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Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
If there was no difference
     between Freedom and
Independence, a vote would
not be necessary in Scotland.

The Irish are independent
The Scots are merely, free.

        Freedom is the dog,
        bordered is the lead..
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
Social - distancing is why
we have borders apartheid
burkas and discrimination.

Perimeter fences, canyons, pale's
hell, heaven, limbo, purgatory
all separated by our sinning.

Walls of wisdom erected by
God are mountains and rivers
are moats without drawbridges.

We are naturally racists it's in our
genetic make up or why else are
our governments reminding us?

              Lest We Forget.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
Scheduled for next week end
the organisers have begun to
fill the hall with bunk beds as
sleepy Joe is the main speaker.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
If I was a Muslim
and you were a

Would you marry
me anyway

And Burka my
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
Protest as much as they
wish, but Boris has out
witted the Irish and EU
governments, also, Red
Bussed the 52% & now
the 48% remainer,s are
doing exactly as he has
planned, this man is a
pure genius, bless him.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
Boris     Johnson
[    <>          <>    ]
decided to paint
post pillar boxes
in a     black mat
so that   Muslim
women     could
assimilate easier.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
We got a new puppy for
Christmas, stuck for a
novel name, somebody
suggested Boris or Brexit.

Now that he has an alias
we are in the process of
teaching him not to ****
on the pavement.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Britain is Borixed, there has been
a tsunami at 1 eau Drowning Street.

Bodies are being ejected from the
life raft, without their May, Vests.

Priti Patel is at the helm, brought the
Mogg along as coxswain.

Sewers are bursting, French Floaters
arriving via the channel tunnel.

Merde, **** EU **** crottes ca ca's,
Borix is going to happen, by Halloween.

Long Live The Been, **** the Scots NI's
& Welsh, England will still have a Queen.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2019
October is nigh and Brexit
be upon us with all haste.

Democracy prevails, one out
all in, I.E. the 27 remainder's.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Finally we find out why
blond women dyed the
roots of their hair black.

Lashana Lynch the new
Bond lady is to die for,
avec des cheveux naturels.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2022
.                o
               | |
              /   \
              | ? |

What could one do to create
a buffer from the tempests
of tragedy, would staying
In the comfort zone help to
minimise the risk.

I have always confronted
the wind, faced its turmoil,
was blown off course, often
marooned by my alcoholic

I’m back, and on that same island
which ebbed me into a receeding
tide, with little to sustain buoyancy
but my imagination, cast adrift, with
a bottled up message for the world.

Finn. 2nd Jan 2022.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
Bottoms Up the latest
underworld organisation
who have developed what
has been called the BTM's.

Basically they are ball bombs
which can be flushed into
a foul pipe via any lavatory
push rolled to the city cesspool.

The main catchment chambers
running along Maddison Ave
Fleet Street Champs Elyseess
type streets all over the world.

La merde frappe le ventilateur
the Do Mac Ron, Donny T and
Boris are in the methane mist,
**** partout, what a load of crap.



Black Turds Matter.
We will not take this
sitting down.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Originally known as
Snakes Belly this
County Down group,
have, according to
Gutter Press managed
to maintain number
1 position at bottom
of the charts with a
Black Christmas song
about delirium tremors.

Sung by Grand Mal in
what has been deemed
their most quaking
performance to date

Sink Hole Studios in
Mitchelstown Caves
said that Stalagtites
fell from the ceiling.

Christy Moore later
commented by saying
the song  “ Fake ****** “
should be banned because
it was an insult to Irish
epilepthicks dyslexsicks
and also schizophrenics.

Grand Mal said that he
was influenced by light
into darkness when he
associated it with a pint
of Guinness, but St James
Gate wished to distance
the brewery from this
vile mockery of Irish
****** Pats and of the
bands veiled reference
to Alcoholics Anomaly
in their chosen name.

Petit Mal the singers son
told Eugene Cosgrove of
The Corkman to go and
**** himself when he
was asked to comment!
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
.          Their fees differ, but the
              prey is always same.
           Humanely wrapped for
               identity parades on
             supermarket shelves.

             No eyes no limbs but
                 fish have fingers.
              Sanitized savagery.
          See none slain, nor hear
         pain, yet taste their stain.

Ryan O'Leary
The Proscribed Poet

I have just been to a supermarket
To buy bleach, en route I passed
By the meat counter I’m so *******
Angry, cannot understand carnivores.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
You Waste.
                            Our Slime.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
When will the virus change
or share hosts and are we at
the cusp of a vegetarian dawn?

Any day now there will be an
announcement which will say
that Covid has gone Bovid !!
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
Must be
a teenage
Beefalo !
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
It occurred to me during
the night, that nocturnal
canines were having beauty
contests in the park opposite
our house. Local *******
took over the usual catwalks
while audiences of strays
from lower levels curtseyed
and expressed astonishment!

Wow Wow Wow Wow.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Going Boeing Gone
The Kamikaze One.

US Made, God Forbade
It's Better Having None.

I'll Walk, I'll Drive,
I'll Take The Boat

They Cannot Gloat,

But Wait On There
There Is A Chance,

Perhaps Those
Bow Wings Float?
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2022
The gloves are off, Russia

Has given up the soft ball

Approach and brought on

The subs for the second

Half against 41 countries.

Reminiscent of WW2 the

Entire world against ******

But this time with the help

Of Allah, Putin will prevail.
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
Yes it is real, and the Irish
invented it, against a Brit
of the same name.

Now our government has
signed up to BDS of an
illegal occupier in Palestine.

Tesco are part of this regime
and they are everywhere, even
here, but I will never go inside.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2024
In the year 20/20 he

      got his frost pair of

   glasses, lazy eyes the

      optician diagnosed.

  Diffused vision, tinnitus,

  with speech impairment

    left him with only one

   communicating option.

  One day Boy Focal met

    Anthony Blinken and

  Morse'd with his eyelids

     “ Gaza Sera Libre "
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
He lived at zero degrees
latitude yet he yearned for
the arctic, but being stuck
in the middle between a
Berg and a cold place he
always thought of Hobson
and never made the choice.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Cold hearted lad warming
   in an Icelandic thermo
    pool to a local geezer.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Cold hearted lad
warming in an
Icelandic thermo
pool to a local
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
I don't mind paying
for ***, provided I
am permitted to go
in arrears.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
When we were young there
was a saying in the Kingdom.

When there's a Br in the month.

Meaning of course, September
October, November, December.

Now, they have a Br in every
month, since 2016 and no let up.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Brighton is the closest
to Brexit than anywhere
in Britain so why not
Bring a Breton sample
and stop Brainwashing
to Brake the Brackets
that Braggarts Brag in
Brainless Bravado of
Bribery that is Brewing
by Bricking the tunnel
thus Bridling Brittle Brows,
with Brutal Brush-offs
Bruising Brotherly love.


EXIT via the backstop.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
A Bradley worded statement
stating that the victims of
****** Sunday by The British
Army in Northern Ireland, was
not a crime not a crime not a crime.

Ok Karen Bradley, go and tell
the Jews that the Holocaust
was not a crime.


Karen Bradley is the Tory
MP Secretary of State for
Northern Ireland.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
Had the mayor of Coupvray
not invited young Louis to
judge the village's first wet
tee-shirt competition, blind
people may never have had
the opportunity feel the dots.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
Despite it being pitch
dark, when I woke in
the night I knew it was
you came to the wrong
bed by mistake. It was
freezing, my finger tips
read your braille bumps.
When I indexed your (i)
dot you reacted, it was
then that I practiced my
Morse code which was
received and I got a reply.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
.    I can’t see the bridge but I
     certainly hear sounds of
     wheels hitting expansion
     joints, rat a tat tat, 6 times,
     remorseful sounds, Morse’d.

     Myrzah had a vision where
     the depiction of life was
     Illustrated by those who
     made it across but also by the
     many who fell through cracks.

     So as we traverse the torrents
     of life on rickety constructions
     be aware that the word Pontoon
     lent its name to a game of chance,
     just like that shaky bridge at Genoa.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
.    I can’t see the bridge but I
     certainly hear sounds of
     wheels hitting expansion
     joints, rat a tat tat, 6 times,
     remorseful sounds, Morse’d.

     Myrzah had a vision where
     the depiction of life was
     Illustrated by those who
     made it across but also by the
     many who fell through cracks.

     So as we traverse the torrents
     of life on rickety constructions
     be aware that the word Pontoon
     lent its name to a game of chance,
     just like that shaky bridge at Genoa.
Ryan O'Leary May 2022
I just spotted Morse

                                                crissing the zebra crossing

             with Dot the Dachshund
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019

Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
With brand anew
will Sadiq Khan
a reshaped Brexit
plan decree.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Brexit is a brasket case
where eggs beyond sell
by date are discarded by
the British to the tune of
270,000,000 per anum !
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
The Assange exit
from Europe may
be just as difficult
as the manoeuvre
of the Brits trying
negotiate a Brexit.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
0 0
o o
˚  ˚

Joan Thaw
the snow woman,
she started out John,
until his ***** melted!
For Feminists.  This is a gender friendly Haiku with a seasonal reference.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2022
Brass Monkeys

At the meteorological university,

Winter did manage to wear a

mortar board, but only just, as

It got lowest degree ever to be

bestowed on any of the seasons.

This coming exam which will be

held at the port city of Hamburg

Circa December/January is said

To be the toughest O˚ Levels

Ever to be hosted in Europe.

All EU member states are going

To participate, even the UK who

Had previously enrolled before

This years paper had been set

By Russian federation members.

Liz Truss is leading the British

Team and according to some

Sources they are seen as the

Favourites having had more

Time to practice than others.

Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
When I think back at all
The situations that come
To mind, bad butterflies
Take flight in my stomach.

Rabbie Burns never left
Scotland, almost went to
The Caribbean once, with
The famous highland Mary.

He said that poetry is like
Shepherding sheep and one
has to attend to his flock in
A sustainable environment.

There is a statue of the bard
In Dunedin, but he never went
There and this is why the title
Of the poem is brass papillons.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2020
You got bake it
    to make it!
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
If you can't watch the
eclipse through a slice,
then it is hardly worth
the bother of buttering.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
For example, I make bread and
she is a vegan coeliac *******.

I turn up to the barter brothel
with a pan and a pound of butter.

Hello Miss Garter, I'd like to barter
an Irish Soda Bread for an hour in bed!

And what's with the butter, you
perverted ***** Paddy ?

It's Kerrygold™, on the label it says
that it spreads easy!

God, you are a thick ****, is this your
first time in Amsterdam?
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
The bread basket sisters, at gmail dot com,
dress as though nuns, but some may be homme.

Not sure if they're celibate, or if they can bake,
they are known to be raucous, roguish and rake.  

One day I will join them, must bring my own yeast,
A small fee for each member, they are generous at least.

Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
An odd term for something
so precious. In France it is
called a corbeille à pain.

That means, a bread basket,
but the French tended not to
let their baguettes go stale.

Pandora was the Greek
lady created by the gods,
her box was full of gifts.

She was according to legend,
the first human being on earth,
no mention of bread in her box.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Indeed, and I would not
blame anyone becoming
tired of the same old
supermarket pre wrapped
tasteless bread, especially
those white sliced pans.

But there is a cure for the
apathy, wholemeal organic
with the husk is the answer.

Ruff it, not refine it, the days of
polite eating are past, chewing,
masticating, digesting are what
keeps ones weight in check.

Take time to eat, French women
never get fat.

Merci a tous.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
She was known as the bread
bride because all the men at
her wedding had put their
meat her sandwich yet they
all knew she was a vegetarian.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
One can safely say that
bakers are not Bread-heads.

Au contraire, en effet.

Traditional Boulangers in
France, classified as artisans,
were not driven by, nor could
never make an excess of money.

Since the mass production of
commercial (Non Artisanal)
bread, real bakers are struggling
to survive.

Quantity versus quality has always
targeted the non discerning consumer,
which unfortunately is the majority,
thus threatening the future of tradition.
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