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And he is...
bare feet on Sunday,
loose leaf tea,
pressed & grounded
fresh fruit
home grown vegetables,
sweat on brows,
callused hands,
cross his legs at the knee,
analytical & detailed minded.
He is the warm hug,
I seek after a long week,
He's a hug I walk into.
Wisdom flies low to rest
on his shoulders,
used to carry
and lift the weight of his dreams,

Winters baby but adopted by autumn,
He is golden hues and colors of harvest,
He begins to reap the seed he has sown,
an Indian summer day to prepare for the harshest nights of winter.
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Mike Hauser
Talked to my recruiter
Felt it was my duty sir

Raised my hand said yes I can
Be a great American

Sent me off to boot camp
Sargent treated me like crap

Never got to thank his Mom
The one who raised this hellish son

Made me a man sent me to war
Not knowing what I'm fighting for

Traveled to Afghanistan
To **** some guy named Taliban

Now I'm hunkered in a ditch
Missing Momma's fish and grits

Planes are flying over head
Pretty soon we'll all be dead

All it is that I can say
I'm to young and dumb to die this way

Then I got a good report
They have no need for me no more

Landing on the tarmac
Hello America it's me I'm back

Greeted by my two best friends
Nodding Bob and Stutter Jim

Even got my old job back
Who would have ever thought of that

Still in service to my country
Behind the counter at Burger King

All I have to say in close
Would you like some fries with those...
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Lucy Tonic
On a bed of air
With my head towards heaven
I’m on cloud nine
But my chart reads seven
The universe is giving me
A private dance
While all the world below
Stays in its locked trance

Step into a world
Where the heart rules over the head
You won’t be frowning on your death bed

Blowing in the wind
On tailor-made wings
Feet on the ground
But I’m not ready to sing
The universe is giving me
A tinge of romance
So please don’t wince
This is my chance

Step into a world
Where the heart rules over the head
What would you say, on your death bed
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Mike Hauser
As the golden hammer
Pounds the rusty nail
How much more can a people take
Laying open on the side of the bleeding highway
Storms in the distance coming into existence
Rising itself, preparing itself
To wash away the inhabitants of the lost
Giving over to the brutality of humanity
Oh generation, where can you turn
Travelers of this dying sphere
Awaken! Awaken! Youth of tomorrow
Consumers of the day
Set course for the unknown
Where in reality
The hammer is the slave
This came to me after listening to Jim Morrison recite some of his poetry...
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Your skin glitters in the moonlight
While my body is on fire from the thoughts
Of where this is leading to.
If someone put a thermostat between us
They’d think we’re smoking, baby
But you can’t douse this heat
Because our love is as deep as the sea
The bushiest mountain is no match for your sword
I promise
I’ll be there waiting at the summit
I’d say I could wait forever
But we both know we’ll be dead before then
And so
When our bodies have decayed away
We’ll find each other again
Where we can have a much more cosmic experience
And, baby, when that time comes
The galaxies will quake
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Mike Hauser
She is the proof that's in the pudding
She is the meadow in the green

The very moment the I rely
The tree on which I lean

She will rise and be a blessing
She shares all that she is

And if there is any of her left
Gives away the last bit of it

She is one and she is more
She is all hopes and dreams

If you're into keeping score
She is that and all of these

There is a movement to her walk
There is a softness in her touch

Where she is there is all
And all of her is in the love

She is the step outside the line
She is the peak you strive to reach

She is the laughter in the light
She is the hunger in the need

She is the one I'm speaking of
The deck of cards with jokers wild

The heartbeat of the kindred spirit
She is woman, tender child
 May 2013 Sam Hawkins
Here I am, trying to convince the world,
trying to convince you,
trying to convince myself, that
I am fine.
A three-word sentence that hides the pain;
not from oneself but from watching eyes.
My troubles stack one on top of the other
forming a skyscraper that burdens me.
Each day it grows bigger and taller
until it collapses
as did the towers on 9/11,
as it does right on top of me.
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