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Sep 2018 · 2.4k
Reality Racing
zumee Sep 2018
To beat Death
without crashing on purpose
You need simply drive
at the speed of Life.
Sep 2018 · 181
zumee Sep 2018
Takes a hit of that Which
Goes a round
Comes a round
squared inside the ring:

:giggling fist: :connect the dots
Lands one on the nimble joke
to Which a Universe
is the punch-line.
Sep 2018 · 2.0k
zumee Sep 2018
She was a pretty, little mosquito
that conspired to fly away
once she'd gotten herself
pregnant from him
Aug 2018 · 3.2k
zumee Aug 2018
" is it?" (looking up at him)
"The wallpaper? or the *******?"
"Well, one's kind of sloppy. The other's kind of perfect."
"My thoughts exactly."
Aug 2018 · 467
zumee Aug 2018
I had every means
when I meant to be mean;
You mean too much
zumee Aug 2018
Field of sun-flowers overhead:
The sparkling yellow grains
bursting out
of the stamens

The wind rises
a call to pollinate

I tuck myself
into a sheet-cocoon
fly upwards
out of the chrysalis.
Aug 2018 · 2.6k
zumee Aug 2018
Dragon-cloud diving
jaws wide, poised against the sky
Devours a Sun.
Dusk-inspired haiku.
Aug 2018 · 2.3k
Her Water Broke
zumee Aug 2018
Sitting on the bus:
A sudden chill down her leg
She panics
for a moment
before realizing
it's summer
And more importantly
the liquid pouch
is in her backpack.
Silver linings.
Aug 2018 · 125
Helping Hands
zumee Aug 2018
Gun in hand
to spill the colored truth
of poet’s own grey matter
Neurons dying to and fro to
figure out
if a stanza suicide is worth committing

Pen, on the other hand
dangles a juicy metaphor
from the *******.
Aug 2018 · 106
To be, and then not to be
zumee Aug 2018
what was the question?
Just shaking my spear at life...
Jul 2018 · 3.4k
Free Verse
zumee Jul 2018
Robert Frost
is quoted to have said:
"Writing free verse
is like playing tennis
with the net down."

I suspect
he never knew the joy
or challenge
of playing tennis with himself
against a wall.
Shots fired (over the net)
Jul 2018 · 170
Dark Matter
zumee Jul 2018
Semantic stars collude, collide
until the brightest constellation of words
emerges to articulate for life
what cosmology would consequently liberate:
Emancipating sentence served in the unspeakable tongue
Oxymoron’s ill delight

In the pitch-black universe of language
Oxymora hide
the darkest matter
Jul 2018 · 907
Full-voiced Moon
zumee Jul 2018
Open your ears
Listen to the sky
on a still night you might hear
The whole note
droning silver
that sits
on a hidden ledger line.
One for the musicians.
Jul 2018 · 3.2k
Trigger Warning
zumee Jul 2018
My mouth
is a loaded gun
pointed straight
at your porcelain head
to shoot flowering words
into that beautiful,
empty thought-vase
I saw a trigger warning on hp and got #triggered into writing something.
zumee Jul 2018
Look up at the sky, into the heavens
Look down at the earth, into hell
Jul 2018 · 11.5k
Alpha bets
zumee Jul 2018
A is for Alpha
B is for Barbie
C is for Couple
D is for Destiny
E is for Engagement
F is for Fancy
G is for Gullible
H is for Happy
I is for Illusion
J is for Jealous
K is for Kingdom
L is for Lonely
M is for Mistress
N is for Nagging
O is for Often
P is for Pregnant
Q is for Question
R is for Rejecting
S is for Suicide
T is for Traumatize
U is for Understand
V is for Vaguely
W is for Whisky
X is for Xanax
Y is for Yesterday
Z is for Zombie.
Jul 2018 · 1.5k
Conspiracy Theory
zumee Jul 2018
Open conspiracies are born in black light
as a big bang passes a tiny toot

Beyond color-prison shackles
freedom glows a fitter hue
as unreal and exact as foreseen

Baby Buddha in smoothed-out wrinkles
into a moment gravity holds dear
pieces of universe stuck in its throat
giggling to negotiate
the terms of its final rebirth:

The magnetic pole to every needle,
in exchange for time to squeeze out of life
the conditions for running counter-clockwise…

Reality is a plot to overthrow itself.
Jul 2018 · 157
zumee Jul 2018
Dance with me
in a language free
of ‘Love’, of ‘Truth’

True Love begins to die
the moment
it’s called by a name.
Jul 2018 · 116
zumee Jul 2018
Main witness
to human’s madness
of fish in schools
and fowl murderers

I lift my gaze into the sky
Golden God
to shed some light…

…Stabs me repeatedly in the eyeball.
Jul 2018 · 364
Vice Versatile
zumee Jul 2018
In the matter of reality
is a versatile vice:

If matter is real
Infinity doesn’t matter
and vice versa
Jun 2018 · 161
zumee Jun 2018
Language is a maze
we must all navigate
with, by, through meaning
exactly what we say

Language is a maze
find the silence at the center
or keep on being
Jun 2018 · 2.2k
zumee Jun 2018
Gaping voids attached
at velvet hems reveal
An oscillating, silky shrine
of serpentine appeal

A sacellum of spit
where crimson vipers preach
A sermon dispossessed of words
on biting without teeth

Two lithe reptilian wrestlers
in acrobatic trance
To recompose the primal theme
from the procreating dance

They sway in mirrored unison
as heaven’s gates converge
They twist in tongues of tactile prose
and gustatory tones emerge

In this bacchanal of senses
where feelings taste of spoken sights
The serpents molt beyond their essence
onto a plane of new delights

There they share a sounding vision
muscles blink in harmony
Hissing iridescent rhythms
At last, the panting cyclopes

Reach the Art

of seeing eye to whispering eye
through the instrument of speech.
Jun 2018 · 690
zumee Jun 2018
You **** Sapiens; us neanderthals
exist together
in separate contexts:

Move mountains of meaning with the swipe of an opposable thumb,
Fill your coffers with shiny, expendable treasure.

gather bundles of metaphor to keep warm
hunt ferocious words to survive
Jun 2018 · 239
zumee Jun 2018
I saw
me, you
in a dream colored blue
making the acquaintance of a metaphor:
meta you, meta me
out of the blue, met a dream.
Jun 2018 · 3.2k
Homo Fiberopticus
zumee Jun 2018
Senses endlessly riddled:
the nanosecond-data-bullets
**** through too fast to be absorbed
by roots of thought
for eye of truth
to photosynthesize,
Like the flowerpot forgotten
wilting on a windowsill
outer leaves beneath the sky
fiercely lashed by heavy rain
soil dry as a desert:
Aghast, it feels itself
slowly dying of thirst in the downpour.
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
Pleasure Screen
zumee Jun 2018
mounds of flesh
bouncing vigorously
off the eyeball
emoting cells
on impact

Dame Nature

If only you had a spirit form
we could ******* to
Jun 2018 · 3.3k
Mirror Image
zumee Jun 2018
Through the lens of your naked mind
a universe is photographed;
The photo retains its lucid life
when mine is the eye looking

Within the reflecting walls
of our multiverse gallery
a picture is worth a thousand worlds.
Jun 2018 · 145
Tabula rasa
zumee Jun 2018
The way to unknow
to the nth degree
in retrograde infinity
is currently: unknown.
Jun 2018 · 1.4k
Look Again
zumee Jun 2018
If life is a giant casino
and this reality one of its many games
Suicide is the gambler's trump card

But what a waste
to use your only trump card
when other cards can still be played.
Jun 2018 · 132
zumee Jun 2018
I don't truly understand
half the poems that I write
and the remaining other half
I don't think I truly like.
Jun 2018 · 519
Two men and a tear-jerker
zumee Jun 2018
"Had it only been me
I wouldn't dare voice the issue.
Now that you started crying
Would you please pass a tissue?"
Jun 2018 · 282
Consolation Grook
zumee Jun 2018
Losing one glove
is certainly painful,
but nothing
compared to the pain,
of losing one,
throwing away the other,
and finding
the first one again.
~Piet Hein
Jun 2018 · 7.1k
Magic Mushroom
zumee Jun 2018
will little squiggles
of pixels organised in blocks
of "words" and "sentences" ever
come close to translating
a nuclear blast
in the
Jun 2018 · 7.5k
Perfect-Moment Diver
zumee Jun 2018
Spirit awakens
rises slowly
from the depths
riding the steam
Colombian roast
to Malian rhythms
caught in the air
I breathe in
the tenth-floor Westpark view
on the northern coast
of a southern isle

Time, she is a ticking oyster
and This
dazzling, lazy morning:
her mother-of-pearl.
A sunny day, good coffee,
Oumou Sangaré, and a green view...
to want for more would be criminal.
May 2018 · 1.2k
DIY Poetry
zumee May 2018
1/ Swallow a ripened evening whole.
2/ Regurgitate the metaphor bit.
3/ Masticate on the ensuing puzzle.
4/ Spit out the sparkling bottomless-pit.
5/ Savor the nutrient-loaded symbols.
6/ Plant the jewel in fertile wit.
May 2018 · 199
Church of Dualism
zumee May 2018
Despite what the priests
of philosophy say
it is possible
to hold communion with the answers
without having
to excommunicate the Questions.
May 2018 · 192
livin' la vida loca
zumee May 2018
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
"So, what do you do for the living?"
"You mean...what I do for a living?"
May 2018 · 1.4k
zumee May 2018
"Fuuuuuck!" groaned the Tortoise.
"****!" spat the Hare.

"Son of a *****!" barked the Fox.
"**** on a rooster!" cawed the Crow.

"***** of a bison!" growled the Wolf.
"***** of a llama!" brayed the ***.

"**** on a termite!" squealed the Ant.
"**** of a cricket!" grated the Grasshopper.

cried the animals in unison despair.

"Yeeeees," hoot'd the Owl
with an evil-wicked grin,
"but only the ones with a moral."
May 2018 · 657
The opposite of Nothing
zumee May 2018
Just one thing
lady philosophy is shy
she covers herself in poetry
May 2018 · 749
zumee May 2018
If the universe paused in affection
at every blissful death
for every restless life
It would drown inside a teardrop
implode around a frown


when She dies
blissfully, from a restless life
and ripples of time are held suspended
along the contours of her smile
It will simply be the universe pausing

for effect.
May 2018 · 254
zumee May 2018
When you carry the figurative
weight of the world
on metaphorical shoulders
By some semantic glitch
Your all-too-real lower back
takes a hit.
May 2018 · 163
'POP' goes a reality bubble
zumee May 2018
All it takes is a sharp word
pressed softly
against the semantic membrane,

And suddenly
May 2018 · 317
zumee May 2018
Paradox-consuming entity
incapable of digesting paradoxes.
May 2018 · 350
zumee May 2018
In order to become
the next Big Thing
one must first
Give up being a person,
devolve into a thing.
May 2018 · 424
zumee May 2018
Virtually nonexistent
is the ability
to stay virtuous while existing
by virtue of existence
May 2018 · 1.0k
zumee May 2018
would You surrender
Your festering throne
to the purge of a blade
for another game
of cosmic lottery

the one luxury
a King is ashamed to acquire
all subjects can afford it
May 2018 · 190
zumee May 2018
kissed by Spring at the gentle break of dawn
suffocated by Summer in the languid afternoon
seduced by Autumn under the starry evening sky
stung by Winter in the frozen-dark night

Three hundred and sixty-five times I've thought of you today.
May 2018 · 279
zumee May 2018
Screaming new mother
on a hospital delivery bed

It's (shaped like) a boy
May 2018 · 160
zumee May 2018
Ideas Big; ideas small
Thirsty leeches that infest
the juicy questions in us all

Extracting them from grey matter
is mostly just a matter
of colorful wording.
May 2018 · 1.1k
Earth Porn
zumee May 2018
Dingy motel-room-planet
Smartphone cameramen, women,
united in a circle ****:
Lead actress in the center, drowning
in fossil-fuel *******.

Mother (Nature) I'd Like to ****.
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