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Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
The Truth
About Lucey.

Look at that knife,
out on the street,

carnivore carcasse
dripping red meat.

Beside, a fair lady
she’s ever so neat,

Dressed for a ball
from top to her feet.

She’s Lucey and pretty
not there just to greet,

She’s a rustler at night
she does five every week.

On Saturday she sharpens
the knives by a creek,

On Sunday there’s mass
When after they're meek.

They talk of good Lucey
in a low kind of speak,

It is always their mystery
as to why she's so sleek.

Then home for the roast
the end of week treat,

But nobody knows from
who's lamb they eat!
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
It is where voices rend
It is where elbows bend
it is where shoulders meet
It is where eyes greet
It is where hands shake
It is where rogues rake
It is where cards shuffle
It is where coats duffel
It is where boards dart
It is where fights start
It is where some lend
It is where nights end.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Yuck, is all I have to say,
Anish has made a ******
of Britain, but one might
add that when it was an
Empire, it was ruled by
an Emperor, when it was
a Kingdom, it was ruled
by a King, but now that
it is a mere Country, it is
ruled by ****, like this (|)

Anish Kapoor Studio
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
The fairy queen has waved the
wand, no choice for us to pick

Roll up your sleeves, put forth
your arms, it's just a little nick

Yet no one knows ,what's in the sting
or what this voodoo serum will bring

We are the island of Saints & Scholars
propped up by evil snakes in Dollar$

Our Airport at Shannon is a Nato Den
an en route pitstop for US servicemen

We are known as the puppet nation
they pull strings & control our inflation

So now they tell us to take their Jab
a microsoft liquid from Hells Gates Lab

We of the island who wish to go forth
must be injected for the passport

Some of us know it is all but a scam
but we are the achilles, of Ankle Sam.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
I’ve been bullied more by
other women than by men,
& if we had *****, #MeTwo
would be plus 8 i.e #MeTen
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
I would never expect
to find her in unread
emails thrash or spam.

Favourites inbox drafts,
certainly not return to
sender, a definite no.

So, when there is no
mail one can but deduce
that she's still sleeping.

I would love to give her
a ring, but that poses a
problem, she's married.


Anne is my first cousin
with whom I am in love.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
No day passes without
me thinking about her.

If thoughts were visible
I would be in big trouble.

I don't sleep walk, even
if I did, she's too far away.

But I do dream vocally,
that will be my undoing.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
There are no novels,
no fiction neither, but
actual, camouflaged.

Material for verse
comes not from the
ether, but a muse.

Therein she hides
masked by a suitor
lover to laureate.

Make believe being
fantasy of imagination
given reality in life.

Hiding her on a page
in a maze of words,
iambic pentametre.

She rhymes with his
reason, reads about her
secret self, unknowingly.

Sometimes in simile a
metaphor an anagram
or a figure of speech.

She is spoken of in
her own presence yet
invisible to the crowd.

A creative influence,
a stimulus a deliberate

She is nocturnal, a
silent presence felt
in times of solitude.

She’s 'ånne enigma'
thinks she doesn’t
exist, insignificant.

Has he created an
illusion, a mirage, or
a romantic concoction.

He is an avid follower
but does not think he
he subsists for her ?
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
For Jamel Khashoggi
   The Eye of Allah.

                 (  *

Crescent moon asterisk
    at Saudi Consulate
       (convex retina)
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
There has just been an
announcement over the
intercom in 2 languages.

Chien Perdu, Dog Lost.

Attention Attention, a
photo of Arly has been
posted at the Pursers
office, if anyone knows
of his whereabouts, can
you please contact us.

Hmmm, I say to that, he
is no loss, noisy little runt.

Hope the Gulls got him.

Time now 12:56 C.E.T on
board Connemara en route
to Cork from Santander.
12th November 2018.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
We are supreme, God

has placed his trust in

us to reign over earth

and all within its orbit.

What else can we ruin,

where can we impose

exceptionalism obese

with vulgarity and when.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
First off, how can Israel
tout to be secular when
they state that it is the
promised by God, land.

Secondly, how can 30%
of the Jewish residents
therein (who claim to be
agnostic) justify staying.

Thirdly, there is no place
for atheism either, as is
professed by another 12%
of their squatter population.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Frost misted fog,

     still water, rushes.

     Heaney, no honey.

     Swan neck bends,

         Grand Canal.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
)))))))))))) E   C   H   O (((((((((((((
               is   an  audible
               parole breaker
               re  sentenced
               after trying to
               scale the wall
               several times.


Though not spelt
accordingly, echo
is in fact the only
linguistic parable
in English language
heard in palindrome

Ps x 2

Etymology of Echo is
Greek EKHO which is
a Mountain Nymph.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2023
.           Anomaly

   Don’t you find it odd

     that the WASP’S

  (Not Vespa Vulgaris)

    swarmed into Iraq

   on the pretext that

    they thought they

  had nuclear bombs.

    Yet, they KNOW

    Russia has them

   for sure, but being

    the usual school

  bully cowards, they

backed down when

they were confronted.

This has typically been

a British and American

modus operandi for as

long as we can recall.

But at last, Putin has

  put on his black belt

& told them get ******.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
You must wear a
mask at the mosque
but Burka's are banned
in France by the Do Ron Ron.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2023

         When the dog

      was gifted a bone,

      he was in the now.

     When he buried it,

    he was in the future.

    When he dug it up,

    he was in the past,

(looking for the present).
It never ceases to amaze
me that when words get
to escape their captivity
of dictionaries, inevitably,
they turn up, (like these
ones) on identity parades.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
It is always a source
of amazement to me
as to why people make
reference to their futile
searches in hay stacks
for needles, especially
when they are not lost
considering that they
have their own eyes !
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2024
.                       E P I T A P H
     She couldn’t find fame so sought rich

  In a Limerick this word rhymes with *****

              She made money her God

                 Lived in, Bally - Nod

   But was burned at the stake like a witch.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
My nom de plume
is Anon, but people
call me AL for short.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2021
This poem was written
about me not for me ,so
the censoring was done
without me but the title
is remaining anonymous
until they find something
that actually describes 'Me'
but not 'first person singular'
which I am not, because I'm
a diagnosed schizophrenic.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
I just received a Christmas
Card, it is totally blank.

Not just nothing written
on it, but no post mark.

Santa with a tree on his
back, glasses and glitter.

It is also devoid of any
manufacturers brand.

Sort code number is all,
06574499, 11/12/2019.

Must be from an alcoholic,
a friend of Bob's or Bill.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
If God wrote fiction,
he would be forced
to remain innominate.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
.               Anonymous Horse

Today I launched the lonely horse club.

On the way to La Haye we stopped the

car and I played une chanson au cheval.

Should we give it a name this chestnut

with a mane partially covering one sad

eye and ears drooped over a long face?

Solitary in a field devoid of trees, not a

makeshift lean-to nor rivulet nor stream

nor an adjacent herd of mooing charolais.

   My serenade was a soliloquy to an

audience of one, a rendition which was

endeavouring to banish abandonment.

Oh, preoccupied blinkered people, as

you progress past gated enclosures,

   pause for a heavy hearted horse.

Ryan. 22 August 2022

Normandy France.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
Global Warming In Ireland.
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
Pilgrimaging places is not
what I wished for when I
pulled the chicken bone
apart, people person, yes.

There is someone I want
to meet again, it is Sam,
for short, no, not a while,
a female, with, an -antha!
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
I am an anti sceptic
without an antonym.

I am anti septic
without an injury.

I am anti semantic
without a thesaurus.

I am anti-emetic
without vomiting.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
I shall begin this poem
in the clockwise direction.

Just so the reader is aware
that the writer isn't a contra.

Love is the Antithesis of selfishness,
just as an Antonym is to the synonym.

Anti is the most frequently used word
in every language since the end of WW2.

Anti ****** was the original contraceptive
the voluntary pulling out procedure.

It is what the Israeli's did in Dublin because
they said that the Irish were Anticlimactic.
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
One time the sign said
no jokers, now it is no
aceism, but that is due
to Donny T because he
thinks he is the virtuoso
of the pack, when Trumps.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
There may be no remedy for
Covid, because it, in itself is
a perfect cure for capitalism.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
I am anti cement and nails,

both of which should never

appear above ground, nails

are for coffins and cement

is for piles and foundations.

There were no screws when

INRI Jesus was attached to

the cross at Calvary by the

Roman governor Pilate who

was also known as the nail

Pontius which he took from

the local carpenters tool box.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
There’s an ant on
       a key of my board.

                      Y ?

            I don’t know

Now it has moved all along the
top line letters to the left and
stopped on the Q of QWERTY.

  Polite, obviously it is literate.

Fortunately it's gone or I would
not have been able to press that
key. Wait!, it has just crossed over
to the figure 1 and now it is in the
corner currently standing still
on the [esc] button, and yes, it
moved away quickly around the
back of the lid. Give me a second
and I’ll take a look

Can you believe this, it is stopped
   at the bite of the APPLE ®
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
A pen is a pale but with
nib, it is a syringe from
which we inject words
on a page, because it’s
necessary to inoculate
the populous against a
consensuel acceptance
of the MSM opiat ions
which are delivered by
a subliminal system via
anode/cathode ray tubes.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2020
If the antonym of Id is
Ego then there's got to
be an obverse for Covid.


Ryan O'Leary May 2024
The day my nib clots
The day my paper is chased
The day my arm is amputated
The day darkness blinds me
The day illiteracy returns
This may be the day I will no
longer be able to siphon
immunisation from the well
and vaccinate my readers against
Main Street Media indoctrination.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
I see no evil
I hear no evil
I speak no lies
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
I am anti septic because I fear the
poison people

I am anti seismic because poison
people have nuclear bombs

I am anti semantic because He Brew
is Guinness thus poison to an alcoholic

I am anti-emetic because the metaphorical
***** of this poem is poison to Palestinians.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2022
.      Boomerang

  Echo returns call
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
I'm anti sceptic and
antisocial distancing
is something Covid
19 has forced on me
unwillingly I'm now
a solitary recluse by
a quiet flower garden
without any bees or
butterflies because
pesticides herbicides
and fungicides have
killed them all here
in the so called green
island of Ireland
which is a deceptive
description implying
a sense or organics
pure or natural but
at only 1% of land
devoted to this form
of agriculture, Green
is a calculated illusion.


Yeats lived near a bee
loud glade at Innisfree
but I bet it is quiet now!
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
The Society of Antonyms
christened us Sinonyms
we are the new lepers of
society for questioning
Governments narrative
whom we all know are
controlled by the banking
mafia, big Pharma and the
Gate'd communities of
billionaires orchestrating
policy via media ownership
and thus the mass censorship
which is currently exercised.

Wake up world, poets are
the prophets exposing lies.
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
I used to be a pessimist
but now I believe that the
chosen ones were indeed
selected by God and that
their persecution of the
Palestinians is the reason
for their retrospective karma
which was an ex post facto
arrangement with the Devil.

But more than that, history
repeats itself and in a world
where anticipated expectation
is an aspiration, the universe
will be conspiring against them.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
This year I am having a change of

heart, I have written to Santa Claus

   and apologised for not trusting in

him citing that I thought it was just a

make believe, so I have added him

to the following list of The Tooth Fairy

   God, The Moon Landing and also

The Holocaust. I am now a convert

and will wait eagerly tomorrow morning

     for my present to be delivered.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023
Anti Scepticism

  Jewish Holocaust

as per history books

is dubious but there

can be no doubting

their current one in

        G A Z A.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 11
The reason I am a Halo Cast
denier is not because I am an
Atheist. The inverse in fact. I
am an Atheist because of the
Halo Cast.  I was a confirmed
believer despite my dyscalculia.

But what didn’t add up was why
would the Lord herd six million of
his super selected Halo Cast
into the glass chambre’s and if he
did, does it mean that we are to
accept that it was an Act Of God?

If the latter is correct, then #itler
was no different to Pontius Pilate
The Roman Governor who by all
accounts ordered the crucifixion
of I.R.N.I. So I got suspicious and
deduced that, God is an Anti Sceptic.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
I'm anti seismic,
******* frackers
causing all the
turbulence in our

Greedy capitalist
racist xenophobes
sitting on the fault
line threatening their

If a tsunami in The
Mediterranean came
ashore and submerged
their ill gotten gains, I'd
be converted & pro seismic.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Secular is Non religious
Non secular is religious

In God We Trust
  Is anti atheist
    non entity
Ryan O'Leary May 2021
Not being vaccinated is a lot different than being opposed to being vaccinated.
Soon as one says “ I refuse to take the jab “ that is the threshold of dissension
crossed, one is then a low caste untouchable victimised by those who consented.
This is how apartheid works, a partitioning of people by the people from the people.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020




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