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184 · Sep 2018
Get gone.
saige Sep 2018
when the sky above
is about as gray as the
horse you're riding on

Go home.
182 · May 2018
warding off the wracking
saige May 2018
although 8:30 was phone time
i'd long lost the privilege to
twiddle the coil, treasure your smile
through the line
because i never hung up when i
was supposed to
**** the doctors, **** the
too-clean floors i should have ruined
just from walking, watching
everyone tuck hairs behind ears and
cradle plastic to their faces
families to their faces

9pm was medicine
whether i wanted it or not
(i didn't)
then bedtime
but i wouldn't drift until 10
and always on my left side
because there were three inches
of rustling and light
because i had to keep
that two-ton door cracked
because that was back
when nobody trusted me
to be alone or
to be at home, even
**** our parents, **** the
monsters in my head, mostly

but they'd fly in bed
and plot escapes
wondering if you'd aid and abet
if i ever asked
(i never did)

and i wouldn't count on anything
not for sanity, not to sleep
just the obnoxious things i used to
blinks and air duct rattles and goosebumps
compulsions got worse
(everything was getting worse)
but i'd been inpatient for months
i was bound to pick up
a few more quirks

i'd crawl
out of my assigned bed
to the desk
pick up the photo of that fennec
fox you raised at zookeeper's camp
(**** magnets
that aren't strong enough
to hold the good stuff)

but tinkerbell, was her name
tiny triangular angelic-looking thing
and you'd given me the t-shirt
last visitation
your uniform, a souvenir, a gift
(a life-line)

lime green and neon orange
and i never wore it
not there, not in that hospital
i kept those threads to myself
same as some of the girls
hid scissor blades and caffeine pills
i kept a secret, i kept wanting to feel
like a rebel again
(because god, that was something)
but it hurt me
like hell it hurt me
to feel sneaky without you
grinning beside me

and when i'd climb back in bed
it'd scar me
deeper than the contraband of the
other patients, probably
i'd bury my face in cotton
clamp my hands and
lips onto the holes
where your neck had been, your limbs
your sunburnt bones
and no matter how thick
that ******* wedding dress curtain was
the occasional head lights, brake lights
were like fireflies out there
and if i were lucky
i'd fall asleep like that, right then
imagining life going on
around the block i was trapped in

hoping, idly
you were
wrapped around one of my shirts
praying, finally
it wasn't getting damp
like yours was

just soft
like your hair, like your skin
like your heart
should always stay, has always been
(were the fireflies playing
outside your window then?)

oh the wallows
i'd shut my eyes so
tight i'd see colors
(and if i wasn't lucky, if it were
a screaming night, well
here is where they'd sedate me)
because i'd try to find you in all the
shades and shapes
because i had to remember, i had to say
goodbye buddy, just in case
because my throat would be raw and
my nose would be clogged and
my sheets, your shirt, would be hot
and slimy and salty and
sometimes it'd become a chore
to breathe
and sometimes
i'd fall asleep like that, at last
pretending i was drowning
drowning in the nearest thing i had
to the soul closest to mine
the shirt in which you spent
the summer of your life
(without me)
and you needed to
be the last thing
i'd see
like a bombshell
i'd wake
with nurses and clipboards and
giddy long-sleeved girls around me and
your shirt
limp in my arms, hardly even tearstained anymore
and i'd throw the covers off and
stuff my feet into some socks and
count the steps to the shower hall and
look forward to
attempting to
drown again
come 10 pm
180 · Mar 2018
scales of an empath
saige Mar 2018
this smile
twists to
for somewhere
is hurting.
these tears
tick to joy
for someone
is happy.
benevolence gets us airborne
burdens drag us down
perhaps balance
makes the world go 'round
177 · Mar 2018
march madness
saige Mar 2018
counting blossoms
can't smell them, not through the cold
few hundred on this tree
few more at my feet
last thing we need
is for spring to die young
177 · Apr 2018
fate and a forest
saige Apr 2018
in the woods
my breath glows in the dark
like writing his name
with a sparkler
the start is ceased
before the end is created
and this sigh is long
funny thing, breathing is
how i only remember i'm doing it
when it starts to hurt
or when his kiss haults it
from happening
or when it's so cold and black
and lonely and lost
and i can't miss it
kind of feels a lot
like loving
some here-and-gone and
shaky proof of life
a little puff
in the woods
i watch the warmth of me
drift and dissipate
into onyx air
and skeleton trees
and shy stars
and i don't want to breathe
deeper than i love
so, as my heart bleeds
and weeps with my lungs
and my feet
pat roots and moss
i leave these woods
i run to him
177 · May 2018
cowboy catfisher
saige May 2018
he becomes a boy before my eyes
asking if my sight is sharp enough
to loop the line through another hook
and if this were half a century ago
he'd be asking grandpa to help him
rig his pole and take his picture with
the big shiny bass he finally caught
say fishies!
with that trademark thumbs up
with silver whiskers and skin like
the choppy surface of the lake, and i
vow to always remember my daddy
this way
as the happiest little boy
i ever have seen
176 · Jun 2018
saige Jun 2018
I burned my knuckle
To the bone
My skin turned to smoke
As it brushed that spring
Loaded iron

I heat-pressed
A hundred
T-shirts for you
And then triple that plus
Sixty five
Just so you won't have to
Wash away
Whatever's up
Your sleeve this time

My heart stays on mine
Though it's been peeling
Because you worked that heat press
When it wasn't even

Then you broke your fist
On my front door

Let's give it another
Year, you said
See if we can't
Turn this around

See if I don't
Burn another knuckle
Through the bone

oh how we wear eachother out
176 · Apr 2018
murky melody
saige Apr 2018
what rests in shallow arms
to wade through violent waters?
a blistered little sunken heart
drunk on the idea
that love might save her...
175 · May 2018
saige May 2018
"sit pretty, i'll drive"
your voice slides
across the dash and
stereo lights
a voice like
the burn of ***
a rev, a race, another stop
"just breathe, miss"
and do i ever
as the smoke welters
your lips
to mine
saige Feb 2018
how does the universe know
i love frozen fountains?
and church bells
and jet trails
and popcorn clouds
and boys with bright eyes?

travelling, patio, windows
door wide, arms wider and, "hey!"
i have to swallow the phrase,
"it's been so long"
because the air quit being cold
and the street quit being loud
and my mind quit caring which way my hair was blowing
and every speck of me has been held by this man before

behold, comfort at its finest

i want to touch him again
not that i need to
i can't help but feel like we are
already interwoven
and right away, language fails me
but maybe that's okay
maybe it's enough to be silently amazed
for a second, or several

how come the nickels shook as i took my change?
why couldn't i thank the barista before clearing my throat?

alas, we savor the saccharinity
in how cinnamon compliments cream
as pb&j suddenly goes with oreos

still, how can i sneak a glimpse of those eyes
without parching my windpipe again?
and how does he laugh at my jokes
and clap to my tunes
and how come i haven't known this precious soul for all of my life?

of course, how can i be certain
that i haven't?

salt and pepper bricks and broken glass
graveyard tales and a christmas tree in february and,
"we should go star gazing sometime!"
although i swear i've already seen the stars with this man
maybe even numbered them, named them
may have very well visited each and every one of them, too

"look at that light streak in the sky!"
because it's cool, but it doesn't amaze me
because i'm coming to realize
i could watch the moon rise up purple
over a lagoon full of lightning bugs
and it wouldn't be a lick more extraordinary than strolling across an empty parking lot
alongside this man

my chest sinks and soars synchronously
i've been here before
not this bench
but right beside the other heartbeat
upon it

trunk, guitar
treasure chest, citrine
instant homecoming

how can swapping songs resemble
taking an oath?
how can nineteen years amount to a mere ode to this moment?

scorpions, lions, and a pom-pom dog
he mentions his grandmother's passing
and his uncle's illness
and my chest wrenches like it did when
daddy mentioned mama's cancer
all those years ago
albeit, time does not drag
only dissipates into the freedom
that follows
after some puns and dumb questions
about antique bean grinders
which don't feel so dumb after all
because he doesn't seem to think so

i'm not nervous, not really
just in awe

i hate to admit, i lost track of the lyrics
for his song felt like a lifetime of its own
and the butterflies quit tremoring about
so my existence could hitch
with his cadence
for each chord he strummed
struck a nerve and
stuck more arrows
through my heart and
i'm sure
i've come to a
one of which i can't express in the moment
one of which i have a feeling
will put words to shame anyhow
but nonetheless,

i have heard this song before

perhaps, i used to live in it
and he in mine
perhaps, this is what resurrecting
sounds like

the strange isn't so strange anymore
my nose drips, my finger bleeds
courtesy of winter
and i could kind of care less
because he's speaking french over there
he's sharing stories of karaoke and concerts and kangaroos
and i'm getting drunk on every word
he's saying my eyes are pretty
and i'm blushing and struggling to imagine an adjective that tells him
just how much prettier his are

mirror shattered
before we reached it
maybe we don't need it anymore
not when we can look into eachother
and just know
i want to reflect him, i want to shine for him
and i want to wonder why
yet i don't

there's no time
it must have slipped and died back in the coffee shop
somewhere between the first hug and the first sip

somewhere between muddy creek cafe
and low gap
and ireland
it starts to feel like less of a small world
and more like fate

somewhere between the second hug and the see you laters,
the sun set in sheets of ocean and heaven
and somewhere between the gold and shades of blue
i saw it
so this is what his eyes are made of

how does the universe know?
174 · Mar 2018
secret aunt
saige Mar 2018
where did she live?
nobody's sure.

was she nice?
sure, the nice that borders naivety.

did i ever meet her?
maybe once or twice.
but you were far too young, and she was too far gone by then to have remembered.

what was she like?
a lovestruck ghost.
a runaway drunk on stolen scotch and romance novels.

what was his name?
we stopped saying it.
he gave her hell, and then some.

what else did he give her?
envelopes postmarked "Vietnam"
then some from a prison in Vermont.

did she have kids?
yup, your cousins, Amy, Tab and Brandi.
she never knew them, though.

did she miss them?
she wrote songs, then hitchhiked to Nashville.
sang all about those girls of hers, but never really said a thing.

did you miss her?
she wasn't the missing type.
she was always moving, we were always guessing which side of her we were meant to love.

what was her favorite color?
never thought to ask.
but she wore lots of patterns, kinda like a mask, i guess.

what about holiday?
life itself was just one long day in her world.

were her eyes brown like ours?
but too wide and dim and glazed to spot much resemblance.

do you think she was lonely?
probably not.
she had him to chase, wherever he wound up, whenever she wanted to.

so she really was in love?
since she was thirteen, she claimed.
just a kid, and we told her she was crazy, but she didn't believe us 'til it was too late.

how did she die?
with his name on her lips
biting her tongue until she bled to death.

what was her name, again?
well, she called herself "Lacey Maye."
174 · Apr 2018
saige Apr 2018
we go
don't say
a word
i feel you
i still do
i swear i know
it's hard to keep
it's not worth catching
an outcast
so stay,
i'll go
173 · Apr 2018
clean-shaven spring
saige Apr 2018
wild onions and wet dirt
fresh-cut grass and
did you have to
mow the buttercups?
your marble eyes
roll so easily
172 · Apr 2018
makeshift make-believe
saige Apr 2018
if we are
too rushed
to be true
to our dreams
let's slow down
and let life
our brightest
172 · Apr 2018
ahead of hell
saige Apr 2018
my heart was in my throat
and my throat was on fire
but the flames lost their lustre
once they brushed your blond hair
and it was crackle and crash
and i burned that in my mind
as the blaze took my eyes
on a long, black ride
i love you, i choked
before over taken with smoke
there were sunsets around us
but only ash when i woke
171 · Apr 2018
with a pistol in his hand
saige Apr 2018
"what do you think
you're doing?"

compared to what
i've already done."
170 · May 2018
and remember how
saige May 2018
you were
the sculptor
so i could be
the art thief
you'd never catch

but now

i need that
creative, three a.m.
i need your fingerprints
all over this canvas
so stroke me
and stain me with your
final touch
because i need
the thrill of

(with love)
169 · Mar 2018
we all fall down
saige Mar 2018
forest to fireplace
were loaded onto log trucks
and, like dark magic
century-old trees
became ash
in an evening
169 · Jan 2018
saige Jan 2018
i hit myself again
head to wall
knuckles to sand bag

i smoked too much again
dabs and backwoods
it was fun to hide in

i cursed myself again
spit to mirror
what a stupid, stupid girl

i ran too fast again
skin to pavement
it was fun to faint in

i lied to them again
didn't mean to, i'll do better
'til I can hit and smoke and curse and run
all I want to.
169 · May 2018
he/art thief
saige May 2018
168 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
there comes an age
which i have reached
in which i love
to take my turn
at making Mama
laugh like a
little girl
168 · Apr 2018
Bang the Drum Slowly
saige Apr 2018
"I meant to ask you how to fix that car
I always meant to ask you about the war
And what you saw across a bridge too far
Did it leave a scar?

I meant to ask you how to plow that field
I meant to bring you water from the well
And be the one beside you when you fell
Could you tell?

Gone now is the day and gone the sun
There is peace tonight all over Arlington
But the songs of my life will still be sung
By the light of the moon you hung"
~To dust be returning, from dust we begin~
Emmylou Harris is a hero.
168 · Jan 2018
Dawning on the Dark
saige Jan 2018
They always leave me, dear
Where else is left to go?
There's nothing for me here.

Stars glint the wind as mirrored
Kaleidoscopes, but oh-
They always leave me, dear.

Not one, but days of tears
I reckon you must know
There's nothing for me here.

A night so dreamt and sheer
I'm lured by sleep, but no!
They always leave me, dear.

What life is mine to clear?
Which carousel of snow?
There's nothing for me here.

Paint sunrise in my ear
I'll welter, wilt, and so-
By dawn you'll leave, my dear.
There's nothing for you here.
166 · Mar 2018
blue girl
saige Mar 2018
i don't agree
i don't think i was born yesterday
feels more like
earlier this morning
to me
and i don't believe
that life is what we make of it
i barely made it out alive
last night
165 · Sep 2018
saige Sep 2018
staring through her stainglassed eyes
i realize
angels are the only kind
of alien
i can't believe in
saige Mar 2018
Darling, are you sure?
Why of course, I have no choice
Well, I gave you mine.
163 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
her eyes match mine
she'll be five come summer
a whole handful already
that bovine dog who likes hula hoops
who would rather lie in my room
where the floor is cold and hard and chipping
than in her own rocking chair
cushioned in the light and warmth of our living room
with mom and dad and rabbits
and windows full of things to watch
but she makes her choice
she wants my floor
she wants me
and as i swaddle her
and watch her eyes close
i want my heart to match hers
162 · Apr 2018
our electric soul
saige Apr 2018
and while you were gone
the lights went out completely
i hope they never come back
161 · Jan 2018
saige Jan 2018
So I suppose I like to **** at prose
But I'm not a rhapsodist, no
Just a rambler,
A mangler of words

I like to fancy myself somewhat of a bard
When really, I just fiddle around on the guitar
Tickling strings until they
Giggle their tunes into me

And sometimes, I'll pull the strings
So they can pour their songs
Out of me.
161 · Jun 2018
saige Jun 2018
She uses her own name as a punchline
About a hundred times a day
She keeps money in her socks and
Gum on her soles as "collections"

And she smiles until her eyes squish
And she's fried her hair with bleach
And she leaves riddles on the wrappers
Of my brother's guitar strings
Handwritten like a Shakespearean
Handwriting like a snot-nosed student

And she's got hoops through her nostrils
And crystalline skin
And silver dollar eyes
And she ties her fried hair into knots
And she's twenty one
And she bought us ***** to prove it
And she better not use my little brother
My God, she better not
160 · Mar 2018
sibling snippet 2
saige Mar 2018
often i long for
the years we were kids
because all folks would ask was,
"aw, are y'all twins?"
oh, we were tickled
but nope
just brother and sister

now, that we've grown up
yet haven't grown apart
everywhere we go it's,
"aw, are y'all boyfriend and girlfriend?"

oh, brother!
we must be destined to laugh
160 · Mar 2018
sibling snippet 3
saige Mar 2018
crimson spray paint
chipped off the
dinged aluminum frame
our dear friend
"the steel skeleton"
daddy rigged that go-cart
to push forty
felt like

mercy, we charged
wild onions
bubbling sun
rope swing
whipped, weaved
clothesline posts
threadbare tires
churned the dirt
that'd raised us

you squealed at the turns
of course you did
i was wild back then
burning rubber
cross clover patches
racing crows
and then the bats
until those holes threw us off
the ones our dog had dug
the ones we never thought to fill
once we'd buried her
beside the barn


ching and crackle
we'd been flipped
fumes all around and
on the motor
steering wheel
clamped my leg to pedal
i shook it off
but the buckle
mama had installed
did its job and
trapped you there

swoosh of blood in my head
and heat closing in
i found my feet
our crash site ignited and
flames lost their lustre
once they brushed blond hair

crimson sprayed
over dandelions
dribbled from your chin and
as i screamed for mom
for dad
for god
for you
i swore
to never drive again
and here i am, nearly 20, having never had a licence.
159 · May 2018
our world has angels
saige May 2018
this is not a drill
just a miracle
we don't need wings
he has sunshine hair
and sky blue eyes
and they are falling
on me
159 · May 2018
missle smiles
saige May 2018
"yeah, i remember," i lied
because your lip curled at the side
and that meant you were
a hundred miles from here, and far
you'll never know how far i wanted you
from the war all around us
158 · Feb 2018
bear with me
saige Feb 2018
you said
i hope you don't mind
i helped myself to the dynamite
i found out in the barn

then the day you dropped the bomb
a canon ball shot through my heart
and i knew the war was won
before i was aware
it'd been declared

i've been taking bullets
for you
for years now
but i've been lying low
nothing would get you down

you send me to bed
with a bullseye on my back
and ask me why
i'm sleeping belly up

oh love
we've been
walking on eggshells
(more like a
if i may say so myself
158 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
hours alive
seems like less
feels like more

i remember the day
i turned double digits
daddy's guitar and mama's punch
made sure
ten years old
was my favorite milestone.
nigh is the night
i'll strike double decades
and neither daddy's guitar or mama's punch
can stop twenty
from becoming
my least favorite milestone.
158 · Apr 2018
past the point
saige Apr 2018
i know your history
is more
than most of our
worst nightmares
but, must i understand?
to sit beside you in the red clay to
snake my arms around you to
catch your hair in the cracks of my lips
as the hurricanes
crash over all you've
seen, all those
colors within your
it's dark back there
i'd imagine
but **** it all,
i know your future
must be brighter than

(and i will hold you
'til it is)
157 · Apr 2018
i'm slipping...
saige Apr 2018
so bad.
too bad,
so sad.
157 · May 2018
the words he lived by
saige May 2018
my grandpa never smoked
but he worked in a tobacco factory
for thirty years
and one day,
on a wall of a bathroom stall
in that tobacco factory
he saw something scribbled
so he copied it down
on a napkin, he said
then carried that napkin in his pocket
until it fell apart
twenty years later

my brother wore a cap and gown
and gramps gave him a card
in which he'd scribbled down
"success is getting what you want
happiness is wanting what you get"
then he drove back to the cabin
in the foothills, where he lives
and my brother lit a cigarette
157 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
Here I am
As my teenage dream
Comes to an end
Pulse quickens
Eyes damp
Just like waking
From a nightmare
Here in the twilight
I declare
If I must chronicle myself
In accordance to calendars
That teenage dream
Can be crossed off
For as of now
It is over
Is where I really start
156 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
"Come on,"
Was me losing you

"I've got to leave tomorrow."
"So you've said."

"I can't stay."
I already knew

"So come back."
"I can't promise-"
"You can too."

"Could be years."
"It's already been years."

"How long?"
"Have I loved you?"

"Quit playing dumb."
"Fine. Long enough."

You looked down, nodded
Then locked your eyes with mine

"Wait for me,"
Was your condition

Was our celebration
Choked in an embrace
Like the ones exchanged at funerals

Was I really losing you?
Make-believe last-chance childhood sweethearts
156 · Mar 2018
saige Mar 2018
when the days stop counting
and nothing adds up
to just take away from everything
at least we'll know better
than to think we'll ever know it all
156 · Apr 2018
kids of cripple creek
saige Apr 2018
let's wade upstream
sure, you can follow me
i'm heading into sunset
around the dams
and up the falls, and
muddy water runs deep
in these veins, after all, and
ahoy, a nest!
amid pine needles
and gatorade bottles
sits pretty mother goose
hissing like a serpent
so, take off! for the shore!
like helpless little children
let's race downstream
155 · Jan 2018
Match and Mix
saige Jan 2018
She wore her heart on her sleeve
But kept an ace underneath
Just in case

She wore out the word "always"
The "look at mes", "I'm sorrys"
And "oh somedays"

She wore countless shades of rouge
From her cheekbones to her shoes
All drying up so well,
All here yet never there

She wore in the pair of lips
That filled her face with bliss
Like a beacon through the mist
The eighth sea's pokered siren

She wore seashells in her knees
The eve she washed ashore
Crept to flag a ship
That might sink her back to more

Heart bleeding from her sleeve
Cards stacked against beneath
Scarlet nails and blistered feet
Enough to make one think she-
Closed her eyes to dress

Life wore her backwards,
Inside out and backwards
And still,
She wore it best.
155 · Apr 2018
you took it too far
saige Apr 2018
so i broke my key
trying to slash your tires
we love in spirals
155 · May 2018
book song 2
saige May 2018
if you can really read
my thoughts
won't you please slow down?
because i keep drawing blanks
but you've been
turning the pages somehow
i have to know
just how my story's going
seems i fell a few chapters behind
trying to decipher
what i don't remember writing, but it's
all a dead language now
so, if you can really read my mind
well, now's the time
to read it aloud
154 · Apr 2018
Loco Lingo
saige Apr 2018
             I've learned some phrases...

She'd say
Goodness gracious, sakes alive!
To everyone and their uncle
In a month of Sundays

He'd say
You're dumber than a bag of rocks
And the straw that broke the camel's back
But I love the bones of ya

She'd say
I declare!
If wishes were horses, and
Wicked, in a good way

He'd say
No ****, Sherlock
That's what she said
Ya dig?

                     ...from some friends
                                                         ­            ·
154 · Mar 2018
eyes and lava lamps
saige Mar 2018
her bangs shed like ash
vesuvius rejected
molten aqua gaze
154 · Apr 2018
attention, shoppers
saige Apr 2018
mickey was made of
everything you'd never find
on a magazine page
like black pepper perfume
she called it her "pepperspray"
sometimes she wore an ocean scent, too
salty and spicy and
she shook the supermarket aisles
that way
we're not buying it
154 · May 2018
book song 1
saige May 2018
don't judge by my cover
take a look at my spine
this is what binds me
i am not undercover
i am in disguise
this is why i don't recognize
my own right to say
this is why i survived
the scribe i rhymed with you

don't go by my covers
'cause you won't have time
to read between the lines of
white lies
you'll never realize how colorless
my life
really is

so don't look at my cover
but keep an eye on my spine
because i am bound to break it
chocked full of cliches, i wrote this thing a couple years back xD
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