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Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
A low branch of a willow
could hardly be accused
if eavesdropping on a
conversation between
the brook a bridge and
it’s banks. Heated at
times over an ancient
Droit de Passage which
according to the banks,
was no longer applicable
since the advent of the
free market economy
and privatisation. The
bridge was charging a
toll so why should your
water pass under the arch
without a levy, was the
banks argument. The
Brook said it was up to
thé bridge and not the
banks to demand a passage

I was only parked for the
Night here, so I have no
Idea how this is going to end.
For the sake of journalism we
Should stay I suppose.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2022
.     I was a Holocaust sceptic

        Before the Ukraine war

     now I’ve read the Babi Yar.

       How can Zelensky lead

              the Azov horde

   They put jews to the sword.

         But for the red army

          The world resigned

   Why is Russia still maligned.

         And now once more

             A knave in Kiev

      Expects us all, to believe.

            Wake up world

           The west is lying

Their narrative needs clarifying.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Mother Russia wishes
Genocide Joe and all
  the evil ones a very
     Happy Nuclear.

    Putin on the blitz
    threw down the
   gauntlet and then
   challenged NATO.

    A duel which we
    all hope they will
        be accepting,
   God Less America!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
This Christmas when you
Are seated with a knife &
Fork in your hands, think
Going the species you are
About to carve and chew.
Think about its habitat or
Imagine yourself there on
A farm watching it taken
Away to be slaughtered in
A dank damp dingy ******
Back street shed after being
Beaten and abused on the
Way, then standing while
Waiting to be brought in to
Have its throat cut and try
To imagine the fear and the
Crying sounds and don’t
Forget to feed your beloved
Pets a special treat on this
Special day when disbelievers
Celebrate en masse baby INRI.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
This might be the answer
to all sides (( oncerned!

Because we are getting
closer, to the last Dupper.

Today being Valentine's,
a proposition, for Arlene.

Dear Arlene, will you
accept the Back Stoop,

You know, it is, hands
knees & bumpsy daisy!

Ryan O'Leary Sep 2019
Would somebody tell
Boris that a Backstop
in not a *******, so
neither he nor members
of his cabinet should
be requesting its removal
prior to being shafted by
the European Union/27
******* which will be
including the Paddies.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
One would have assumed
that the British should have
no problem with a backstop.

After all, it is not to dissimilar
to a Backstab, which, they have
proven extremely proficient at!
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2021
North Cork Mystery Busk Tour.©
    (2021 Limited Venues)

We'll busk in the the back streets
of Buttevant
And we'll sing at the cross roads in
we'll juggle our ***** in
and we'll whistle some airs in

We'll recite a new poem in Killavullen
that we learned back in Ballydaheen
As we've yet to perform it in Cullen
After Doneraile, it remains to be seen.

We mustn’t forget to do Churchtown
but there’s no way we'll travel to Schneem
we'd rather play for the Sanctuary Donkey’s
Or even drive up to Ballaghaderreen

We’ll do Mitchelstown on our way back
from Charleville, Dromahane and Kanturk
we’ve not been, but if we miss out a town
or a village, it will mean that you’re not
very keen.

Sponsored by St Anne’s Shanakiel.

Ray Neville (Guitar)
Holly Barrett (Guitar)
Finn Mac Eoin (Harmonica & Tin Whistle) bit of Guitar?
Willie Eaton (Washboard & Plunger)
Mickey Flynn (Band Saw)
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
Not always due to rust
or faulty hinges neither.

There is usually another
reason which is censorship.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
One **** of the forty
houses is vegetarian.
.        Good Guys
          Bad Guys

     Americans need to
     grow up get out of
     the comic book and
     stop speaking like
     ****** children.

     It is so annoying
     to have to listen to
     Biden Bibi Blinken
     using themselves as
     templates to describe
     the other bad people.

     As you’re at it could you
     tell all your female news
     anchors to stop talking
     like  (‘<  Donald Ducks!
     Or shut the Fcuks up  <‘)


   don’t *** or LOL
     Have a Nice Day
     or Bunny Rabbit
     me with indexes
     and long fingers.

     I’ve never eaten
     @McDonalds or
      tasted Coke nor
      do I trust in God.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Whether it was a bad
line or a complete lack
knowledge, Donny T's
advice on the Buckstop
has given Theresa May
the biggest headache of
her married life and no
amount of Asspro's ™
seem to be able to fix it,
not even Jim, be he here!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
I bought an umbrella
last week but unaware
of Irish superstitions
and culture, I opened
up in the store, to the
dismay of the shoppers
who quickly made me
aware of the potential
for bad luck and indeed,
just as I walked out on
to the pavement, the sky
opened, clouds moved
off and the sun came out!
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2018
I was wondering what
the fish would be thinking;

A parapluie in the rain,
open, with a hook handle,

Bobbing in The Seine.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2024
We know the protocol

but those without morals

or ethics tend not to

play ball and flaunt the

rules. Unfortunately,

there are no yellow or

red cards or points to

be lost, as in licenses.

But for good sports

the game would end up

without a referee,

like the war in Gaza.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
Up on the highlands of
Kerry, near to Kilorglin
there's a wild Puck Goat.

He's a mad
                   ******* by
all accounts,
having no
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
Baguettes are *******
because dough rises.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
And, we are surrounded
by water, to boot, but at
least now I can see why
they made the biggest
county of Cork, because
up north where they are
experts in sinking, they
have a county called Down,
Belfast being part of it
and as we are aware it was
home to a submersible liner
known as the Titanic which
was captained by a Scotsman
who apparently thought the
iceberg tip was an isosceles
igloo that Eskimos used as
an outside toilet with a long
drop, when the S Bend was
frozen at the local ******
which was called the Isobar.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
Give us our Bailey bread
has a better ring to it than
the the line from the Lords
Prayer of the same rhyme.

Bailey's banana bread is
perfect for coeliacs and
drink drivers, but not so
good for active alcoholics.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
Music has a reminding
meter which can be
every bit as vivid as the
smell of a fresh loaf
cooling on a windowsill.

My ring marked image
is where I was when I
first heard Gerry Rafferty's
haunting rendition of
Baker Street.

I was in Ward's, not far
from 'Sherlock's Home'
sitting on an aluminium
Guinness barrel, after
cashing my first Giro.
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
I want her to knead me
make me rise with her
yeast and then put me
inside her warm oven.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Re writing a lost poem
is like assembling a jig
saw puzzle without the
box image as a template.

It is even worse, in some
Instances it’s no different
than putting it together
from the rear elevation.

All the pieces are there
but the sequence of events
has been totally erased
from one’s consciousness.

There are no corners from
where to commence, there’s
no sea scape, birds, no blue
sky just cloud and mental fog.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Capitalists would rather
eat well, whereas, Socialists
would rather sleep well.

Mind you, it is difficult to
slumber on an empty stomach.

Yet, full bags can't bend or
empty bags can't stand!

It is a matter of balancing
advantages against disadvantages,

       " Weighing Up "

But on a See Saw, the Socialist
always has the better point of view.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Why do you have a balcony
on your first floor window
when you have no view and
a busy street just below?

" Did you notice the shed
across the street with no
floor and a door that goes
all the way to the apex " ?


" Well, that is where my pet
Giraffe lives, he comes over
via the Zebra crossing every
day for breakfast with us on
the balcony, does that answer
your question " ?
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
It is where testicles are
put after a vasectomy.

The Brits were castrated
in *****.

Now they have Frogs
in their Croats.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
He must have been in his 80s
wading around in the tall
grass looking for a golf ball
he had hit from an adjacent,
manicured, soccer pitch.

The Jack Russell he trained
as his boomerang courier,
was making no progress.

" He's lost his sense of smell,
   the old man announced "

I was rather thinking, that he
found his sense of self esteem.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
We voted for change,
the only constant in
life, but why did we
get globalists instead
of populists, they must
have put our [ X's ] in
the chocolate boxes ?


This year no pardon for the
Turkey because Americans
have just shown the world
how dumb they actually are.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
I have not yet committed to Ballybrack.
Partly due to Caron’s inertia as she is
not as fully convinced about the project
as I. She has also been hostage to my
compassion for dilapidation, all of which
becomes restored, then soon abandoned
when the nomadic whisperers hold secret
meetings with the committee in my head.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
A lot of men in bare feet
with trouser legs rolled
up, shoes under the oxters
white handkerchief heads
with knots on each corner
paddling pebbled shallows.

Painful swelling in big toes
was what we were told it
cured, the holy sea, not far
from J.D. O'Mahony's where
the real anaesthetic numbed
by way of creamy Guinness.

Ballybunion is a seaside resort
in County Kerry Ireland where
non swimming bachelor farmers
went in summer to paddle.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Imagine a GPS system for
potholes in Ireland.

" Turn right at next intersection
   if you wish to avoid The Ballyhea
   Bunker "

Between Charleville and Buttevant
on the left after Aldi's, The Crater.

Corbets Pub named a bar after it,
" The Christy Ring Bar ".

They say, if you avoided it, you must
be going the wrong way, or on the right!

Why do you think I brought my French
registered Mini Cooper to Mallow?
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
They got to be from Warsaw
household ******* in Polish
coal bags by the Clyda River.

Either them or the Africans
they find the weather so cold
here in the Hiber-Nation.

What about the travelling
people they have stove
burners in their caravans!

"We have central heating so
it can't be us not guilty of
anything". Accusing perhaps?
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
The UK is trying to gloss
over a colourful illusion of
racial harmony, equality
fairness, their love of past
wars and imperial gluttony.

Nobody's buying British
******* anymore, English
Scots and Welsh are unified
points in a septic trident of
an evil trifecta, (being shafted).

Bring on Brexit the sooner your
isolation begins the better, ****
up the channel tunnel, let them
eat fish and chips and may the
Irish cloud factories darken you.

Where west each wind is born
mischievous Gaels with pots of
vapoured broth disperse its brew
and laced with ancient potions
concoct a drape to cloak the saxon horde.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Nobody ever drowns in
a shower, especially an
Irish person, where rain
is an integral part of our
survival. One could get
hit by a Cat or Dog even
both at the same time if
the luck wasn't with you,
but baths! other than for
dyeing coats I could never
see the point of anchoring
in contaminated water that
goes cold and leaves a ****
mark around ones collar bone,
and a step that if a builder made
a stairs of such a height, the
district surveyor and the insurance
company would ban immediately.
For Dolores O'Riordan
RIP Cranberry Girl.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023
.           [::::::::]

Is it due to my dyslexia?

I continue to make that

same spelling error over

and over again endlessly.

Optically they look similar,

******* and Bandage.

It should be an adhesive

dressing with holes, but

no, it’s an aerial view of

Gaza, known as The Strip!
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
Fair play fighters of the

the world unite, for the

plight of Palestine. Pit

your passion for justice

against the evil Zionists.

Avoid all their overseas

assets, inc. their stores,

alienate their influence,

use not their embassies,

BDS them for an eternity.

God, Less America.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
All meals should be
be consumed with

Just as cows ruminate
when chewing the cud,
masticated with words,
food, is absorbed and
digested with wisdom.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
Tous les repas doivent
être consommé avec

Juste comme les vaches
ruminent en mâchant le cud,
mastiqué avec des mots,
la nourriture, est absorbé et
digéré avec sagesse.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
The title of this was
Ban Zero, but to do
it with seriousness,
one should also ban
o, because of their

Just imagine a world
without zero, no Audi's,
no Olympics and no
something else which we
can't mention because
we would be accused of
denial if the figure was 1.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
A poem of a similar genre
to that of La Semeuse with
a first line reference to corn,
war and fearless women.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2024
Patterson Maguire,
a journalist from the
Pyromania Gazette
Is just back from an
Interview with Satan.

Due to global warming
the fires of Hell are to be
quenched indefinitely.
The Biden régime are
trying to employ that it
was Red Adair’s doing
as he was a Demoncrat.

Maguire asked Satan
what was he going to do
when Benjamin Netenyahu
turned up? He responded.

I told God of my intentions
and he said that when the
time comes, he would send
down Cinder-Ella to stoke
the embers and that they
would barbecue the *******
then feed him to the hounds.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
Had Darwin not been an
Englishman, his theory of
evolution would never have
been discovered.

Because of their poor weather,
canines and humans never got
together to dine al fresco. At
Barbecues, they are so similar.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
The Messi-ah is here,
he wears number 10,
the commandments
of control, precision,
genius, speed, wisdom,
influence, brilliance,
power, aptitude & artistry.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
This is where Morse
And Louis Braille met
On the Rive Gauche.
It was the venue for
The first wet tee shirt
Competition attended
By Brigitte in the flesh.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
Joe Bidet was walking his
dog in the grass and forgot
to bring a bag, so he went
behind a tree and did it in
his sock but when he came
out the dog had gone with
his left shoe, so rather than
look ridiculous, he took off
the other and went barefoot.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2023

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Last night near the van, a sheep dog

took to a sequence of barking which

I memorised. In Greece, the dogs stay

out all night with their flocks, hence the

poem in Bar (k) Code.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
I ate a whole one once, so,
that means, I got the pea,
the stick, the piece of cloth,
the money, and the ring.

Which of course brought
me good luck and bad luck
all of my life.

The thing about it is, the good
always came before the bad.

As the ring was last and I'm not
married yet, what am I supposed
to deduce from that ?
Barm Brack is the centre of an Irish Halloween custom.[3] The Halloween Brack traditionally contained various objects baked into the bread and was used as a sort of fortune-telling game.[2] In the barmbrack were: a pea, a stick, a piece of cloth, a small coin (originally a silver sixpence) and a ring. Each item, when received in the slice, was supposed to carry a meaning to the person concerned: the pea, the person would not marry that year; the stick, would have an unhappy marriage or continually be in disputes; the cloth or rag, would have bad luck or be poor; the coin, would enjoy good fortune or be rich; and the ring, would be wed within the year.[3] Other articles added to the brack include a medallion, usually of the ****** Mary to symbolize going into the priesthood or to the Nuns, although this tradition is not widely continued in the present day.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
Christmas is Cummings -
but no red noses this year,
masks, with contact lenses
for short sighted AWOL'ers.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
Baros from where Bar comes from
is based on Greek, for weight.

A bar, as in a pub or cafe, is where
transactions of exchange took place.

Barter is an extension of this.

Van Gogh, when he lived in Arles en
Provence, traded a painting for a baguette.

He also bartered his art for the room at
a hotel in which he lived.

Sad thing is, the hotelier sold up and
burned Van Gogh's paintings on leaving.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Writing is a detour from
the mundane

Passing time on roundabouts
of reclusive highways

Traffic lights the comma's
and full stops

Blobs the blood of ink
spilled accidents

Blotting paper is bandage
for wounded words

Pedestrian crossings are
hallowed margins

Lay-by's are paragraph

Cul de Sac's is where authors
go when they are blocked.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2020
It had only three legs
came from a milking
parlour originally

Nobody ever sat on it
not in my time

After hours drinking

It was always in the
same position

More like a foot rest

Could have been for
changing bulbs


The Red Cow.
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