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 Jan 2015 Samantha
JP Mantler
You're cynical but caring
You're truthful but daring
No fear, no criticism

And yes, you!
Over there; your laundry smell
Your snuggy-apparel
It's a total waste of time

No time, no catch-up
I'll run for cover, I'm sorry

I'm an ostrich with its head in the sand
I'm sorry, that's just who I am
 Jan 2015 Samantha
Bethany Brown
You told me that her chapter was over
You told me that I was a new beginning
How could you whisper so delicately
When you were keeping me from the truth

You anticipated a short story
But you promised me a novel

You tore out so many of my blank pages
I didn’t know how to keep writing from there

I was thrilled when I found out
Someone had picked up your story
But quickly replaced it
Just like you had done to mine

Though you tried to pick up writing
From where you bent my page
I will not let you ruin
The few pages I’ve managed to save.
 Jan 2015 Samantha
 Jan 2015 Samantha
Your madness
My sadness
You love me
I love you
You care enough
I care too much
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