on a page

it grows; glows
with each ******* sigh
untangles every simple thought
a human could desimplify

we're told the thing is ours to keep
can’t be robbed or gifted
can’t be sheltered, nonetheless
from hungry eyes
from destiny

I woke up this morning.
the thing is nowhere
to be found
zumee Apr 2020
Lies are beautifully stained
attractive, dispersing
singularity of light in-
-to theaters of color,
dramatic iridescence

Truth is Other
see-through, immaculate
never thing unto itself
humble as a pane
that bids the eye
to the open sky
zumee Oct 2018
what if moon can see our crimes
from that far out
night's yellow eyes
watching in the day

what if day lights a candle for night
to blow out
put its lover to sleep

what if love is a hunter
we the prey
skinned, prepared
for master of reason

what if reason has the keys
to the locks on your cells
would you set you free

what if freedom is a book
that contains one truth

what if truth is a lie
death allows

what if life is defiance
of time
against forever

what if you can catch forever
in chains around your wrist
until too weak to resist

what if forever
like us
is only weak when its divided
zumee Apr 2019
The boy who fell
down a manhole
running from time
on memory lane
Left in his wake
a gaping void
and the unbearable stench
of a sewer-side note.
Don't be that kid.
zumee Jun 2019
in black of room
Toddler directs the scene  
starring a squeaky mattress
and the lightsaber
under its door
Coping Mechanisms
start early
zumee Apr 2021
Like a smile
in the eyes
of a masked child
Life is far too simple
to comprehend
still waiting on that blissshit myself
zumee Feb 2021
'upon a time'
before all the others,
there was a Word
about the origin of language and the origin of consciousness
but i repeat myself
zumee Feb 2019
wonders a baby-judge
birthing its first sentence
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