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Mar 2019 · 227
zumee Mar 2019
Two loving, Father Mother swallows
futures swallowed or so it seemed
inside the nest, for Baby swallow
Wove a song along the seams:

"Behind your eyes, a trace to follow
We were only swallowed in a dream."
For a dear friend who recently lost both parents
zumee Mar 2019
Twin Galaxies to deploy
cosmic firefighters
driving oceans
into the Sun
Feb 2019 · 477
(un)Movable Obstacle
zumee Feb 2019
Where there's a Will
There's an entire Universe
(in the way)
Your Choice
Feb 2019 · 290
Treatise on Irony
zumee Feb 2019
expressed with words
will never attain
expressed through living.
The Golden Rule is: Live before you write.
Feb 2019 · 1.0k
Timeless Friendship
zumee Feb 2019
The Universe & Me
we go way back
and forth;
only Nothing
can break us apart.
Feb 2019 · 132
Assembling Soul
zumee Feb 2019
Dismember the I
Remember Infinity
Feb 2019 · 214
zumee Feb 2019
"Where do you think confidence comes from?"
"I dunno. Thinking you're the best?"
"That's not real confidence. Can I tell you where I think it comes from?"
"I think confidence is the consolation prize to knowing that you're alive."
From Ethan Hawke's movie about Blaze Foley
Feb 2019 · 234
freeway homebody
zumee Feb 2019
If the road was a woman
he'd settle down and marry
zumee Feb 2019
wonders a baby-judge
birthing its first sentence
Feb 2019 · 654
gypsy spirit
zumee Feb 2019
In a river of eyes
Soul bathes
Feb 2019 · 518
part-time part-waiter
zumee Feb 2019
To makends meet
Spends his nights
serving metaphors on a silver platter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Feb 2019 · 222
Case for Atheism
zumee Feb 2019
A True God
always kills itself
the moment it's born
Feb 2019 · 162
zumee Feb 2019
Hidden facets of reality
in the dark of day
to the clicking
of a Soul
For a blind friend
Feb 2019 · 197
Life eats life
zumee Feb 2019
If nature is a cannibal
Which of mine
are feeding me?
Feb 2019 · 30.9k
Suicide Note commits suicide
zumee Feb 2019
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
Jan 2019 · 388
Game of Life
zumee Jan 2019
You win it
by playing against yourself
Jan 2019 · 868
zumee Jan 2019
iiiiiiiiiii    until u  
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    I never thought
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    I would ever give up
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii   O   n the power of words
 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    arranged with intention
  iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    till I heard the intent
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii    of your silence
iiiiiiiiii    in my i
Jan 2019 · 446
One of us cannot be wrong
zumee Jan 2019
I showed my heart to the doctor
he said, 'you just have to quit'
he wrote himself a prescription
your name was mentioned in it

Then he locked himself in a library shelf
with the details of our honeymoon
and I hear from the nurse that he's gotten much worse
his practice is all in a ruin...
~Leonard Cohen cover by G.A.I.
Dec 2018 · 348
Connect the Dots
zumee Dec 2018
enemy of my enemy .                    . hiding metachange
information beggar .                    . shadow on a leash
double-threaded thoughts .                    . sinkhole in a sink             
neatly-wrapped expressions .                    . butterflying horses             
      all-embracing circle .                    . meaning flowing free
Dec 2018 · 571
gl itch
zumee Dec 2018
For a captivating 2nd
the heart thought a thought
the mind couldn't think
Dec 2018 · 605
Birthday Wish
zumee Dec 2018
Could a mind be taught to stop
counting up the weary years
counting down to its great fear;
Tell the time for one last time
Leave the numbers to the numb

My birthday wish for this new year
is to forget my birth date.
A wish that will not come true
Now that it's been shared with you
Dec 2018 · 348
zumee Dec 2018
Whether you're sick from love
or sick of it
The symptoms are the same.
Inspired by melissa rose's poem
Dec 2018 · 340
American Soul
zumee Dec 2018
Blessed are the arrogant
for theirs is the kingdom of their own company
Blessed are the superstars
for when the magnificent send their light
we understand better our own insignificance
Blessed are the filthy rich
for you can only truly own what you give away
Blessed are the bullies
for one day they will have to stand up to themselves
Blessed are the liars
for the truth can be awkward
Kendrick Lamar & U2
Dec 2018 · 181
zumee Dec 2018
To think
that future generations
might only ever know the feeling
of shivering from the cold
by catching a fever
Dec 2018 · 90
thippity thought
zumee Dec 2018
We're stronger than we think
in the moments
We're not thinking
Dec 2018 · 1.9k
revelation on repeat
zumee Dec 2018
everything is infinite
once you're in the l∞p
Nov 2018 · 859
Better Samaritan
zumee Nov 2018
the hardest thing to do:
Lending a helping fist
to a face in need.
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
Dessert Alpin
zumee Nov 2018
Les mots:
du sucre glace
sur les sommets
de nos pensées.
Nov 2018 · 757
Double-slit Experiment
zumee Nov 2018
Her face collapsed
Wave of love
into particles
when he asked for a *******.
Nov 2018 · 578
Huxley 7:7
zumee Nov 2018
Ask, and ye shall receive
another question
Seek, and ye shall find
multiple layers of the truth
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you
the doors of perception
Nov 2018 · 877
zumee Nov 2018
A teacher to understand,
A lover to be inside
Nov 2018 · 394
Full Moon
zumee Nov 2018
Pale shadows
dangling on a string;
Arm of light connects

For the sake of little i
who cannot look it in the eye
the Sun plays puppeteer.
Nov 2018 · 104
zumee Nov 2018
A hand that thinks
with its fingers
Oct 2018 · 120
Lifelong Gains
zumee Oct 2018
Work out your dreams
until they're strong enough
to lift you up
Carry you where you need
Oct 2018 · 269
Old Age
zumee Oct 2018
Sneaks up on you
like consciousness
in a monkey
Oct 2018 · 429
zumee Oct 2018
A baby thought
screaming inconsolably
inside your brain
Oct 2018 · 546
Psychedelic car game
zumee Oct 2018
i spy with my little eye
that's unspeakable
Oct 2018 · 246
zumee Oct 2018
some words
Ambush off the page sharp
as a godstopper
Rip a soul's blinds open
Violate the mind
Leave thoughts in tatters
Exit on a sigh
Oct 2018 · 1.6k
zumee Oct 2018
What science
dreams of becoming
when it grows up
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
zumee Oct 2018
"My burden of being is mine alone. What would YOU understand?"
Oct 2018 · 369
Digital Forest
zumee Oct 2018
If a photo of a falling tree
is posted on the internet
and not a single person "likes" it
was it ever really taken?
We live in an era where the image of a thing has, for all intents and purposes, replaced the thing itself.
Oct 2018 · 465
zumee Oct 2018
Oh well grow all you need to grow
inside my spine
And then take what you need to take
what's yours is mine
Then just give all you want of it
to some new thing
I'll stay here, the provider of that constant sting
they call love...
Mothers, by Daughter
Oct 2018 · 547
what if
zumee Oct 2018
what if moon can see our crimes
from that far out
night's yellow eyes
watching in the day

what if day lights a candle for night
to blow out
put its lover to sleep

what if love is a hunter
we the prey
skinned, prepared
for master of reason

what if reason has the keys
to the locks on your cells
would you set you free

what if freedom is a book
that contains one truth

what if truth is a lie
death allows

what if life is defiance
of time
against forever

what if you can catch forever
in chains around your wrist
until too weak to resist

what if forever
like us
is only weak when its divided
Oct 2018 · 495
zumee Oct 2018
Outstretched fingers  
in flaccid resignation:
The tragic letters plop
without a kick
without a scream
out mother-poet's womb
senselessly sentenced
to a hollow-frame fate

All poets mourn together
when a poem is delivered
to the world
without a pulse.
Oct 2018 · 3.6k
Eve at the Window
zumee Oct 2018
She stands at the window
a fine white stream of goodevil knowledge
trickling down her chin

Lungs heaving against the pane
Lungs heaving against the pain
She longs for a killer breeze
from the die-hard fan.

The yellow-eyed seconds slither out the clock
hi S S ing in rhythm as they crawl.

On the table lies the used core of a once
juicy red delicious
hourglass figure, cyanide hearts and all

She is aware of her own nakedness.

The moon watches on
bleeding silver
from stab wounds by dagger-branches
waiting for a crack in the window
through which to enter

The Tree of Life towers menacingly overhead.

He walks in
intelligent-designer suit: businessgod attire
briefcase in hand
brief case in point

He knows.
She knows.
Time knows.

An Electrified goliath stirs in the depths

The Ego awakens
lifts its rod
beckoning to the waves of children behind it,
parts the folds of red sea
charges head on.

It rides long and hard
hooves pounding the riverbed
to pull out on the other side

But the branches find their crack.

The Enraged goliath stumbles
Ego trips
relentless walls closing in,
It goes under in a seizure
frothing at the mouth
as its children swim.

Time holds the twosome breath in its constricting grip
Tree binds Life inside a cell
at the center of the evolving prison

The pane, reflecting
The pain, reflected
Window souls mirror soul's Window

Branches regain their higher dwellings.

An exhumed goliath stirs
on a distant shore.

She stands at the window
a fine white stream of goodevil knowledge
trickling down her shin.
Oct 2018 · 1.6k
zumee Oct 2018
Oct 2018 · 546
tic. toc. tic. toc.
zumee Oct 2018
A timeless river kept a clock.
tic. toc. tic. toc.
It had the nerve to wonder how
tic. toc. tic. toc.
its flow was ever interrupted
tic. toc. tic. toc.
by every pebble.
tic. toc.
by every rock.
tic. toc.
Oct 2018 · 535
what a Thing
zumee Oct 2018
we have a thing
a living thing
we don’t know what else to call it
it’s unlike any living thing
that life did ever posit

it surfaced on a liquid night
our heads were swimming in the stars
and once back down on solid ground
the thing was sleeping
at our feet

now it tails us everywhere
hides inside a gaze
feeds on time,
heaving hips,
musings on a page

it grows; glows
with each ******* sigh
untangles every simple thought
a human could desimplify

we're told the thing is ours to keep
can’t be robbed or gifted
can’t be sheltered, nonetheless
from hungry eyes
from destiny

I woke up this morning.
the thing is nowhere
to be found
Sep 2018 · 218
Take me with you
zumee Sep 2018
My entire existence would fit
inside your backpack
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
"Sit; Roll over; Behold."
zumee Sep 2018
The sparkling animations
of man the creator:
reflecting the inner source

The forgetful companion
forever drawn to Master's light,
remains easily tamed
by a starry night sky.
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