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 Oct 2014 Sabrina O'Connor
nobody warns you about the first boy who tells you he wants to marry you.

nobody warns you about the tangible shift in the universe when he parts his lips to smile.

nobody warns you about the poetry he'll write you or how your knees will weaken or the melancholy hidden between the layers of his laughter.

nobody warns you that miles will morph into lightyears and you will curse the ocean for being the only thing that keeps his fingers from resting between yours.

nobody warns you about the day his sweater doesn't smell like him anymore.

nobody warns you that human hands are incapable of holding a person together.

nobody warns you that sometimes love is not enough, no matter how much you wish it was.

nobody warns you about the crippling nostalgia that renders you breathless.

nobody warns you about the nights when silence screams for your blood.

nobody warns you about the crater that forms in your chest in the middle of the night when he doesn't answer.

nobody warns you about how it's going to feel when he tells you he's in love with someone else.

nobody warns you that forever is a lie.

- m.f.
 Oct 2014 Sabrina O'Connor
what you need to understand about me is that i am nothing more than misplaced passion and a pair of blindly swinging fists that tremble with unrighteous anger. so allow me to apologize in advance for the fires my subconscious starts. i am a clumsy compilation of ill-suited lines that will never see life in your poetry. at least, not like they used to. you are a book filled with with pictures i never got to take, and every day i am forced to sit idly by while she starts a new roll of film. the missile crisis reincarnate is inside my chest, so forgive me for not being able to control when i shake. forgive me for fumbling with syntax so crassly. i know better than to spew hate and call it poetry. please understand that the endless series of sinking ships in my head makes it difficult to form coherent thought. my thoughts, will **** me, if your absence doesn't first. i think about your hands more than i am proud to admit, and when i picture them reaching for her i feel so sick. i'm sorry. i am so sorry that i haven't yet learned how to moderate the volcano in my throat. i'm so sorry for spitting fire with my eyes closed. forgive me for confusing anger with bravery and burning down too many houses to count. in my misguided thirst for blood i weaponized memories and threw them like daggers in every direction, but the only one being hit is me. i am so tired of bleeding, i am tired of this one-sided war, i am tired of being a war. i tried so hard to be catharsis personified but i have to face the reality that my arms would only hold you like a grave. i loved you like rainwater, and lost you like time. you were never mine. you were never mine. you were never mine. i have to say that to myself every day because it eases the pain of watching you belong to anyone else. but i can't ignore the surplus of "what if's" wreaking havoc in my consciousness. i think that's why i get so angry when i picture you laughing with her instead of me. i am blocking out the memory of the night you told me my laughter could cure your sadness. ******* it. i am trapped in a nightmare where the walls of the home we built are lined with photographs of her. this is why i can't breathe at the thought of her smiling when the flash goes off. they say that nothing good stays; i have never been good at leaving, so i guess that makes sense. you once referred to me as an anxious mess you would spend the rest of your life cleaning up, and i can't get that out of my head. i hope you know, that after everything, i would still sit and collect dust on a shelf in your house forever, if that's what you wanted me to do. but i know it's not, so i'll go back to apologizing. i'm sorry that my rage doesn't have an off switch. i'm sorry for being a literal spitfire. i'm sorry for being an earthquake under her glass slippers. i'm sorry that my mouth is a loaded gun and that i have ****** aim. i swear to god i'm trying not to shoot so often but this is one of the hardest things i have ever done. so until i learn control i will burn in silence with the safety on.  

- m.f.
 Oct 2014 Sabrina O'Connor
sometimes i wonder if god keeps a record
of all the times i have been left,
all the times i have been unable to leave.
i wonder if he thinks to himself,
"when will she learn?"
as if he feels my heartache too.
i picture god with a furrowed brow,
hunched over a typewriter,
beginning me again and again,
a mountain of crumpled paper at his feet.
but somehow -
he always ends up at the same point in the story
where i am all ****** palms
and half-hearted hallelujahs
propped up on bruised knees.
spitting up blood & teeth at his feet screaming,
but he doesn't answer.
and i catch myself wondering if the silence
is his way of punishing me for making a deity out of you.
after all, the bible says he is a jealous god.
i could've sworn there was a verse somewhere
that said you weren't allowed to love anyone other than me.
but now that i think about it,
i probably took it out of context.
if i could add a parable to those already existing,
it would be how your chest
felt like church under my head,
and how i thought to myself,
"this is how it would be if he loved me back."
or how you fled my bedroom like a crime scene.
i am still bleeding.
i won't tell you how many times
i cracked my heart in half
trying to be what you wanted.
how my lips on your skin felt judas.
now i am waiting for god to begin me once more,
hoping he'll leave you out of the plot this time
because i don't think i could stand to lose you again.
see, rumor has it he knew you'd leave
and has been trying to make it up to me
since before we'd even met.
my song is one of repentance.
the wood finish from abandoned pews
rotting under my fingernails.
i made sacrifices you didn't ask for.
i have never known
whether my inability to abandon people
is more a strength or a weakness
but so far everyone i've ever loved
has turned into an exit wound,
and myself into a flickering no vacancy sign.

- m.f.
 Oct 2014 Sabrina O'Connor
the seasons have been changing &
i’m not sure why i thought we wouldn’t
succumb to the ways of mother nature
it’s a lot of should have, could have,
would have and not enough
stay with me tonight & we can figure the
rest out in the morning
but this isn’t about the staying or the going
you’re breathing slowly &
i’m drinking more than i should
we’re drifting through a phase of
let me try this without you but
what about the handful of nights i woke up in a
panic because i dreamt of your
name coming out of a mouth
that wasn’t mine
i heard love is supposed to be
a game of tug of war
when really it’s me & our ghost
pulling on an empty rope
because the only type of fight you know
is running until your hands feel innocent again
i crossed the border last night
& i swear that the street lights were talking to me
in a way that would lead me
straight to your house
but i kept telling them you weren't there anymore
that you had a bad habit of
moving wherever the sun looked best
the ground i walk on isn't as strong these days
& i've got to stop dancing to our song in the kitchen alone
i'm sorry that i'm anchored to
the moments you were in love with me
it's just that i think if you would've picked up
the phone that night then i wouldn't have to
keep begging you to come home
everything starts over at the time it began
& i'll wait until december comes again
 Oct 2014 Sabrina O'Connor
a gas pedal pressed all
the way to the floor
passing all of the lights & not feeling
your heartbeat in the flicker
a quick approaching bend
(& i'm so sorry but)
how i wouldn't slowdown
the split second where time freezes
& my life flashes before my eyes
seeing a worn out repeat of
you walking away
my name rolling off your tongue
one last time
so i can hear it fade out
pinpointing the moment
i completely lost myself
chasing you but
running in place
while time speeds back up
praying in the debris
that there's a parallel universe
where you stayed
these permanent footprints
facing away from me
that show up in the pavement
wherever i go now
every single night
you were in love with me
& the accompanying bottle
the haunting resemblance of
your promises to me
in poems about him
how i've got nothing else to bet on
because you were my all in
this fire you've started
in a forest that was never yours
how much time we would have had
if we measured it in the moments
i loved you the hardest
my apology for
missing you this much  
even though you're still here
Laugh for me,
Laugh for me, please,
Fall for me,
Fall for me, slowly
Call to me,
Call to me, sweetly, like always
Turn your smiling face on mine,
And dazzle me with your eyes,
My name is so pretty from your lips,
No matter how you say it.

Oh, why do I stoop to begging?
To crying, to sighing?
I always despised it before, still
Oh, why do I stoop to languish?
I’m no princess in need of saving,
I don’t even need your love,
Could live without you fine,
But My Heart won’t listen!

You are still so great in my eyes.

I look on you, and can’t take it.
I’m sure there must be something wrong with me.
That I am less, less than you deserve,
Or would even consider.

But the truth is
I know you see me, and think me beautiful,
I am not Great in Your eyes.

I’ll cry today and be patient tomorrow.
May 3, 2012
I would love nothing more but to grab your face between my shaky palms and crash my lips against your own with the power of every heartbroken soul pushing against my mouth. The trouble with this is i do not know where your head or heart sits. If i were to place all of my lovely dreams onto your heavenly lips what would you do? The fear is all that holds me back from what could be a championship for all the heavy hearted or a low blow straight to the gut.

— The End —