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zumee Feb 2020
through the minds;
indescribable joy
on a rough draft
zumee May 2021
A suicide ******
to dismantle the ***
counting down nickels
off the sidewalk,
to explode in pity
over your thoughtless afternoon

detonate / defuse
red or blue
which to cut
(cardboard is not a color)
zumee Jun 2018
Senses endlessly riddled:
the nanosecond-data-bullets
**** through too fast to be absorbed
by roots of thought
for eye of truth
to photosynthesize,
Like the flowerpot forgotten
wilting on a windowsill
outer leaves beneath the sky
fiercely lashed by heavy rain
soil dry as a desert:
Aghast, it feels itself
slowly dying of thirst in the downpour.
zumee Apr 2020
Roses are read
Violets are blew
is this poem gay
or written by an ESL student
zumee Jul 2018
Look up at the sky, into the heavens
Look down at the earth, into hell
zumee May 2018
Paradox-consuming entity
incapable of digesting paradoxes.
zumee Apr 2019
girls will always be girls
boys will always be boys

Women and Men
live up to themselves
only sometimes
zumee Jun 2018
You **** Sapiens; us neanderthals
exist together
in separate contexts:

Move mountains of meaning with the swipe of an opposable thumb,
Fill your coffers with shiny, expendable treasure.

gather bundles of metaphor to keep warm
hunt ferocious words to survive
zumee Nov 2018
Ask, and ye shall receive
another question
Seek, and ye shall find
multiple layers of the truth
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you
the doors of perception
zumee Oct 2018
some words
Ambush off the page sharp
as a godstopper
Rip a soul's blinds open
Violate the mind
Leave thoughts in tatters
Exit on a sigh
zumee Jul 2019
a big bang blushes
the cheeks of a neuron
when a child universe
looks another
in the black hole
zumee May 2018
Ideas Big; ideas small
Thirsty leeches that infest
the juicy questions in us all

Extracting them from grey matter
is mostly just a matter
of colorful wording.
zumee Mar 2021

like that
as far as global pandemics are concerned, Covid has nothing on Verbal Diarrhea
zumee Apr 2019
The ones in love the most
never dare pronounce the words
when it comes to words
is just another one
zumee Aug 2019
Check it out
if you feel so inclined
And then, if you're even more inclined
(without hurting your back)
Fill it out
zumee May 2021
if all humanity


(talking at the same time)
zumee Oct 2018
"My burden of being is mine alone. What would YOU understand?"
zumee Nov 2018
A teacher to understand,
A lover to be inside
zumee Jul 2019
I just birthed you
and this is crazy
Imagine time beyond numbers
you'll find me maybe
zumee Oct 2018
A baby thought
screaming inconsolably
inside your brain
zumee Jun 2019
what separates
therapist from the ******
extra space
zumee Apr 2022
out of the night that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul

in the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is ******, unbowed

beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms the horror of the shade
yet the menace of the years
finds, will find me unafraid

it matters not how strait the gate
how charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
~William Earnest Henley
zumee Nov 2020
has never been
will never be
zumee Oct 2019
Hamsters running
around the wheel
Generate : Reality
zumee Jun 2018
Gaping voids attached
at velvet hems reveal
An oscillating, silky shrine
of serpentine appeal

A sacellum of spit
where crimson vipers preach
A sermon dispossessed of words
on biting without teeth

Two lithe reptilian wrestlers
in acrobatic trance
To recompose the primal theme
from the procreating dance

They sway in mirrored unison
as heaven’s gates converge
They twist in tongues of tactile prose
and gustatory tones emerge

In this bacchanal of senses
where feelings taste of spoken sights
The serpents molt beyond their essence
onto a plane of new delights

There they share a sounding vision
muscles blink in harmony
Hissing iridescent rhythms
At last, the panting cyclopes

Reach the Art

of seeing eye to whispering eye
through the instrument of speech.
zumee Jun 2019
Who's there?
Mother Nature
Mother of who?
Mother of You
What do you want?
Can't you tell
Tell you what?
Whether you're a mistake
or just a nice idea

Is it degrading to call humanity an idea? asking for a friend
zumee Feb 2021
I found
one of your hairs
in my crotch
this morning
I know I know
I don't usually go for the low hanging fruit(s)
happy ***- uh Val day ;)
zumee Jul 2019
will be a poet
when the words become aware
zumee Apr 2019
I want to Live
somewhere so green
that keeping house plants
would be sarcastic
In the meantime, better tend to these...
zumee Nov 2020
a joke
whose point
is to laugh
so wholeheartedly
the laughter
becomes funnier
than the joke
keep laughing
zumee Feb 2019
If nature is a cannibal
Which of mine
are feeding me?
zumee Oct 2018
Work out your dreams
until they're strong enough
to lift you up
Carry you where you need
zumee Aug 2018
Dragon-cloud diving
jaws wide, poised against the sky
Devours a Sun.
Dusk-inspired haiku.
zumee May 2018
Once upon a time there was a word named Like, which was used to describe either resemblance or affection. Like was very happy with its likeness, and everybody liked it just about as much as it should be liked, and not too much more.

One day as Like was just liking around minding its own business, somebody noticed how likeful it was Like and said: “Hey, Like, can we use you, Like, more?” And Like was all Like: “…” And from that moment the word Like became used in the most unlikely fashion. Everybody started using Like more often when they spoke, basically Like whenever and wherever they wanted to use it: Like became overliked.

Like didn't Like being overliked because all the extra likeness slowly made it forget the original Like, Like the things Like liked and the way Like had always been Like. Eventually everybody overliked Like so much that Like completely forgot who it was Like and stopped being Like itself altogether. Like got so likeable that it in turn started liking itself as the new Like. Soon enough it started overliking being liked and likewise overliking being the new Like, and came to Like the attention so much that it couldn't get enough Likes. So little by little Like started controlling what everybody said, until every sentence had to have so many Likes in it that it was Like practically the only thing Like anybody ever said. And anybody who Like didn’t Like to use Like as much as Like wished to be used was Like punished with not having anything interesting to Like say.

So everybody used Like out of Like fear of the likelihood of being Like punished and Like in order to stay liked by Like and keep Like saying interesting things, until Like became Like literally Like the only Like thing Like anybody Like ever Like said and Like...

Like became GodLike.
zumee May 2018
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
"So, what do you do for the living?"
"You mean...what I do for a living?"
zumee Jun 2018
If life is a giant casino
and this reality one of its many games
Suicide is the gambler's trump card

But what a waste
to use your only trump card
when other cards can still be played.
zumee Dec 2018
Whether you're sick from love
or sick of it
The symptoms are the same.
Inspired by melissa rose's poem
zumee Sep 2019
in the Parable of the Sower
Son of God relates
the less-than-fortunate fates
of seeds fallen
by the wayside,
on rocky ground,
in thorny fields

Has nothing much to say
of seeds sowed
in fertile earth
utop a volcano
zumee Jun 2018
will little squiggles
of pixels organised in blocks
of "words" and "sentences" ever
come close to translating
a nuclear blast
in the
zumee Aug 2018
I had every means
when I meant to be mean;
You mean too much
zumee Jun 2020
to run a race
alongside a beetle

to tell a joke
to a tree

to hear a secret
from the ocean

to buzz a ballad
for a bee

to read the stories
of a feather

to sail a smile
on a breeze

to boil patience
in a kettle

to be appeased
by a pea

to gather courage
at a mountain

to eat a strawberry
with the leaves

to forgive
a mosquito

to find your self
and set it free
in no particular order :)
zumee Mar 2019
dizzy in faith
spinning in circles
around the holy square;
Karmic stop button
pressing itself
zumee May 2021
"The birds have vanished down the sky
Now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,
until only the mountain remains."
by Li Po
zumee Jan 2021
do yous and mes
come in 2s or 3s

do 3s and 4s
come from mine and yours
zumee Jul 2019
Learning by extrapolation
to play
the rule of the game that states:

All that ever comes
from writing about writing
is an over-written writer

zumee Dec 2019
some make art
some make art
zumee Mar 2019
Two loving, Father Mother swallows
futures swallowed or so it seemed
inside the nest, for Baby swallow
Wove a song along the seams:

"Behind your eyes, a trace to follow
We were only swallowed in a dream."
For a dear friend who recently lost both parents
zumee Jun 2018
Through the lens of your naked mind
a universe is photographed;
The photo retains its lucid life
when mine is the eye looking

Within the reflecting walls
of our multiverse gallery
a picture is worth a thousand worlds.
zumee Jun 2019
Mirror Mirror, off the wall
Ego shatters at your fall

Mirror Mirror, underneath
Feeds a tongue that chews on teeth

Mirror Mirror, open sky
Airs to make an ocean cry

Mirror Mirror, in your eye
I'm a tear about to die
Inspired by a.p.

Mirror mirror
on the floor
Careful who
you call a *****
zumee Feb 2020
time again
time against time

When wins
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