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By: Cedric McClester

Attention everyone
There’s an international crisis
For the sake of argument
Let’s call it ISIS
To whom my advice is
Stop it follow your Prophet
Peace and blessing be upon him
Why do you scorn him

We have a crisis
Because of ISIS
Who aren’t the nicest
They’re rolling the dices

Under the belief
The world needs a Khalif
They cause nothing but grief
And we all want relief
With God willing
We’ll stop the killing
And their savagery
Which helps us to see

We have a crisis
Because of ISIS
Who aren’t the nicest
They’re rolling the dices

Without a doubt
In time they’ll crap out
Until then they’ll shout
Allahu Akbar so there you are
God is Great
But love will crush hate
Underneath its own weight

We have a crisis
Because of ISIS
Who aren’t the nicest
They’re rolling the dices

They lack
Mercy or compassion
And in their own fashion
They’ve tried to cash in
On their few conquests
But nevertheless
Despite their success
They’re gonna regress

We have a crisis
Because of ISIS
Who aren’t the nicest
They’re rolling the dices

Attention everyone
There’s an international crisis
For the sake of argument
Let’s call it ISIS
To whom my advice is
Stop it follow your Prophet
Peace and blessing be upon him
Why do you scorn him

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
Green all around
nothing but trees
flowers blooming
buzzing of bees
squirrels running
under your feet
sun blaring down
blistering heat
nothing for miles
can't find your way
must start a fire
tonight you must stay
the wind chills your body
down to the core
and here comes the rain
a torrential downpour
what started as happy
a nice nature hike
turned into horror
and a fight for your life
so the torrent falls
and you shiver away
hoping and praying
to be found 'fore it's too late.
 Apr 2015 Saheila Bad'aaftu
His lips are my favorite flavor. I cherish his taste and find myself  craving it within moments after he is gone. We laid there tonight lip-locked and smiling behind each kiss, and for some reason each kiss was its own. Each kiss seemed to symbolize us to me. To represent all the little things I love about him, and how each thing is just as great as the one before or after. To represent the number of little butterflies this boy has given me, and will proceed to give me in the future. To represent how many little feelings of hope between us I have felt and will hopefully continue to feel. And to represent our good times. How each date is special in its very own way and just as good as the one before or after. Our kisses began to create lists inside my head, but no matter how they varied, the top of each was haunted with the word "you."

— The End —