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153 · Feb 2020
my jewel
saige Feb 2020
Mon bijou,
I don't need a diamond
When I could build an island
From all the pebbles you remove
From my shoes
153 · May 2018
sure thing
saige May 2018
cousin george lives next door
and he was pacing
both our lawns when
i showed up for supper.
see, he's the sort that sleeps with
his hands in fists and,
out of nowhere he spat,
"shirley ain't home!"
to which i said, "i know she ain't
i saw little shirley in town today
she got her nails done red
and some lingerie to match.
and then she boarded a train
down to baton rouge
after trading her tip jar in
for some shoes
without the ruby heels to
bring her back."
and he said, "well surely she'll call!"
i said, "i know she won't
you can hold back tears, but let go of
the hope
that you're ever gonna see your little
shirley girl again.
no, she didn't pack a bag
but she had her guitar
'twas all she came here with
and her eyes full of hearts and
you can't take a cajun queen
from lousianne.
seems your shirley's got herself a
creole man."
and of course,
cousin george didn't like that,
not one bit
but it wasn't my fault
i just said what shirley had requested
sent my crooked cousin george
on a wild goose chase
while shirley rode a greyhound
to somewhere up in maine
least i could do was
help that sweet little dame
finally get away
from my crazy family!
148 · May 2018
saige May 2018
i knew
my ******-up life would
catch up
to me someday
i just hate
that you
the only good part of it
are here to witness
147 · May 2018
tree bark sweethearts
saige May 2018
your name, our love
etched into my brain
for 'twas what
chiseled me away
146 · Jan 2018
Conquering Comfort
saige Jan 2018
The lowest
Arc of the rainbow
Sweet is the color that's
Closest to home

But scarlet's the rose
Stretched through the sky
Brighter and higher than
She dreamed to fly

Over and beyond

Her heart beat from
Scarlet to
In the flush of a moment, when she
Drew her own wings and said
"I'm ready to fall"

Yet she went from
Violet to
In her first brush with soaring, so she
Drew back the shades, and now she
Paints her own skies.
saige Mar 2018
right thumb up
left one tucked to flip the bird
when the wheels and the rain
just kept driving on

old parking lot
classic trucks and leather puddles
couple ramblers stretching tales
and taking shots

empty asphalt
payphone a quarter mile down
where some sucker in a stetson
was playing slots

no one watching
only god and maybe satan
and well,
they don't seem to catch much these days
(yet alone nights)

so i ran
like a manic bandit
for my ******* life
rampant imagination
145 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
dance with me
don't wait for the
sun to come back
or the sleet to
cease fire
life is now
and our love
is fervent
don't you see?
hands to hips and
heads to chests and
heart to heart
and this is how
our love is
144 · Mar 2018
poetic justice
saige Mar 2018
when two poets fall in love
they don't fall
they float
and dive and splash
at the same time

everyday communication
rivals best-selling dialogue
libraries of romance
hold nothing to the love notes
with which they sprinkle life

bystanders wonder
if gods or stars or anything
could articulate
the eloquence they exude for eachother

when two poets fall in love
they soar
they muse
they scrapbook dates with words
art becomes a survival skill
an explosion
when two poets fall in love
there's not a catch
144 · Mar 2018
crying over
saige Mar 2018
when the photographs magnify
the good times with the worst
when they smear and blur and wobble
and it's too hard to see sepia
for what it was
for what it's worth
hold those snapshots
craddle, squeeze, caress
like babies
like a dying woman's hand
like shadows of a past reality
let the dams break
let the bawls rock you
to sleep or to insanity
whichever comes most
cheeks will tattle
via burst blood-vessels
eyelids may be swollen
for sunrises to come
your voice, gone
but it won't matter
no, not as you wonder
how many people
have wept themselves to death?
i wrote this at fifteen. should i be ashamed to say i can still relate to it?
144 · May 2018
Stay Afloat
saige May 2018
I'm weeping on the sidewalk
Broken bottles in barefeet
Headlights zip around me
Like swarms of stinging bees
I pray you won't come searching
I am where I'm meant to dream
Whilst you ride a ferris wheel
Beside the sparkling sea
143 · Apr 2018
new ton
saige Apr 2018
(what goes)
she loved so freely
she loved to survive
she often held her breath
at the awe of romanticizing
human nature choked the life
out of love
the world took her breath
and earth died to return it
both art and age attempted cpr
the scholars couldn't phase her
neither could the sages
but the scotch and the stars
opened gates that led to
emergency operations
(must come)
so her heart could swap places with
her lungs
now she breathes too freely
she forgets she's loving
and that all hearts are still beating
142 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
i saw someone with smiles
i touched someone with strength
i loved him as a buttercup
loves the bumble bees
live from me, and i for you, but please
be free
don't fall in love
with a ****
141 · Mar 2018
to serve u.s. right
saige Mar 2018
bet these cowboy boots
suit you better than
the combat pair you spent
three years marching in
so don't you even
think about running
this isn't the jungle, buddy
just another tobacco field
and those aren't bombs
only fireworks
and they're up there
for you

since you shed that
olive outfit
i've spent every moment
trying to remember you
trying to relearn you
dying to relieve you from
whatever keeps you gone
and out here on the porch
crumpled between the
rusted water heater
busted rototiller
and every broken lightbulb
awaiting the dump
rocking like a lullaby
before the nightmare comes

and i know
you haven't closed those pretty eyes
in months
but buddy,
i'll be right here
when you wake up
my only sibling is considering joining the marine corps come summertime. reflecting on how fortunate my little brother is to have the choice to stay home or enlist, it was put on my heart to write a poem from the perspective of a girl who's brother was not given that choice, but was drafted into the vietnam war. the result is this scratch-on-the-surface tribute to young soliders who returned in ruins from a war they did not choose to fight in, and the pain behind their hopeful (but ultimately helpless) kin.
saige May 2018
after a firefight
skies sprinkle shrapnel
dust kicks at rubble
(am i still alive?)
like a sunrise
the burn, the glow
of what grenades
left behind
(alive, alive!)
'tis a sunset
the orange wilting
the blood lingering
the night roars
ears ring, a victory
(a warning)
seems like everytime
i dance with dying
i am reborn
fresh and floored
and for a sip i can
swallow the world
140 · Apr 2018
friend to foe
saige Apr 2018
those eyes have always been the only
through the minefield of your
the rush, the feathered touch of
another brush with
"run for your life!"

(i shouldn't be so
139 · Mar 2018
underheard and overlooked
saige Mar 2018
so, with his hands tied
he raised hers
since there were alphabets of questions
in the words which she spoke
and the ones that she didn't.
139 · Mar 2018
sibling snippet 1
saige Mar 2018
moths and pinecones
oil pans and barefeet
and we weren't drunk
we were only young
dancing in the driveway
in a lantern's spotlight
to heart and soul
and auld lang syne
and i'm sailing away
one of these nights
137 · Apr 2018
Giddy Little Girl
saige Apr 2018
She runs too fast
So mom doesn't like her
She jumps too much
So dad doesn't, either
Because freedom means
Muddy floors
And bath times mean
Another world war
But affection
Is really all she lives for
And dang, do I love her
Even if
Walking this dog is like
Riding a bull
(I want to hold on forever)
136 · May 2018
saige May 2018
i want lingerie
i want pearls
of sweat
i want ladybug luck
i want butterflies
i want a night
in shining
136 · May 2018
saige May 2018
restrain me
i stole a key
from the night shift
poor lady quit
on the spot
i reckon it's not
everyday you watch
a kid
make a noose
from a sock
136 · Mar 2018
eve of the score
saige Mar 2018
If we want to stay alive,
we get old.
And if we want to stay young,
we get over getting old.
135 · Feb 2020
snowglob ̶e̶
saige Feb 2020
I clasp the chrome chain of the
white choker he bought me
This might be the most bridal I'll
ever appear
Still he swore to show me I am beautiful
And a hard copy of the clinic results
And how to inhale angel dust
Sniff once, look up, then again
Into my lungs, let it drip down my throat
I could make little rows on his chest
if I want
Little lines I never thought I'd cross
God they go on and on and on and on
133 · Mar 2018
sibling snippet 4
saige Mar 2018
i shush you again
but the corners of my mouth
turn up in response to
that happy grin that's
flashing across
the roof of the car at me.
in most of the county
the sun is setting
but here on the
dusty edge of a switchback mountain road
the world is aglow
in your smile.
saige May 2018
did you sign it?
did they buy it
didn't drive you mad?
did you give it all you had
and will you ever
get it back?
131 · May 2018
Flower Girl
saige May 2018
you came, you saw, you cousin of mine
i welcomed you in, it'd been a long time
(and we had another good, long time)

waiting for you to quit going on about
dance recitals and tablet games and
going broke at age ten and
loving cheese but hating macaroni and
running suicides at school and
drawing mannequins and eyeballs and
playing hot cross buns on the recorder and
showing off tuxedo kitty pictures and
mickey mouse impressions and
how sugar-ridden you like your sweet tea and
how many fairy hairs you can have and
how many cookies your troop sold and
how many more selfies we can take before you have to go back home and-

what the hell is wrong with me?
next time i see you, it's unlikely i'll be
lucky enough to receive a "what's up"
because you'll probably be a teen
drooling over boys on your screen and
flat ironing your hair and
snapping photos of yourself and
dancing on broadway or
winning project runway or-

maybe i've got some growing up to do
before you beat me to it
129 · Mar 2018
if it hurts...
saige Mar 2018
chase pretty colors
make galaxies from bruises
the truth ain't worth dirt
129 · May 2018
I can't here
saige May 2018
"On the phone
you sounded like you
really needed someone."

empty eyes, a shade we designed
puff of a chuckle, i wince, you don't
even sigh

"I've been trying
to sound like that
my whole life."
129 · May 2018
little cousin
saige May 2018
creamy hair
peachy cheeks
you're pretty as
i used to be
129 · May 2018
equal steeple people
saige May 2018
i recall the night you
shrugged and said
(whilst drinking on the roof of a
baptist church
which was, the closest either of us
will ever get to heaven)
"we're just the crackheads of
without the fame and
without the drugs and
we can't afford to die at
so we go crazy on the dime
and that's all right
because life sure likes
to take its time
draining the stars
from our eyes..."
129 · Apr 2018
sibling snippet 7
saige Apr 2018
we met
tiptoeing down our hallway
the one wallpapered with photographs of
faces we never knew
but would rather not forget
i smiled at you, you nodded at me
pick guards shone through
the quiet house
i let you lead
the way out

a guitar a piece
a dozen strings between us
except, nothing was between us
not then, not when
we wailed our darkest hours
like alley cats at first
slinking past the back door,
how it swelled through the seasons
how you pried it with that chisel
while i kept watch
because it was late
and mama loved to
tap her foot along, but she never did
understand the needs of musicians,
every blue moon or so,
the starless skies called us home
to serenade them
and how homemade melodies
were maps to our

how we couldn't sleep until we
clung to those mahogany curves and
lullabied ourselves into dreams and beyond
and how sometimes,
playing solo in our lamplit rooms
was like scratching an inch from the itch
for, we were weaved in the same womb
raised to unravel without eachother
surely mothers understand this

so we
swung our barefeet
off the concrete stoop
as cashmere moonlight
rode on wisps of fog
spread and swept across the yard
that seemed endless barely yesterday
where the treehouse crumbled
a decade prior
where the shingles on the barn
caved in for the final time
where our beloved dog
returned to dust
where our childhoods died
the songs don't
songs played before we breathed
in the atmosphere
songs that will play once we leave it,
as well
they must

til morning,
my fingers followed yours
reverse order of our
younger days
your harmonies ellicited chills
made my voice quiver through the indigo around us
and my subconscious
time capsule of lyrics
made for no fretting, nothing but serenity

soared beneath the pines on the
back porch
one more whispered tune
too deep for two fools like us, but
i strummed like dad, you sang like him
then, it was time to sneak in
before the dew warped
the cheap wood of our old

before dawn broke
mama was awake
ear pressed against the back door
took us by surprise
those stars dripping from
her hazel eyes
that lady loved to listen
there was a particular rhythm
which blossomed all along
a trinity of heartbeats
synchronised a moment
and that, will always be my favorite
128 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
"Somebody loves you." Brutally honest and achingly heartfelt, although her words reeked with cliché.

He sighed through a smile, shrugging off any sign of pain. But because it was her he was facing, he failed.

"I doubt it."

"I don't."

Blind as he was, their eyes met anyhow so he could overlook the love, and languish, in her gaze. A hundredth time over.

"Well, see you later."

But she knew he never really would.
saige Apr 2018
the woods, alone
is where she'd love to
so please
don't touch her while she's
a death sentence
127 · Apr 2018
child's play
saige Apr 2018
once upon a time
a third of my life ago
i loved you like god

we kissed every night
we invented a secret
we kept for too long

once upon a lie
and then back around again
i'll love you like sin
strictly fiction
when your first love is a forbidden love
127 · Mar 2018
Tomorrow's Salesman
saige Mar 2018
Would you like windows with your
time machine?
Do you want to watch dimensions flip
at lightspeed?
Could I interest you in glasses made from quicksand?
They're guaranteed to see everything
faster than you could forget!
127 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
i should've locked doors
i shouldn't be on this floor
i should scream, but can't
125 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
she was one of those people who
rode her bike wherever she went
and wore butterflies in her hair
and ate everything with chopsticks
and laughed more than she talked
and shouted, "oh my stars!"
when heaven knows what she really meant
you know, one of them
125 · Mar 2018
twinkle, twinkle
saige Mar 2018
i'll belt our wedding bells
in a "head's up" to the cosmos
i love constellations
i want to be an astronaut
but i'll kick the stars to the curb
if they ever align against us
124 · May 2018
when you sculpt
saige May 2018
weeks without
won't sleep til she's
you said
(you're still screaming)
123 · Apr 2018
my blues are gold
saige Apr 2018
"the world isn't made to
the way you're wired."

so i
let them wonder
123 · Mar 2018
who knows why
saige Mar 2018
Life happens
and it doesn't happen
and most nights, it's a struggle staying happy when you're wounded by the hurt around the world
saige May 2018
he left his lighter
on the sink
dark blue looked good against
crackled porcelain
better than it ever looks
in my brother's hand

but i dropped it there,
him and **** behind the wheel,
means more worry inside of me
121 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
Gulley washers, sink holes
I believe there is a rainbow
On another shore

Dead leaves
Up to these ankles
And green ones
Over my face
I believe there is a break
On some other shore

I can't see it
And I've never been so
121 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
the world needs more people
who can't help but smile
when accidental eye-contact is made.
119 · Mar 2018
plie releve
saige Mar 2018
i did not leave a note
the walls wore the writing
and i climbed those walls
cut the chandelier
light crashed like confetti
you looked stunning in it
i found some in my hair
a million mornings after

take my breath
hold it for ransom in
a music box
i may live again, once i give
you the last note
119 · Mar 2018
Monte Verde
saige Mar 2018
I won't ask you not to go
For you might stay.

I don't get it.

I love you, but I can't live
In chalk and charcoal for much longer.
I love you, but I can't live
On this god-forsaken acre anymore.

I understand
and wish I didn't.
118 · May 2018
saige May 2018
if i look at the moon
with tears in my
eyes and i
the world squishes
and i know
i can learn
to live
through this
118 · Apr 2018
tearstained sepia
saige Apr 2018
if only
my eyes were blue
i'd be
shining through these photographs

but i'm struck again
by your
bright eyes
they're the kind of sights
we can't take
*** i don't have to
look twice to
i'm really missing

oh, if only
117 · Jan 2018
hit the ground
saige Jan 2018
Even the wind
Was dying down
And I've already said it all
Without a sound
So take my hand
Look into my eyes
Together we can blow away
The sands of time

They said be brave
You've got to fight
But I'm so tired of being scared
Out of my mind
They said be strong
It's not too late
It wasn't long ago
I believed the words they'd say

****, we climbed so high
But even the brighest stars
Fall from the sky

So we're falling now

I just hope
That I can learn to fly
Before we hit the ground
117 · May 2018
Marley Jane
saige May 2018
Yellow is my favorite color!
she exclaims
As of today? because
this is news to me
Nah, maybe last week
i mean, it's the color of sunshine!
and smiley faces
and golden retrievers and-
Bananas, i have to add
because she's peeling one
even though it's hard to tell
since it matches her tank top
so astoundingly well
Exactly! she smiles
nothing yellow there
only white, now that the braces are off
while she rambles on
and offers some fruit to a chipmunk
i pick a dandelion
one that hasn't wilted
into wishes yet
and she flashes that piano key grin
when i present her with the **** and
she sticks the thing behind her ear
just like a pencil
pretty little ears that haven't been
thank you! it's perfect!
and she flings her arms around my neck
just to prove it
then she parades away
straight for the sidewalk
bright flowery dot
bopping around in her curls
and as of today,
yellow will always be
my favorite shade of everything
117 · Mar 2018
magic carpet
saige Mar 2018
but counting footsteps
adds up to nothing
if they're not yours
still, i'd rather pace this floor
another hundred times more
than to wonder where you've
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