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Sep 2024 · 121
After the flame
Upon a cold night in an ember month,
I watched from a higher ground two lovers quarreling—
His voice, a thunder. Her voice, another thunder in the night.

The night grew older in minutes and Gradually their voices quiet down.
They fought and they calmed, and they sat together
On a concrete bench under a tree whose silhouette was created by the streetlights some walks away.

Moments later I began to hear their laughter—
His voice a melody to her, her voice a melody to him after the flame.
There was nothing more beautiful to me that night.
I felt relieved and told my friend “this is how it should be.”
This was based on a true experience. Fights are bound to happen at some points and there is nothing we can do about it. But after the flame we must remember all the good parts and carry on. To all lovers out there, may you keep carrying on despite the obstacles 🥂
Dec 2021 · 185
In Honor of Ego
You are a wildfire in woods they
Cannot inhabit
But you want to be a simple flame in Candle threads in their rooms.

You are a personification of infinity
But you want to be a handful of matter that is measurable.

You want to be like the millions that are around you.
Have you not seen the billions that want to be like you?

Why do you want to reduce yourself To be a common stone?
You have failed to see all these gems?

You ache and long for understanding from them.
But you know that not everything is meant for everyone.

Can grains of domestic sand cognize  
The matters of deserts?  
Can a tornado be tamed in a cup?
So, why?

You are for outside, why trying to fit Inside?  Why?
Haven’t you seen the square being square?  
And the ellipse being just itself?

Descendant from a line of kings!
Be free from the chains of  these common slaveries.
Why do you then fancy their glitters? Why?
Dec 2021 · 1.9k
Poem of the Beloved
O! Beloved, O! Beloved who created the sun,
Created the atoms, and made the stars.
When we are united, Beloved, I will see your light,
Majestic than the sun, and I will be free of my desires
As the morning sun frees the lilies from the night.

O! My Beloved, I was not in existence but then You
Fashioned me and brought me to witness Your
Beauty. I am in awe of Your beauty, o! Beloved.
They say it is a gift, but you said it is a test.
O Beloved, guide me in this test you put me in.

O! My Beloved, O! Beloved that is not imperfect
I have been conquered by my ego yesterday
But to you I return and bow to purify myself,
Praise upon you after marveling at your beauty and mercy,
Your Mercy that is greater than the milk of a mother.

O! My Beloved, O! Beloved who said and wrote the first,
There is a longing inside me that all the wideness of
Life can’t give an answer to. O Beloved, I await
For my meeting with you to fill me,
As you fill the bellies of the birds, but eternally!

O! My Beloved, O! Beloved that is forever infinite
I have known but so little, expand me, my Beloved
As you have made the seas so wide to contain the
Liquid. So that I will know you more and contain
More of your love in my expanding self.

O! My Beloved, my beloved, break me if that will
Open me to you. A seeker of light will accept
Everything that has come to cleanse him of his
Darkness. For your mercy, give me soft cleansing
With the water of kindness, and breeze of love.

O! My Beloved, Beloved, with questions comes wandering,
And it is with wandering that then come answers.
The more I wander and seek, the more I get closer.
O! Beloved, I long for the taste of the moment when
I will arrive at the hall of those that have arrived.

O! My Beloved, O my Beloved that guides the seeker
If I get all that I seek in the moment of a wish,
Then there wouldn’t be all the wonders of seeking,
But you know, guide my way, O Guider of wayfarers,
As you have done to the path of those You have blessed.

O my beloved, I am like a river, O my beloved!
My existence is like a river and you are the Ocean.
I am flowing from you, and then back to you,
Accompany my flow in daytime with the sun of Your
Love, and at night with the moon of your mercy.
Here I tried capturing a 13th century dervish poem. They refer to God as the Beloved.
Dec 2021 · 385
قصيدة الحبيب
اوه! حبيبي يا! الحبيب الذي خلق الشمس ،
خلق الذرات ، وصنع النجوم وكلها.
عندما نتحد ، أيها الحبيب ، سأرى نورك ،
مهيب من الشمس وسأتحرر من رغباتي
كما تحرر شمس الصباح الزنابق من الليل.

اوه! حبيبي لم اكن في الوجود الا انت
صنعني وجلبني لأشهد لك
جمال. أنا في رهبة من جمالك يا! محبوب.
يقولون إنها هدية ، لكنك قلت إنها اختبار.
أيها الحبيب ، أرشدني في هذا الاختبار الذي وضعتني فيه.

اوه! حبيبي يا! الحبيب هذا ليس ناقصا
لقد تم غزو غروري أمس
واما اليك فارجع وانحني لتطهر نفسي.
الحمد لك بعد أن تتعجب بجمالك ورحمتك ،
رحمتك أكبر من لبن الأم.

اوه! حبيبي يا! الحبيب الذي قال وكتب الأول ،
هناك شوق بداخلي أن كل اتساع
لا تستطيع الحياة أن تعطينا إجابة. يا حبيبي انتظر
من أجل لقائي معك يملأني ،
كما تملأ بطون العصافير ولكن إلى الأبد!

اوه! حبيبي يا! الحبيب الذي هو لانهائي إلى الأبد
لقد عرفت ولكن القليل جدًا ، وسعني يا حبيبي
نظرًا لأنك جعلت البحار واسعة جدًا لاحتواء
سائل. حتى أعرفك أكثر واحتواء
المزيد من حبك في اتساع ذاتي.

اوه! حبيبي ، حبيبي ، كسرني إذا شاء ذلك
افتحني لك. سيقبل طالب الضوء
كل ما جاء لتطهيره منه
الظلام. من أجل رحمتك ، أعطني تطهيرًا ناعمًا
بماء الخير ونسيم الحب.

اوه! حبيبي حبيبي بالأسئلة تجول
وبعد التجوال تأتي الإجابات.
كلما تجولت وسعت أكثر ، كلما اقتربت أكثر.
اوه! أيها الحبيب ، أتوق لتذوق اللحظة عندما
سأصل إلى صالة أولئك الذين وصلوا.

اوه! حبيبي يا حبيبي الذي يهدي الطالب
إذا حصلت على كل ما أسعى إليه في لحظة الرغبة ،
ثم لن يكون هناك كل عجائب البحث ،
لكنك تعلم ، هدي طريقي ، يا قائد عابري السبيل ،
كما فعلت في طريق أولئك الذين باركتهم.

يا حبيبي أنا كالنهر يا حبيبي!
وجودي مثل النهر وأنت المحيط.
أنا أتدفق منك ، ثم أعود إليك ،
رافق انسيابي في النهار مع شمسك
حب وليل مع قمر رحمتك.
حاولت الكتابة بأسلوب شعراء الدراويش الأوائل. نشير إلى الله بالحبيب

— The End —