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Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
Expression is a sentence
      on wheels traversing a
     cavernous tunnel under
      a dark mountain range
         and light is a blank
            page at its end.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
You can't just barge
into a canal without
a lock and quay or
you will get astern
warning from the
harbour master if
you arrive without
an oar or two because
piggy packers are
frowned upon by the
stevedores who smoke
reefers to avoid boredom
when they are on the
***** line which is
usually full of bow
thrusters who like it
best in the aft regardless
of the swell.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2021
There is a leaning tree with two
remaining red apples hanging
side by side like a pair of testicles.

Just below is a branch, hosting
a pegged out clothes line where
occasionally our robin perches.

Sometimes, Cyriol, the vocal blind
she'ep butts ihe trunk by accident
and prematurely sheds its foliage.

She’s last to the manger at night,
chick- hens are the other side of
the pen, so she has no role models.

Late sun up and a superfluous
rooster makes the morning as
indistinguishable as evening.

Adding to all of that, she’s black,
and ostracised by the local white
white community..

First knell of the village bell is a
six am, she tunes into the sound
waves like a homing pigeon. then

Baa Baa ---------------------
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Not stationary unfixed
floating, stateless, I wish
we could migrate like the
birds, with no need for
passports, ID's or even
nationality, I am is all
one would need to prove
who you were before
becoming what you is.
Ryan O'Leary May 2022

I am autistic

complicated by dyslexia,

a difficult child (perhaps).

But was I breach birthed,

Cesarian, or premature?

Did I have an over sized


Why did you say to me

when I was still a child

that you wished I was

never born?

I just put flowers on

your grave.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
At the occasional meal
we know they eat Veal

Or a Suckling Wee Pig
now thats just as big.

Fish on Friday, could
be raw Lumpfish Roe,

Sunday is roast, will be
Lamb, we all know.

So its easy to see why
they approve of Abortions

Because the tastiest morsels
come in small portions.

Can’t say I approve, I’m
a pure herbivore

We’re as rare as Hens
teeth, we’re lost in folklore.

Full Irish, the dish of our
culinary state,

Orwell would call it
Animal Farm on a plate.
Carnivores are Cannibals in slow evolution.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2020
By the way side
                legs twitching
eyes fogged
                       dismay of
a dazzling
                      faced  into
pair of halogen
              moons blinded.
White tails
                    flash as run
rabbits escape
turn disappear
natures illusion
                 works not for
head lights!
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2022
.                                    Belfry

                        Imagine a fulcrum with

                       A giant suspended ball

                  Swinging in an arc between

                Two masonry Walls smashing

              Against one and bouncing back

               To the other continuously in an

              Effort to erode destroy demolish

           But despite all the repetitious efforts

         Never actually achieving the objective.

    This is how the power of now pendulum tries

   To annhillate the immovable   \
                                             Past &.   O   Future
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
En France il y a
Mille Feuille
(a thousand layers)

William Wordsworth
said about daffodils
(ten thousand saw I at a glance)

In Ireland they say
Céad Míle Fáilte
(a hundred thousand welcomes)


This today dear readers is my
(1,000th poem for 2018 since Jan 1st)

Ryan O'Leary
40 followers / 20.4k words
1000 published / 50 drafts
0 published
0 poems / 3 members
Yes, prior to this one, my
poem count was 999.
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
By regretting the past one sets
a precedent for the future and
just because right now has left,
it is pointless in chasing after it.

Lo-oking in the wrong direction
with binoculars will not bring it
any closer, fleeting not fleeing,
time only has hands, but no legs.

Evaporated water from a well
went into the future, returning
with the rain, so, not all is lost
if being in its past is a present.

But do be conscious of the fact,
when time is killed, the witness
is always the prime suspect and
there is no vindication by alibi.


The longest period between two
sounds, is a minutes silence.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024
.            The Eye Test


         Please look at the
         Eye chart and tell
         Me what you see.

         It’s twenty twenty
         Doctor your clock
         Is still in old time.

         No, not that wall,
         The opposite one
          Beside the mirror.

         I can see it now it
         Doctor, it is twenty
         Twenty one, almost!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
Canon Komatsu Sony?

          Daikin Hit-achi.

Ryan O'Leary Feb 2024
It was a time of great

depression, a serious

  lack of commodities.

  Edgar Allan ran out

  of ink, this is why he

never finished his Poe
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2020
We woke to a pea soup fog
this morning, a diffused day.

I'm always suspicious of mists,
especially these Irish ones.

Our government is meeting
today, to pass new legislation.

A Brussels Spout no doubt, all
part of the, EU NWO WHO plan!
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
I almost gave up drink
                      for Lent this year, not
the length of it, the full
                   forty days, frothy days
I called them because
                I never stopped thinking
of the creamy Guinness
                  tops. Yes more than one,
eight a night was how
                     many I'd been putting
away, a gallon. Often as
                      it approached closing
time I'd order two, just
                  to be sure I had enough
to keep the night dark.

If I was a Muslim I'd
                  never manage Ramadan
because I was only twenty
                days into Lent and I gave
up. Giving up is a better
                   word than breaking out.
It is 1982 and I am truly
                      ashamed of myself for
nor persevering, especially
        after the Hunger Strikers, who
had no hope of breaking out
        yet ten of them fasted to death,
longer than Lent, at the 'Kesh.


This is a poem I wrote in 1982 a
year after 10 Irish Freedom fighters
died at Long Kesh prison in N.Ireland.
(Found it in a copybook today)
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
She asked me to meet her
in the abstract -

Existing in thought or as an
idea but not having a physical
or concrete form -

That ruled out Musee D'Orsay
Pont Neuf and Eiffel this is why I
am waiting at the antonym in case
she has a change of mind, actually!
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Imagine if one was to die
Half way through a poem

Would people think it was
Written by Picass
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary May 2024
I may never get a chance
to escape my cage, but
life here in the kitchen is
a fate worse than death,
was what this glorious
songbird thought, until
one day she was lifted
off her hook and became
known as, The Miner Bird!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023

    Owing to being over charged

  and very hight interest rates on

   borrowings by the lender it has

given the sublessee no alternative

  but close the premises without

regulating the account but he left

a note on the counter which read.

           Debt To The Dues,


If Shakespeare was a vegetarian

Antonio could have paid Shylock

  back with a pound of beetroot.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2022
The final sunset

has been served

despite the British

umpire calling foul.


Irish Vlad to see
someone Putin
boot in the Brits.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
((((Are you lying))))
((((sick on some))))
((((hospital bed-))))
     or in prison,
     an alcoholic,
     drug addict,
     isolated in
     some forgotten
     wilderness, on
     an oil rig, in
     a submarine---
     under the polar
     cap, even an
     astronaut en
     route wherever?
     So, for whatever
     reason be your
     solitude, I am
     taking this
     opportunity, this
     platform, to wish
     you and of course
     all at Hello Poetry,
     a moment to reflect.
     Good wishes, health,
     freedom, food, shelter, equality, acceptance))))))))))))
     dreams, aspirations, peace, an access to knowledge)))
     by way of uncensored writers who live in terror just to))))
     ensure that you don't need to believe in Santa Claus)))
     in order to have all of what is in this stocking)))))))))))
Refined flour produces
censored bread, dough
  without the husk is a
    rising of reticence!
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
Got my first Irish cold,
woke up today like a
sniffer dog.

Must to go buy some
propper handkerchiefs.

Since they began making
them out of toilet paper,
noses become Rudolf'd.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
(‘<    it has been a lonely
period for proper gander
since <‘)  dumbed down
duck stopped listening to
his daily bulletins about
global affairs, but, as it is
coming up to Christmas
Quackery period, perhaps
it is inevitable considering
that it’s a carnivore festival
for animal lovers worldwide.
Plucking, stuffing, skewing,
roasting, basting, devouring.
We rarely eat red meat now!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2021

I never felt right about evicting
Ahmed from the flat in London.
Now that it has been cancelled,
an unnecessary anxiety has been
lifted from his shoulders.
Mine don’t matter, I put it there.

19th December 2021.

Sorry for the distress I caused you


3 days ago I cancelled an eviction
order of a tenant in the flat I own in
London. It went against what was an
historic practice by the British during
their period of control in Ireland.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2019
Ok Cathy, I did have an inkling
that this could have been the case,
hence, why I pursued those questions.

Having been in that predicament I
fully understand what the foetal
position and dark room means.

Once, it was Christmas week, I was
in a semi squat at 16 Britannia Rd
in Fulham.

Not far from Chelsea stadium it
links Kings Rd to Fulham Rd
near the Broadway.

I was minding ****, a cross between
an Irish terrier and a Kerry Blue, a dog
familiar with Marijuana.

It was many the time he got high on
it while we, Christopher Beresford and
I were marinating in alcohol.

Chris was the director of projects for
Debrett’s Peerage in Mossop St, I did
a bit of work there myself.

Chris went up to Bury St Edmunds
for Christmas, while I minded ****,
it was the first time I ate dog food.

The house had no heating and outside
toilet, gas and electricity had been cut off
due to non paid bills.

What money I had at the beginning of
that week, I spent it on drink and never
bought one morsel of food.

I drank water and spooned sugar until
it was all gone, I slept and woke and slept
all day, **** toiletted in the house.

No phone, nobody called and even if they did
I would’t answer the door, I had grown a stubble
I was ***** and unkempt.

The curtains were drawn, there was a low gutter
by the bedroom window which is what I used as
a urinel.

I was out of cigarettes, even all the butts had been
used up, it was cold and I got the poor mees,
I was ashamed of myself.

There was an old lady next door, she was well
aware the Chris was an extreme eccentric and
I was some sort of an odd Irishman.

In better times, I cleaned snow away from her
door and once I looked through the window and
discovered her on the floor.

She liked us, and no doubt felt as though we were
two lost cats unable to manage our lives because
of alcohol.

On the 25th, Christmas Day, towards evening, she
brought out a turkey carcass for ****, I knew her
voice, so I opened the door (plate width)

No sooner was she gone, and ****, who I had
given it to in her presence, was immediately
forced to surrender the Turkey.

Covered in his saliva, I was not in any state to
be pulling rank on ****’s social standing, we
were all of a sudden, equals.

**** did eventually get to participate in a
communal meal, as he got the gleaners share
of the boney discards being relayed to him.

There was a second knock, it was the lady again,
I apologised for not doing a better job at washing the
plate, ****’s tongue had no detergent.

She handed me a large bottle of Guinness, a
a packet of rolling tobacco, papers and matches,
I was in recovery, somebody cared about me.

Ryan O'Leary Nov 2019
(The Black Nosed Reindeer)


What the **** are you doing here
I must have a red nose reindeer.


I don't know, the job centre sent me
and told me to put glitter on my antlers.


Did you read the job description ?


I did, but the lady said that it was an
equal opportunities position.


Did they give you a card?


Yes, here it is, you me and the bear.


I don't believe this.


Well ! am I hired or not?


I must ring the job centre.
Hello, Santa Claus here.
Where is Rudolf this year Miss?

Job Centre:

Hello Santa, he can't make it this year.


But why not?

Job Centre:

We are not permitted to discuss our'
clients affairs Mr Claus.


But I must speak with him !

Job Centre:

The best I can do is to give you
the AA help line.


Hello, I am looking for Rudolf.


Is this some sort of Joke?


No, this is Santa Claus here.


This is Alcoholics Anonymous and we do not
give out information about our members. All I
can say is, everyone around the table here has
a red nose and looks like Rudolf.

Merry Christmas.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
Trump is an Acist because he is
of the Diamond not Spades also
when face up on a deck there are
fifty one star cards under which
represent each state, plus Israel.


Kim Jong Un is the Joker.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
There is certainly a gender
misrepresentation on weather
vanes and many, such as Fish
or Foxes have no noticeable
features to determine their ***.

But despite all this PC business,
one must accept that the Rooster
deserves his place of prominence,
because, what do hens do, besides
scratching around and laying eggs !!
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
En France, there is an illusion
where it is commonly perceived,
that the slower one moves the
longer one lives. This adage was
reinforced by Citroen, with their
l’escargot shaped deux chevaux.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
Mynorca, as of now is a reverse
Acronym, Qantas IKEA & Yahoo
are also but they’re not contrary.

Scuba is not a fish lest you think
it is what the divers are seeking.

And Spam is a carnivore product,
appears not, on herbivore Apples.

It’s an urban myth, misconception
of the populist that save our souls
means SOS, and also an acronym.

NASA is but it does not mean they
are Needing Another 7 Astronauts!
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Who do you write for?
He could equally have

What do you write about?
I had no answer to either,
because I just write to keep
the committee in my head

I used to use an anaesthetic
for this purpose, until I lost
my licence for the third time.

To be honest, I must confess,
that thinking and driving is
far more dangerous, especially if
I am writing between the lines!
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018

DOPPIO is a Pizza Place To Be Avoided.
Based in Goult in Luberon.
2 hour wait for Pizza last night
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2024








Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018



Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
B ritish
R easoning
E xcessively
X enophobic
I rish
T ickled
This is the first Haiku in Acrostic ever compose.
The world delighted to see the POMS in Merde.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2019
Fortunately for people who
can't afford a TV in the WC
action replay will be available
for the forthcoming war in M.E.


there may be a time delay, so if you
don't make it back after you flush,
worry not, your **** will be saved.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
.         One cannot urinate
        And hold back a ****
        In tandem according
       To Newton’s first law
      Of physics where each
     Action has an equal and
          Opposite reaction.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
God Evil*.

Could read Go Devil.
   No matter, all acts
  of which insurance
companies refuse to
compensate, can not
be described as any
         other but,
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024
.        (Part ll)

Discovered in Gaza.

Now we know why?


Eviction and fiction.

Because their knell is
is the bell on the Plaza.

They are truly Satanic,
provenance, manic,
destination Titanic,

Between riverbank
and shore of the sea.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023




Ryan O'Leary Dec 2020
The election was a loaded
dice, a deck with an extra
joker and badly cut cards.

An under hand deal, typical
case of quickness of the hand
deceives the eye, well almost!

Caught in the act, can't have
a trump replaced just because
you got an unplayable hand.

This calls for the Colt 45 or
an act of sedition, America
is being nationally socialised.

Furrows of furlough have
been seeded with the flecks
of fast growing fanaticism.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
.             What did God do to
              stop the Holocaust,
              if Satan was in on it
              then who’s to blame.

              It appears that God
              is finally intervening
              p.p Allah, on behalf
              of Gaza Palestinians.

              It speaks multitudes,
              says a lot about the
              chosen ones and bids
              us ask this question.

               If those who inflict
               the most on those
               who can endure the
               most, does mc2=Evil?
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Throughout history

these people have

   been detested.

One of them was

  nailed to a cross.

Shakespeare had

it in for them, they

   were run out of

  everywhere they

  went, now we all

   know why, they

  are bad *******

   chosen by God

    who himself is

   the essence of

      ultimate evil.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Acts Of God

Throughout history

these people have

  been detested.

One of them was

nailed to a cross.

Shakespeare had

it in for them, they

  were run out of

everywhere they

went, now we all

  know why, they

are bad *******

  chosen by God

   who himself is

  the essence of

     ultimate evil.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2024
Coincidental Diagnosis

The person before me
Never flushed the WC.

Fortunately for him is
What I have to say to
That and but that we
Were on a ferry boat I
May have never go to
Diagnose him. Our paths
Crossed at the toilet door.
Roper turds can suggest
There is a cancerous
Growth in the intestine.
Stringy faeces is a sign.

Dare I tell him, as he sat
At the bar with his lady?

Well, I did and he was taken
Aback, 1 that he neglected
To pull the chain and 2 that
I suspected he had cancer!

He took my details and only
Today did I get a call and he
Had gone for tests and would
You believe it, I was right.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
Where hippy's go,
prosperity follows.

And indeed, this has
been the case worldwide.

They were first into West
Cork, Otago in New Zealand.

Anywhere that was barren,
became nice, sought after.

It was the same with bread,
they pioneered the old recipes.

Today, we have latter day hippies
educating us about Organic Flour.

The cult of bread is not new, just
forgotten. A buttered cult please!
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