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 Jun 2013 Sam Hawkins
Running from these broken surroundings
I don't miss this
My heart is fractured, my head is pounding
Taking a risk, it's
Not easy to be a part of this world, not now not ever
I've had a moment or two when I thought I knew better
I wished blissful ignorance could have lasted forever
Even though every night I thank god I am clever
But staying here is like being under immense pressure
And I'm not sure now how I'll react to another lecture
About how I should be
When collective consciousness,
and unity is what I believe
Join "reality"?
No, I put my mantra on repeat
Remember the soul inside of me
And most of all
Just me venting again ;)
Wondering about other people who have those days where you look around and all you see is dismal greys even when you know rainbow shades are there too.
 Jun 2013 Sam Hawkins
we are spinning in a sea of cotton cloth
and swirling hues of happiness
the joy - contagious!
as you arrive
a wave of excitement hits us.
there's no need for clumsy intoxication -
we're drunk off good feelings.
this is the party of all parties
one that will never be blacked out.
you will not question what happened tonight,
but you will ask,  "was it real?"
don't worry about a ride home -
we'll sleep under the starlit sky
music booms out of the trees
we have the moon and white christmas lights
strung against the contrasting skies
to guide our dancing feet.
who cares what style?
we dance through it all -
hips sway and arms reach up to kiss open air.
never will we forget this night.
leave your phones at home,
to disconnect is the only way to  be connected.
there are no clocks -
a girl with stars in her eyes tells you,
"out with time!"
we go barefoot here,
for the moss kisses our feet so gently.
there is a piano over there, between two oak trees,
and we play our favorite songs
and partner up to half-stumble-half-waltz
to classical sounds.
when our feet grow tired
we make s'mores and tell stories
of our collective past.
do not worry,
for tonight we embrace our youth,
and toast to a brave new world.
dreams of a tenth-grade me.
 Jun 2013 Sam Hawkins
Joanne Fuda
You could already be living the dream of another you  from a parallel universe.  Just  as you are dreaming another reality  another becomes your reality.  On the other side of the black hole we are the dreams of our ancestors.  They are our Creators
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Joanne Fuda
Words cannot express what I need to say,
father time suggests they just get in the way
When a heart is yearning or broken
Words are just a token
Love is based on action,
not on what is spoken

Like the eye of a storm it’s torment
Is all consuming or lament

Take her hand and hold it tight
Don’t hesitate for what is right
Let her know your love is real
Show her how you feel

Innocence is truth be told
In love behold
What should I write about?
I can't seem to think.
My poetry talent is filling with doubt,
It seems to be as bad as my lackluster "wink"

Maybe I will write about my life?
How much I love who I am.
I could write about my strife,
Or how I strike life like a battering ram.

Those all seem so "cliche"
I need to think DEEP.
Should I write about today?
Or how I didn't get any sleep?

No one cares about those things...
But what can I make interesting?
I cold exaggerate my love life...
Nope, that wouldn't be anything.

All right. Here we go. I'll write what first comes to mind.
I will close my eyes and wait,
And hope there is something to find.
Just set my thoughts strait...

Roses are red,
Violets are blut,
This prom won't work,
Maybe I should write a haiku

Okay, I admit it!
I can't write poetry.
But maybe someday Ill gain wit
And create wonderful comedy.
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Mike Hauser
Today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
The people and things that cause trouble in life
Must have decided to call it quits and stay home

No earthquakes or tornado's to speak of
No mudslides or fires to ravage the land
All the people who bring us the bad news
Stood around just scratching their heads

Not a person was murdered or robbed
No kidnapping or spousal abuse
Nothing much exciting to speak of
That we've grown to expect in our news

No bombs in the Middle East went off
No politicians were caught in a lie
No Hollywood Star said something stupid
No one famous or not even died

Yes today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
Which has the rest of us wondering
If this is the calm before the storm
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Mike Hauser
It ain't the pork, it ain't the beans
It ain't the mustard on saltines
It ain't the redneck social scenes

I love about the south

It ain't the ice cold sweet southern tea
It ain't the way that we say please
It ain't the way we lemon squeeze

I love about the south

It ain't the perfect slice of pecan pie
It ain't the wink in the bullfrog's eyes
It ain't the fireflies that light the night

I love about the south

It ain't the way we say yes ma'am
When you visit Alabam
It ain't the attitude of yes we can

I love about the south

It ain't the way that we say ya'll
With the syrupy sweet southern draw
No it ain't none of that at all

I love about the south

It's the crisp clear starry nights
Through the shifting shadows of the loblolly pine
As I stand here with your hand in mine

I love about the south

Just the fact that you are here
And that I can hold you near
As I hear you call me dear

*I love about the south
I actually love everything about the South.....
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