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4.7k · Jan 2015
The Orange Sky
Saloni Jan 2015
Time has come and the time has gone,
Another sun will rise with another dawn,
All I have now are the traces of the missing star,
An unknowingly discontented heart or an unacknowledged scar,
Oh! If I could just know the reason why or just the meaning of I,
As if listening, “Why bother?” whispers the lovely orange sky.

So, maybe I am laughing I cannot really see,
Or maybe it’s alright, I cannot really feel,
Anyhow I look forward to another misplaced sun,
Another beautiful day and another misleading run,
Maybe the night shall make me tough, and hope will keep me high,
And then, as if listening, “Why bother?” whispers the lovely orange sky.

So now I finally listen, I melt into the beautiful hues,
Lost or Found? I don’t really have many clues,
Few tears escape my eyes as if they have committed treason,
Is it the dying day or the dream? I don’t really know the reason.
Few more fall as the colors fade and as the last traces of light die,
And then, as if listening, "Why bother?” whispers the lovely orange sky.
4.7k · Sep 2014
Saloni Sep 2014
I asked again but my hope refused to extinguish,
It smiled and told I had always been distinguished.
So, I kept checking my mail box even if it seemed lame,
I kept waiting and waiting but that Hogwarts letter never came.

Eleven progressed to twelve, twelve to thirteen,
Mistaken- I thought-they must have been,
Meanwhile I did my own reading and learnt all the curses,
And with the wand I never had I practiced all the verses.

First of September arrived again, and again, and again.
And with the years that passed, so increased the pain,
“So the age limit isn’t actually eleven!” then I optimistically thought,
“Oh! What a brutal test of patience they cleverly plot!”

Pictures in newspaper don’t move, brooms yet don’t fly,
And yes there are times that these thoughts make me cry,
“Hogwarts doesn’t exist”- Oh! These oblivious muggles continue to tell,
Deep down they are just jealous that they just can’t cast a spell,
“Well, can you?” they ask laughing and teasing,
Their voice brimming up with sarcastic appeasing…
“Not yet” I silently speak, “Just wait for days some...
My pretty little Hogwarts letter is just about to come.”
2.0k · Feb 2013
Back to school - Chapter 1
Saloni Feb 2013
“The nerdish image”**

They say I am a nerd, they say I am a geek,
I shouldn’t care, I shouldn’t bother but I am done being meek…
I am sure that the nerds do not really bunk,
And in case they do, they most definitely don’t flunk.

I am wearing  large specs,I am holding a fat book,
But it still doesn’t call for you to throw that look,
Don’t be judgmental, please don’t assume,
To me it’s so unfair, every time you presume.

I might look bookish, I can’t cat-walk,
I am reserved, I am shy, I do not really talk,
I am no fashionista, but my deepest concerns  aren’t books,
brands, clothes, shoes, yes, I care about my looks,

okay,Call me a nerd, call me a geek,
I do not really care, won’t complain, won’t speak,
But behind my back, everything that you talk,
It still hurts sometimes, coz it sounds like a mock,
Good marks, good grades, oh! I want them always,
But they aren’t always mine, if you haven’t noticed, just in case,
“Calling me a nerd isn’t the real concern,
It’s the fact that I am not, and I wish I had been one.”
A tribute to my school life,
and regarding the poem - yes, it is based on a true story but its just a little exaggerated.
1.9k · Dec 2012
Saloni Dec 2012
Cheers to the race that doesn’t have a heart,
No reasons, no morals, no souls, no scruples,
But piles of lies, tons of deeds, all perfectly unabashed and splendidly aghast.

Cheers to their courage to walk unhesitantly in the crowd,
To stand with a stride and to converse with a pride,
And just in case their secrets revealed, to their dignified admittance clear and loud.

Cheers to their score that keep augmenting every day,
To their pleasures, to their amusement emerging from despair,
To their delight, to their bliss, to their ability to rejoice every time one cries in pain and dismay.

Cheers to their shamelessness, cheers to their sins,
Cheers to their disrespect for fellow human beings,
Cheers to the vanished humanity in their souls,
To the way their conscience has drifted in black hole,
And cheers to their skill of turning hearts into stones,
To their abhorring thoughts and to the way they never atone,
Cheers to the way, in this world, they sustain,
Cheers to those monsters, cheers to those beasts, cheers to those incredible demons again.
copyright© Saloni prasad 2012
1.8k · Oct 2012
A little
Saloni Oct 2012
When there's nothing you can do but beg a little,
not for money, not for fame, not for love, and for pain,
but for the unbinding confusion that rests in your mind,
And you try to clear it out but there's nothing you can find.

When there's nothing you can do but weep a little,
exposing the tears that come right from the heart.
spending the dark nights with swollen wet eyes,
possessing an obsidian smile covered with fake sweet lies.

When there's nothing you can do but laugh a little,
covering the deep core wounds, that rest in your heart,
when the whole world rush and you stand alone
expecting some peace, some of your answers, but still those remain completely unknown.

When there's nothing you can do but share a little.
with whom you wonder and how you think
and your heart continues to bleed,you know you can't hold
you turn to yourself,you pour them out,just to yourself, just to your soul.

When there's nothing you can do but pray a little
every time, everywhere, when you ask how to smile,
in the darkest corner of nights, when your state is fragile,
in the complete endless blankness when your mind has no word,
and when the faint voice of your conscience echoes unheard,
when you stand alone on the road, fighting in the night,
when you make futile efforts, that deepen your plight,
sit for a while, rest in quiet.
What can you do when you don't know what's right?
1.6k · Oct 2015
Connecting the dots;
Saloni Oct 2015
So close, yet so far
trying to relive through the moments that will never come back,
Going distant, and distant and distant
like the milestones along the road growing small…

I am gazing through the back seat of a car,
and slowly forgetting where the milestones are…
it’s not fair,
these images in my head,
some existing and some diminishing
transforming into the vivid images of a beautiful dream I will soon forget,
it hurts when memories  exist,
it hurts even more when they slowly fade away;
My brain in a pitiable auto format mode,
only so much of Terabytes it can accommodate!
but  son! We can go to the front seat  and drive!
Look out for the milestones that will grow big instead of small,
We will make note of each one of them
until we pass by and again forget them all,
but don’t worry the road won’t end,
maybe the never ending journey won’t make sense,
maybe the past will haunt again,
maybe the future won’t seem bright
especially with beautiful images of the trail behind splashed all over inside,
maybe chaos will forever be chaos,
maybe the noise will never turn into symphony,
So what, son, so what?
come to the front seat,
don’t be seated at the back,
your reasons to stay are good,
and I have nothing better to argue,
but don’t waste too much time connecting the dots,
it will never make sense when you will want it to,
come at the front, we will have fun,
We will never talk about the dots!
We will never talk about the road!
And trails shall become a map, and dots an image,
One day, one day out of nowhere…
when you would have forgotten that you ever cared.
1.6k · Jul 2013
Sweet dreams.
Saloni Jul 2013
Come with me, oh, dear! Let me take you there,
This world isn’t good for you, it’s greedy and unfair,
Come with me to the place, where sun rises up high,
Enlightening the buried hopes in hearts of you and I,
Where greed has no place,
Where anger has no face,
Where clouds shower happiness, high up from the sky..

Come with me oh!dear, where nights are not dark,
Where moons shines up so bright that even dawn blush to embark,

Come with me to the place where there will be no more pain,
Just close your eyes and dream and don’t wake up again.
A sweet lullaby.
A sweet denunciation.
1.4k · Oct 2012
And now that I know....
Saloni Oct 2012
And now that I have stooped so low,
Every second, every minute seems like a blow,
I can cry, I can shout, I can lament for long….
But would it really help to keep me strong?

And now when I can’t....afford to think,
Can’t bring myself to move or blink,
I sit for long, ******* in the air,
Hoping to come out of this despair,
I can cry out loud, I can swear at walls…
But would it really help to answer blank calls?

And now when I am left with nothing to be proud,
I choose to walk, away from the crowd,
Hoping to find some bliss being recluse..
Some pride, some mirth that wouldn’t refuse,
I can weep in silence, shedding all the tears…
But would it really make my grief disappear?

And now when I am left with silence unbound,
In my heart, in my mind, in everything around,
I find a voice inside my head,
A friend that had been long gone dead,
I talk, I speak, I cry, I laugh,
I find myself being me at last.
And now that I am still lying so low,
I accept the fact, life can be so,
If I cry, if I shout, if I lament for long,
I know it would not undo the wrong,
I will stand, I will fight, I will walk for miles,
Because that is what , I can do, with some laughter and smiles.
1.3k · Mar 2014
Nightmare number nine
Saloni Mar 2014
Nightmare number nine.

I dream of Utopic world,
A world without sins and crime,
Without a shout or cry,
No ghosts haunting the nights,
Will that world sustain?
A world with no pain..
A world so perfect,
That you wouldn’t enter in it again.

Ironic, I laud sadness,
I call a beautiful dream a nightmare..
Weird sounding thoughts, weird creepy madness!
But a day needs a night, a night needs a day,
To get more closer, one needs to be away..
So, how will it sustain?
A world with no pain…
The world without paradoxes, a world without mistakes,
A world so perfect, that it gets too close to be a fake.

How a good is good? If there is no conflicting bad?
How can one be happy? Without once being sad?
So, when everything is perfect ,
When everything is fine,
I know that I have entered in my nightmare number nine.
1.3k · Dec 2014
The rat race
Saloni Dec 2014
So, the rat went on this trail that was open, wide and broad,
Running and running, he chased all those who were aboard,
He ran and he sped, he left more and more behind,
And among all the cheers spent on him, his own he couldn’t find.
But following other rats was in fact perfectly fine.
His proud parents, his envious friends- How could he ever mind!
So, he ran anyway, his stars were aligned,
So what if his life was something that he never got to define!

The rat kept running on the track, dodging every attack
He learnt what they taught,
They told him and he sought,
They lied and he bought,
He never questioned, he never thought,
For himself he never fought.
And he ran anyway, he didn’t seem to mind…
So what if his life was something that he never got to define?

But then one day he stopped.
Horror, shrieks, jaws were dropped,
Ridiculed and laughed at,
Such ungrateful little brat!
And then wits came back to him consisting mostly of fear,
Vision had been hazy but now the track again was clear,
So, he ran again, he didn’t seem to mind,
It was foolish of him to ever have resigned,
It’s a rat race *******! Running is all you have to do.
You think of Stepping out of it? What are you, a fool?
1.1k · Dec 2012
Here, always...
Saloni Dec 2012
Like the music that echoes, among the songs unheard,
The face that smiles, among the pictures unseen,
The words that appear, in letters unwritten,
And the rainbows emerging in the sky unobserved,
I know for people I do not exist,
But there’s bugging confession that I cannot resist…
“Who said I am not there around anymore?
Everytime you call, everytime you do, I am there always, standing at your door.”

Like the flowers blooming in the plants, ungrown,
The images flashing in the dreams unseen,
Colors glowing in canvas left blank,
And the rooms resting in the houses unbuilt,
Its true I am gone, and I won’t be seen,
I have left some mess, that can’t be cleaned,
And that’s precisely, why I am not worth your tears,
Neither do I deserve your dreams or souvenirs,
And it’s a well known fact that I do not exist,
But there’s bugging confession that I cannot resist…
“Who said I am not there around anymore?
Everytime you call, everytime you do, I am there always, standing at your door.”

Burn me to ashes that’s what you need to do,
And I know, precisely, that you don’t have a clue.
Why should you cry and pray for me to come back?
Your life is complete, there’s nothing that you lack,
But still I am here, yes, I am right here.
I am here always, I will never disappear,
But I won’t be seen, and I won’t be heard,
You have had enough, I won’t say a word,
But in the chirps of the birds, you will find my voice,
In the light of the sun, I will help you make a choice,
In the darkness of the night, I will be the moon,
And in the sadness of melodramas, I will be your cartoon,
In the greatest of your times, I will be your smile,
And I will be in your hope, when life is fragile,
In the beats of your heart, in the memories of our past,
In every second of your present, I was never outcast,
So wipe your tears, I am not gone,
The night is over, and there’s a new dawn,
“So, the who the hell said I am not there anymore!
Everytime you call, everytime you do, I am there always standing at your door.”
Copyright© Saloniprasad2013
1.1k · Jan 2013
Grieve no more, oh heart!
Saloni Jan 2013
Sometimes I lay under the night, gaze upon a star,
Conceal a forgotten past, grieve upon a scar,
Some mistakes were made, not so cruel, not too intense,
But in arrogance and ignorance, that remain too huge to make a sense.

The footprints of those missteps, lay buried under time,
Too distant, too deep, unlikely to be exposed,
But what about the heart that stay frozen under guilt?
Will I recover? Will I forget? Will my shattered heart be rebuilt?

**“Grieve no more, oh heart!, don’t let yourself be burnt,
Some mistakes have to be made, some lessons have to be learnt,
Some decisions, some choices are meant to leave you contrite,
Because unless you know what’s wrong, how will you know what’s right?”
Life,as I see it.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Good night, dad! Good night.
Saloni Apr 2014
When the moon is out there shining,
When the stars are twinkling out in dark,
All the emotions come bursting out of her,
Oh! how they come right from her heart!

What can she do? What can be done?
Just to see you once again,
Just to be there back in time to take all your pain,
It shouldn’t have been you,
Oh! how she didn’t have a clue!
Time heals with every settling sun they say,
But it just digs it deeper and deeper , augmenting the dismay.

She doesn’t want to be loved, she doesn’t want to be adored.
Just come back once and Shout at her once more,
Don’t show her you care,
Just greet her with glare,
But come back once like you had always been there.

With every tear that wet the cheeks under the moon,
With every regret darkening the sun amidst the noon,
Sitting beneath the twinkling stars, battling with the memories,
Thinking of how the future could have been,
Thinking of how the present turned out to be,
She looks up in the sky, with blurred vision,
With hope that someday  she would find you in the light,
And lovingly whisper -Good night dad, good night.
919 · Jul 2013
Saloni Jul 2013
The flowers bloomed, blossomed and then quietly shed off,
their petals cringed and wilted to show that they were crossed,
“Why can’t we stay here forever? Why should we kiss good bye?
We could forever spread the happiness and the hues, why do we have to die?”

“ Nothing lasts forever” the roots calmly replied,
“They loose their importance if their lifespan is multiplied.
A day of merriment, a week of celebration and then the years of ignorance…
And then comes the painful period of unintentional intolerance.
You win only after you have lost, you are missed only after you have gone,
It’s a sweet irony but sometimes it’s the separation that strengthens the bond.”
Saloni Feb 2013
"I had a crush"

You were cute, you were smart,
You were high up in my chart,
You smiled and you talked,
You were compelling me to stalk,
You used to sit beside me and made me feel so free,
Didn’t you know I had a crush only on thee!!

But you made me sick, with your ***** tricks,
When you used me after all,
But I didn’t care, and why should I?
You were not really an apple of my eye,
Seriously, you weren’t that wonderful guy.

But before that time, I had never changed my mind,
I always had a crush on you,
And I often pondered,
I often wondered,
If you had it on me too!


Prolonged stares, prolonged talks,
Those gifts and chocolate box,
And that sweetness, and that smile,
That uniqueness of your style,
The girl, you were busy trying to get through me……
Didn’t you know that I freaking knew...
what exactly you were planning to be!!

But I didn't mind,
Look, I was so kind,
After all, she was my only friend,
And I also knew,
That she hadn’t got…
Even a bit of crush on you.

Oh! then you never talked , and neither did I,
We both know the reason why,
Now, I don’t care whatever you do,
It has always been good to be without you.
After all, there is always one guy in a girl's life, who deserves to be theme of at least one of her poems, that is, if she is a poet. :)
Anyways, as the title suggests, its the poem that I wrote in school a couple of years ago. Again, it is based on a true story and it is little exaggerated.
826 · Apr 2013
A touch of hope,
Saloni Apr 2013
Before the lullaby ends, before the eyes are closed,
My fears ,staying inside, come out and lie disclosed,
My greatest trepidation blossoms in the dreams that I see,
So much it haunts sometimes, that I wish to flee.

"I am seated across the window, gazing at the stars,
Should I keep dreaming I can reach that far?"

Because I am not sure, if my dreams are real,
Maybe another minute obsession, another joke concealed?
If I choose to chase would it be a wrong way to go?
Narrower at every step? Misleading as I grow?

"I dream as I walk, I dream as I talk,
I am day dreaming  always, never looking at the clock.
Should I stop? Should it cease? Should it not supervene?
Should I forget and move on? Wipe it all clean?"

Shouldn’t I go and jump, If I am supposed to fall anyway?
I will break some bones but at least...freely falling through the way,
And who knows, I might not fall but instead  learn to fly,
And maybe that’s the reason, it should be worth a try,
After all broken bones can heal, and crippled body can work,
But crippled dreams, abandoned and forgotten, becomes a haunting smirk..

*"I am lying on earth, should I look at the sky?
Should I really ever think I could reach that high?
                  What’s the harm in thinking? Dream it anyway,
                  Because if you won’t, it won’t, if you do then it may…"
803 · Nov 2014
Yellow bird!
Saloni Nov 2014
Oh! Bird! Oh! Yellow bird! To where did you fly?

Gliding through the air, swimming across the sky?

Would we meet again? Maybe chat a little?

Share the stories of clouds and how in sky they lay littered?

I’ll tell you the tales of chaos, mess and confusion,

Greed, pleasure, money, loneliness and seclusion…

Of happiness and sorrows,

Useless hopes of better tomorrows,

Of unanswered questions and unexplained meaning

of living, dying and dreaming.

Oh! Bird! Oh! yellow bird! Where have you gone?

Come back! Maybe chat a little? I sit here sad and torn.
Saloni Nov 2013
You tell me I am pretty, that I am beautiful,
And if you are trying to be playful you even call me hot,
But I know, mother, I know who I am,
Those things that you tell me I definitely know I am not.

I don’t know myself, I don’t know what I can do,
For I have strength to do anything, to touch the sky,
You tell me all these things, mother, you tell me “I ‘m proud of you.”
But I know what I have done. I know what I have not. What is it that makes you proud?

                        Why can’t you understand, love? Why wouldn’t you believe?
                        For how long would you hate yourself for what you are not?
                        Skinnier, smarter, more beautiful, & other things that have you deceived,
                        Why can’t you see what you have?  Why would you wish for everything you are not?

                        I know you think I just say things to soothe you, to make you feel better.
                       What others say to you is truer than whatever I have, to say..
                       But they don’t know you the way I do, love! How can you blindly believe?
                           Don’t let your world fall apart, for the reasons which aren’t real,
                                   Don’t curse your fate for the things you need not have,
                                      Don’t let their words hurt more than it already has,
                                           And whenever you will lend me your ear,
                                              You will find me whispering in them,
                                                  That You are beautiful already,
                                                      That You make me proud.
                                                          That I mean it, love.
                                                              I’ve meant it,
630 · Apr 2015
The I in your I
Saloni Apr 2015
How many days have you forgotten? How many days are there to forget?
How many deeds have got you deceived? How many are there that you regret?
Crushed under opinions, hidden behind good impressions,
Caught up in denial, under vain beautiful expressions,
The clock is ticking; the so-called time is flying by…
And yet you lie stuck searching for the I in your I…

Adapting, conforming, certain things have to be learnt
Lost and confused yourself, some dreams have to be burnt…
Between the choices of rights and wrongs,
You stretched ignorance for too long…
Now, relevance doesn’t make sense,
The prospect of living is too intense,
There is a thin line between the choice -whether to live or to die…
Just how far will you go to find the I in your I?

Why should you chase the sound if echoes are perfectly fine?
Why should you chase chaos if life is perfectly aligned?
Tired of possessing things that you don’t even deserve,
Tired of invading space that you should have reserved,
A persona is all you have, Identity is long gone lost
A thing you thought you bought; now you have to pay the cost.
And the clock is ticking and ticking; the so-called time is flying by…
And yet you lie stuck searching - **Where is the I in your I?
630 · Jul 2013
Saloni Jul 2013
The little candle stood in the day,
silently shedding its light...
Unnoticed, neglected,
it hoped, cried, and prayed for the night...

At last when the night arrived,
when the day had gone..
cherished, celebrated,
it smiled, burnt and led you to the dawn.
Why are you afraid of the dark? Don't be for it's the only way to discover the burning flames inside you.
606 · Jun 2014
Dealing with the heart.
Saloni Jun 2014
Oh! Heart! Silently swallow your pain, don’t let it show again!

Eyes have swelled and weakened, don’t let them rain again!

I am sure hope stays nearby! He will buy you a smile,

Till then have a fake one! I am sure it will last some miles.

I know you won’t believe but what could have been done?

How in hell, in the midnight, could you bring up the sun?

And the night is not that dark, see how the stars shine?

So, sit here, shut your mouth, don’t let me hear you whine!

I am sure Optimism is busy, got her kids to drop to school,

But heart! She is our neighbor; she will come back soon,

And I know Hope is a loner, wanders from streets to streets,

But being the foodie that he is, he will come back to eat!

And love never dies, the eldest vampire we know,

With the constant need of blood you pump where else can he go?

So, what is it you fear, bud? They all are there with you,

It’s a bright sunny day out here, don’t sit back there in blue…
598 · Feb 2015
Saloni Feb 2015
You wish I was there,
That I hadn’t gone,
With tears streaming down,
You fell asleep sad and torn.
You dreamt that I held you…
And told you “It’s okay”
But Oh! Dear, love!
You never needed me to stay.
589 · Oct 2014
A better tomorrow
Saloni Oct 2014
The road that I’ve walked across,

    Has led me to nowhere,

    I would’ve asked for directions,

    But I have no address with me to spare,

    I ask my heart, I ask my mind, I ask myself again,

    I hear no one replying, nobody seems to care.


    So, now I sleep again,

    With the pain and the sorrow,

    And I smile as I close my eyes…

    Hallucinating a better tomorrow.
565 · Apr 2013
Falling hard
Saloni Apr 2013
I hope to collide, someday, sometime,
Hurriedly walking through corridor,
Books fallen,
 papers scattered,
and my bag crashed to the floor,
And then “Sorry,” you’d say, my eyes up and now on you,

  Falling hard,

       And I hope, so do you…

— The End —