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116 · May 2018
heart to hush
saige May 2018
eyes on god
but hands on me
that was the summer
the bamboo swallowed
the peach tree

eyes on you
and hands up sleeves
awaiting the winter
the shingles cushion
the maple's sink

don't touch me
while our world dies
115 · Mar 2018
flourish through storms
saige Mar 2018
i felt the rush of serenity
hit me like rain
singing down an old black river
surely the ruins inside of me
have taken root and
the blooms will bleed together
114 · May 2018
saige May 2018
I cheated, I played the Gibson
So my song sounded better
So your eyes wound up wetter
I didn't mean to make you cry
But I couldn't hug you, not while
You wore that barber's cape
So I just played another song
But I strummed it on a Sigma
114 · Mar 2018
giving thanks' away
saige Mar 2018
wings snapped like wishbones  
save for the thrill and fortune
least, of the good sort
113 · Mar 2018
golden age
saige Mar 2018
i peeked
as we kissed
just one eye
felt like a sin
until i saw
in his lashes
113 · May 2018
tiger lily
saige May 2018
the waters rose
as you were washed
sinking in
your own blue eyes
i'll wind you in
so many stripes
dry in my robe
if you would like
113 · Apr 2018
special hospital
saige Apr 2018
there they went
and here i stay
tomorrow, i'll find religion
so i can lose my mind
in style
yeah, they'll be back
and i'll be gone
saige Mar 2018
fame won't follow art
they said
by coloring beyond lines
he drew attention
111 · Apr 2018
silver-lined single line
saige Apr 2018
the syntax of our song
a phantom
we will hum along
another chorus
best left
we don't have to play ahead
or tap time to this
to know
act one was where
we ended
in the most
111 · Apr 2018
ragpicker's dream
saige Apr 2018
dirt roads are where i
come alive
another starless night
in a pick-up through

drive, drive, drive
mom's dad's truck
now it's only dad's
so if i have a kid
this ram will be his
mom's dad's truck
times two

drive, drive, drive
my bed is empty
another sleepless night
through timbertop ridge

no licence
no ****, sherlock
i'm all over the place
still, i keep her between
the ditches
dodge potholes and
blow backwood smoke
east of me, in the rear view

cassette tape, brakelights
window low and heartbreak high and
a dirt roads is where i'd
like to die
just like grandpa did
110 · Apr 2018
starving our tryst
saige Apr 2018
your heart lagged
as if it were
running out of things
to beat for
my head swam, mind sank
and it was okay, since
along the way
our skin
back to the bones in our closet
110 · Feb 2018
saige Feb 2018
i want you to know
they're more than cliches
your eyes really put
sirius to shame

i want you to know
they're more than cliches
sparks really fly
some embers survive
and the moon sure does
light up your face

i want you to know
they're more than cliches
love sure isn't put
in our hearts to stay
i just want you to know
we are more than cliche
'cause it's really not love
until we give it away

and i really do
love you
more than
words can say
110 · Apr 2018
lunar reflection
saige Apr 2018
pink phlox moon
glow through that
sugar maple
as say
a heart behind a

be the bones
the breeze, the blood
walloping, weltering
starry leaves
the breaks
that leak
l i g h t


l i f e
that make
oh moon
i'm sorry you're stuck
spinning in circles
but god are you
b e a u t i f u l
109 · May 2018
Missing in the Mountains
saige May 2018
you can't see the forest for the trees, so
i made my way up a pine
and for those few, glorious moments
i was nine years old again
but it wasn't the thrill of the climb, no
not that time
i was just getting a good look at where
i was going to die
109 · Mar 2018
Killer Genes
saige Mar 2018
"Just, don't do what I've done"
The greatest advice
Grandpa ever gave us
109 · Jan 2018
Lost at Sea
saige Jan 2018
I was nothing if not distraught
Russet and frail, my youth streamed lies
He was anything but a loss

Brown splishing eyes and chaos caught
Tight in the tipsy bows I plied
I was nothing, if not distraught

Wrecked as we were, while I forgot
Heart in his throat, I made it mine
He was anything but a loss.

Beckon me back, claim me as frost
Slight, on the brink of stolen tides
I am nothing if not distraught.

Weak as I stood, I still cannot
Lean on the love who fleetes with prime
He was anything but a loss.

Black preened his eyes, n' I just watched
Lacking water, we sunk in pride
I was nothing if not distraught.
He was all, all I ever I lost.
107 · Jan 2018
Garnish Island
saige Jan 2018
If these hills had eyes
They'd see me act a fool
Dancing as the sky turns
Darker than the pools of blue
Spread across the bay
Just dawn it was I came upon a place
Far beyond daybreak
A place
To wish you away
104 · May 2018
shame on
saige May 2018
the altar has grown
heaven must have gone and
frozen over
103 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
That, there
what was it made for?
It's on the money,
in the movies
and I'm an ignorant tourist
in my own **** country.
103 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
"We're not going far,"
Daddy promised
As he backed out from under the truck
Brushed off his jeans but not his shirt and
"Just seeing how the new brake pads work"
Well, I reckon we'll go far
If it turns out we can't stop
I plop down, don't buckle up
Just tuck my knees to my chest and
"I don't hear anything squeaking"
Forget the road and relish in the
"That's a good sign"
Scent of pine needles in his dark hair
And breeze in mine
And bugs in my eyes
"Are you cold?"
But let's keep the windows low
And my face to the sky
Because the moon looks lovely
On this midnight ride
101 · May 2018
why you hate the cold
saige May 2018
falling snow
looks no different than
falling ash
and you have
set the world on fire
only to be frozen over
too many times
to be comfortable
with either
100 · Apr 2018
languishing angels
saige Apr 2018
the blue
looked like static through
the green
as the lake
in the forest
no one heard us
98 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
you are
always in the dark
just because
you can't help but
search for
the brighter side
of everyone
saige May 2018
even my own heart
has turned against me
it's just beating me
into the ground

but this can't be
the end of me
i haven't lived for
remembering yet
no, this won't be the
end of me
i haven't lived for
dying for
97 · Feb 2018
do or die (or don't)
saige Feb 2018
so pour the blame on me
the shame's already there
i begged you
to call the shots
then dared that you took
them in the dark
now i'm taking
bullets you aimed at yourself
but surely it won't **** me
to keep our love alive
no, that's a sacrifice
i'm simply
too late to make

so leave
the blame with me
the shame's
already here
97 · Feb 2018
when now is nigh
saige Feb 2018
and if
at three in the morning
your life comes tapping at your window
don't close the curtains
open the pane
and don't wait for a serenade
just jump
96 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018

you're okay
aren't you?
tell me you're all right
so i don't have to lie
trying to soothe you


i refuse
to ask if you're okay
because if it were up to you,
you wouldn't be

i will tell you
you are fine
not sometime
not tomorrow
right now,
i'm here to say
you're okay
96 · May 2018
uncle told us
saige May 2018
the world has a way of breaking
everything that has a chance
of making it good

but you didn't understand
and he prayed you never would

(just so i could say amen)
96 · May 2018
saige May 2018
so i scurried to a spot
where some moss
carpeted a hickory root
and i squinted down the bank
where daddy was casting out
and reeling in nothing
and i saw the lake go on for acres
and the sky go on forever
and i saw the rocks and the trees
and how campfire-like
the sunset was becoming
and then i had to look away
because i saw how small
daddy looked amidst it all
and that terrified me
94 · Feb 2018
saige Feb 2018
staring competition
with the shadows in the curtains
three a.m.
hasn't ever come so late

streetlight out a ways
i make a funny face
just in case somebody
really is watching

let me have a dream
so i can come alive
before the nightmares
remember where to find me

'cause i can't tell if i've been
losing sleep
or if it's
catching up to me
93 · May 2018
while my childhood rots
saige May 2018
those branches
claw at the clouds like
black lightning
useless, yet
i can't blame them
for i would try the same
scratching my way out
if my roots had fallen
asleep, see
the ground
looks like home
looks like
a tombstone
but the sky, oh
how she sings of

our rope swing tree
waste to
woodpecker city
the glorious day
that sycamore crashes
and smashes this
jail cell of a
back to bricks

i'm ready to stop
growing up now
91 · Jan 2018
Shades of Gone
saige Jan 2018
Are you near or are you far?
Or is it too **** close to call?
'*** I've come to know
There are so many shades of gone

Oh the stars are up above
I can't help falling for 'em all
Still you should know
You're the only one I'm wishing on

Sifting through the greys
So I might set my saving grace
In you alone
But there are so many shades of gone

Are you near or are you far?
Or were you ever here at all?
Please let me know
'*** there are so many ways to be
Lost and not
                 really gone.
88 · Jan 2018
Fired Up to Die Down
saige Jan 2018
There was a time I remembered
Billowing blinks, yet still i saw
Those were the worst; minute's embers.

Oh the faces of the withered
Charcoal and chalk, but aren't we all?
Those were the worst; autumn's embers

Old ghoulish grove, did I quiver?
Or free the fox from where he clawed?
There was a time I remembered.

Odes to ice rung by crossed fingers
Once was a first, and thrice too far
Those were the worst; seconds' embers.

Have I a spark to crown as clever?
Brazen and jeweled, did that queen fall?
There was a time I remembered.

These ashes I beg to hinder
Don't taint the ticks on chambered walls
There'll come a time I'll remember.
I was the worst; always embers.
88 · Mar 2018
spring fling
saige Mar 2018
it's in like a lion
then out like a lamb
but this cat on my tongue
keeps me holding my breath
and it's a good thing
seasons change
it's a frog in my throat
and a pea in my brain
an apple in my eye
and it's you in my dreams
oh what a crying shame
this crush is here to stay
85 · Jan 2018
Sorry, but
saige Jan 2018
Forget that I forgave you
We're as sorry as before
Your apology's rejected
I can't accept this anymore

I can't forget I loved you,
Though I remember all the hurt
And the fires that you put out
But you can't take away the burns

But I will,
Forget that I forgave you.
saige Mar 2018
sometimes I fear
for the world as a whole
beautiful planet we have here
going to **** before our time
or eyes
except no one's really looking
not too closely anyway
for that would be insanity
because some things aren't clear
so sometimes, we blur lines
we're meant to color inside of
what's one more swift mess up
we forgot to erase?
instead, wipe us away
this clean slate, so they say
gets dirtier with every never-ending day
sometimes I fear
the world as a whole
82 · Mar 2018
Oh Joy!
saige Mar 2018
Periwinkle tablecloths
Coca-cola pop rocks
Cake looks like a race track
Mickey has a clapper
Maddie's got a party hat
Daddy lights the numbers
And many more...
In unison
Now make a wish!
Oh, there's nothing that I need
Ah, there's myself in a balloon
Red and sheer and shy and
Make a wish!
Shiny, high and stationed and
It's your birthday,
You idiot
how parties can feel for kids (or anyone) with social anxiety. (based on my 8th birthday)
78 · Mar 2018
mere phase
saige Mar 2018
Behold this refined reflection
Of chaos I've collected
Over a million-odd moons

Reload this fog and smear
Squeaky streaks in glass where
Fingertips became brushes

mirror mirror on the wall
make my lips fuller
cheeks hollow
nose small
and eyes long
for nothing
may distort me now
69 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
i can't spell love out
its letters flap a whirlwind
meanings flush up and down my chest
yet never sideways
i can scribe it, dream it
spill it on the pavement
curse it, shout it
even vow it
which i am doing now
but mercy knows,
i can't spell love out
it'd take all the concrete
this side of the coastline
to put my foot down
and kick chaos into an elixir
but you poured everything
watched a heart turn to stone
cracked it, chipped it
etched our name in it
then crushed it
i couldn't cast that sort of spell to save us
to turn us into something that
cement images
with our handprints in them
60 · Apr 2018
overwhelmingly understood
saige Apr 2018
get me
out of here
it's light
it's loud
it's late
i'm stuck
i'm sick
i'm sorry
i don't know what to say
i want to give you everything
i don't know how you've stayed
long enough to
get me
i want you to take the best of me
i need you to make the best of me
get me
and let me
love you
49 · Mar 2018
Seven Years
saige Mar 2018
And counting, this
Blur after bliss
Childhood clinged to me
Doors with locks
Even windows
Freedom waved to me
Gave me
Instead of
King me already or just
Lay me down and end me
Midas touched me
Newton overlooked me
Oleander tricked me
Pluto left me
Quietly, one night while I was praying
Ready or not
Stars collided and
This is why
Umbrellas don't like meteor showers
Violins don't like cats and fiddles
Wishbones don't like my brother and I's
******* history
You wouldn't believe me, just
Zoom in and rip me out of this

— The End —