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Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
U K with F C ED
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
You can never stop the wind

   that shakes the barley.


If one looked horizontally at

a field of barley, it resembled

a standing army of the British

Empire, (metaphorically).

The invisible wind which had

the ability to taunt and tilt and

haunt, was in fact the I.R.A.

The analogy can be made of

the Israeli Defence Forces in

their effort to fight/find Hamas.

The aerial bombing of Gaza

was futile, because Hamas

are invisible just as the IRA.

Who would have thought

that a population similar to

Gaza collapsed and Empire.

Israel despite all their bombs

and planes and tanks and guns,

will be brought tio their knees.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022

I wonder about waves, turbulent

  tides, insurgent surf, clamorous,

    capricious. Hens cackle after

      an egg lay, but sea **** !
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
If one were to compare
England to France as in
Capitalism to Socialism,
permit me to analogise.

For this, I will use nature
as the yardstick, a squirrel
and a cuckoo.

Yes, the squirrel will amass
more nuts than it requires
for Winter, but one must
consider, durations differ!

The Cuckoo as you
can see is representing
La France and Socialism.

This bird has no ethics,
morals or qualms, about
ejecting fellow species
and squatting their nests.

Parasites of the lowest
common denominator.

Les Francaises in a nutshell!
The French are lazy,
forever complaining,
spilling milk and
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
If I, had had, a turkey,
         for Christmas, I’d have
           saved the wishbone.
        On Dec 31st, we could
          pull it apart together.

              I’m a vegetarian,
           mind you, that does
         not mean I don’t have,
      a new yearn for something.
Could we improvise, or simulate?
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
How do farts know
there is a cul de sac
at the end of the bed?
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2019
At a dinner dance for dogs at
Derrybeg in County Donegal,
a sign at the door instructed
each and every species, to
undo their *** holes and hang
them in the cloakroom on
hooks provided.

This was of course, as a result
of the previous years mess on
the dance floor.

All the dogs respected the
request and everything was
going fine, without incident,
until a Dalmatian got into an
argument with a Dachshunde.

During the fracas, a kerosene
lamp was knocked to the floor,
before long, the hall was ablaze.

Smoke filled the corridors, panic
set in, barking howling is all one
could hear as all the dogs rushed
to the cloakroom picking up the
first ******* they could find.

That is why, to this day, in Ireland,
one can see canines in the parks
sniffing other dogs derrieres in
an effort to find their own.
Ryan O'Leary May 2024
.             Interpreting Perspectives

   “ The only path to peace is political "

If so, why is the only path to politics, war?

Here we are at the old wives tale junction!

       “ Two wrongs don’t make a right “

       Ok then, let us look at an analogy!

    Imagine there are two cigarette lighters,

     one has no gas and the other no flint.

      Time for some lateral thinking here.

    What if, one presses the BIC pedal of

the one with gas and flints with the other.

     Viola eureka, primitive man make fire.

       Without the IRA there would be no

               Good Friday Agreement.

     Without Hamas, there would be no

      recognition of a Palestinian state,

  the world would have remained silent.

          Let’s face it, Violence Worked.

             Two wrongs make a light.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2022
.               An Analogy

     " Do you think, because

      every time you have an  

     election you can presume

   you're living in a democracy.

    Has it ever occurred to you

     that every time you’ve had

       an *******, you did not

      automatically get ****** "
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2020
A couple of Pisces who by
coincidence were Gemini's
decided to get the gills and
go over to Finn's who was a
schizophrenic called Leo, his
wife was a Virgo from down
under or at least she said she
was, they both liked Aquarius
so they were preparing a move
to Aquitaine near Bordeaux
because they found Mallow
way too wet, hence an anomaly.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
Knee **** Reaction.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
President Joko Widodo.

Indonesian symbol Garuda
  is a mythical type phoenix
  akin to Icarus both extinct.

  Joko Widodo also known
   as the bird-man of Bali
   told Abbot go fly a kite.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2020
No no, he was not shot in
the back, he was shot in
the black of night because
veteran officer Adam Coy
suffers from a nocturnal  
acoustic disorder which
like Bats, he can, without
the sounds of surrender
identify race and detect a
metal object (IE Car) thus
sending a message to his
finger to "Spur The Trigger"
known as "The Roy Rogers"
syndrome back in the days.


American Racism is alive
and well, the N people are
iggers and will always be.
I wake up every morning
and thank the lord that I
am neither Black nor British.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Morphine for the masses
because I've been hurting
you with my conscience.

In the hall of mirrors one
can be distorted beyond
all personal recognition.

But better than that, in the
mind we can even make
ourselves disappear.

Cultivating amnesia is a
a beam me up Scotty type
of evading mechanism.

One ostrich can do what
normally takes at least
three monkeys to achieve.

So go on, turn a blind eye
lower the volume and be
sure you tell nobody this!

                                            Ryan. 26th Feb 2015.
                                               Gaza Holocaust.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Dews are the mists of Palestine,
their evaporation began Oct 7th
2023, and in December 2024, at
Dublin our fog of evil dissipated.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2021
Jew'ellers need but one
eye and the gold tooth
is a symbolic emblem for
what’s important to them.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 12
.                     G
               B L.A.Z E

Los Angeles is an act of God

Gaza is an act of Godlessness
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
At my grandmother's house
there was a half door, often,
when she was out collecting
eggs, the hens came inside,
flew on to the kitchen table
where the bread crumbs were
left after every meal, she told
us that it was the Angels Share.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
A Wren's nest is the closest
construction in nature, that
resembles an Eskimo's Igloo.

Incidentally, an IG is a house
without a Loo, but in the Arctic
circle, turds freeze immediately.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Let's all go to Doppio's,
sit under the trees, while
listening to the Cicadas.

Order a bottle of waiter,
watch the staff take orders,
pretend we're going to eat.

Then, after two hours, the
manager comes out to tell
us, " It's a wrap "

We all fold our napkins,
leave in an orderly fashion,
go home, abuse Trip Advisor ™
Doppio's is an outside waiting room
for people who suffer from Amnesia.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024
Put him in quarantine
He’s jaundiced was
What they said at the
Customs post, he could
Have rabies, he’s talkin
Funny sounds delirious.

Send him back to where
He came from ****!

But sure he’s from westh
Kork Patrick.

Be Jaysus

Do day talk like dat dare?

Oh Day doo.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
This Christmas I am going
to set a trap for Santa Claus.

My mother leaves a red apple
on the windowsill for Rudolf

And a bottle of Harp Lager
with a slice of cake for Santa.

While everyone's sleeping, I
am going the empty some of

The beer and put a strong
quick acting laxative inside.

By the time he gets to my
cousins, he will have diarrhoea.

It will put an end to his deliveries
and give poor old Rudolf a break.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
Last night I dreamt that
someone left my Waterman™
with its nib exposed on a desk.

I went to create something but
it was dry as indeed the bottle
of writing fluid.

This morning I woke, came to
the computer, but nothing in
my head to compose, so this.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020
No truer shpake ever shpoken.

Which is why there are no windows in Casino’s.
We do and did feel guilty for not participating
in life. But we never killed a shadow by turning
off the light or left a thirst unquenched by an
open fire and we sang when it was our turn and made
our road home by the longest way round talking
to every dog on the pavement and illuminating our
faces with Maguire and Patterson’s red heads.
But what is more important than all of that is we
are still here because the same now dangles on
the pendulums of eternal dreamers. Sure what
could be wrong with that?
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Listen to the Herd,
great news for Brisket.

No beef with Britain.

Laughter no slaughters
tell that to your daughters.

Going Vegan tell Meghan

Try Soya not Milk
it is liquified Silk.

But what can't be beaten
is Seitan when eaten.

Moo to Mc Do
and the Buchailli Bo.


Buchailli Bo = Cowboy
(Irish) pronounced as,
Boo Kal E   Bow.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
It's where names are
fused together over
      brazen coals!

Gerald Fitz-Patrick
Patrick Fitz-Gerald


  Black Fits-Smith!
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
The Truth
About Lucey.

Look at that knife,
out on the street,

carnivore carcasse
dripping red meat.

Beside, a fair lady
she’s ever so neat,

Dressed for a ball
from top to her feet.

She’s Lucey and pretty
not there just to greet,

She’s a rustler at night
she does five every week.

On Saturday she sharpens
the knives by a creek,

On Sunday there’s mass
When after they're meek.

They talk of good Lucey
in a low kind of speak,

It is always their mystery
as to why she's so sleek.

Then home for the roast
the end of week treat,

But nobody knows from
who's lamb they eat!
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
It is where voices rend
It is where elbows bend
it is where shoulders meet
It is where eyes greet
It is where hands shake
It is where rogues rake
It is where cards shuffle
It is where coats duffel
It is where boards dart
It is where fights start
It is where some lend
It is where nights end.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 21
.       Cork Tea Shock

    Barry’s, the blenders
    from Cork were taken
    aback on hearing that
    Michael Martin was in
    for a second term of
    prime minister and it
    caused a spike in the
    consumption which
    overwhelmed their
    supply due to the
    celebrations all over
    the county even in
    parts of Kerry also
    according to the
    Healy Rae’s who
    said it is a grand sup
    with a drop of poteen.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Yuck, is all I have to say,
Anish has made a ******
of Britain, but one might
add that when it was an
Empire, it was ruled by
an Emperor, when it was
a Kingdom, it was ruled
by a King, but now that
it is a mere Country, it is
ruled by ****, like this (|)

Anish Kapoor Studio
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2021
The fairy queen has waved the
wand, no choice for us to pick

Roll up your sleeves, put forth
your arms, it's just a little nick

Yet no one knows ,what's in the sting
or what this voodoo serum will bring

We are the island of Saints & Scholars
propped up by evil snakes in Dollar$

Our Airport at Shannon is a Nato Den
an en route pitstop for US servicemen

We are known as the puppet nation
they pull strings & control our inflation

So now they tell us to take their Jab
a microsoft liquid from Hells Gates Lab

We of the island who wish to go forth
must be injected for the passport

Some of us know it is all but a scam
but we are the achilles, of Ankle Sam.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
I’ve been bullied more by
other women than by men,
& if we had *****, #MeTwo
would be plus 8 i.e #MeTen
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
I would never expect
to find her in unread
emails thrash or spam.

Favourites inbox drafts,
certainly not return to
sender, a definite no.

So, when there is no
mail one can but deduce
that she's still sleeping.

I would love to give her
a ring, but that poses a
problem, she's married.


Anne is my first cousin
with whom I am in love.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
No day passes without
me thinking about her.

If thoughts were visible
I would be in big trouble.

I don't sleep walk, even
if I did, she's too far away.

But I do dream vocally,
that will be my undoing.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
There are no novels,
no fiction neither, but
actual, camouflaged.

Material for verse
comes not from the
ether, but a muse.

Therein she hides
masked by a suitor
lover to laureate.

Make believe being
fantasy of imagination
given reality in life.

Hiding her on a page
in a maze of words,
iambic pentametre.

She rhymes with his
reason, reads about her
secret self, unknowingly.

Sometimes in simile a
metaphor an anagram
or a figure of speech.

She is spoken of in
her own presence yet
invisible to the crowd.

A creative influence,
a stimulus a deliberate

She is nocturnal, a
silent presence felt
in times of solitude.

She’s 'ånne enigma'
thinks she doesn’t
exist, insignificant.

Has he created an
illusion, a mirage, or
a romantic concoction.

He is an avid follower
but does not think he
he subsists for her ?
Ryan O'Leary Feb 3
I wrote a footnote but
nobody has ever read
it because it is under
the tongue of my shoe
which is actuality in an
      An Irish Brog
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
For Jamel Khashoggi
   The Eye of Allah.

                 (  *

Crescent moon asterisk
    at Saudi Consulate
       (convex retina)
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
There has just been an
announcement over the
intercom in 2 languages.

Chien Perdu, Dog Lost.

Attention Attention, a
photo of Arly has been
posted at the Pursers
office, if anyone knows
of his whereabouts, can
you please contact us.

Hmmm, I say to that, he
is no loss, noisy little runt.

Hope the Gulls got him.

Time now 12:56 C.E.T on
board Connemara en route
to Cork from Santander.
12th November 2018.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
We are supreme, God

has placed his trust in

us to reign over earth

and all within its orbit.

What else can we ruin,

where can we impose

exceptionalism obese

with vulgarity and when.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
First off, how can Israel
tout to be secular when
they state that it is the
promised by God, land.

Secondly, how can 30%
of the Jewish residents
therein (who claim to be
agnostic) justify staying.

Thirdly, there is no place
for atheism either, as is
professed by another 12%
of their squatter population.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Frost misted fog,

     still water, rushes.

     Heaney, no honey.

     Swan neck bends,

         Grand Canal.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
)))))))))))) E   C   H   O (((((((((((((
               is   an  audible
               parole breaker
               re  sentenced
               after trying to
               scale the wall
               several times.


Though not spelt
accordingly, echo
is in fact the only
linguistic parable
in English language
heard in palindrome

Ps x 2

Etymology of Echo is
Greek EKHO which is
a Mountain Nymph.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 22
It never ceases to amaze
me that when words get
to escape their captivity
of dictionaries, inevitably,
they turn up, (like these
ones) on identity parades.
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2023

         When the dog

      was gifted a bone,

      he was in the now.

     When he buried it,

    he was in the future.

    When he dug it up,

    he was in the past,

(looking for the present).
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2020
You must wear a
mask at the mosque
but Burka's are banned
in France by the Do Ron Ron.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2023
.           Anomaly

   Don’t you find it odd

     that the WASP’S

  (Not Vespa Vulgaris)

    swarmed into Iraq

   on the pretext that

    they thought they

  had nuclear bombs.

    Yet, they KNOW

    Russia has them

   for sure, but being

    the usual school

  bully cowards, they

backed down when

they were confronted.

This has typically been

a British and American

modus operandi for as

long as we can recall.

But at last, Putin has

  put on his black belt

& told them get ******.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
It is always a source
of amazement to me
as to why people make
reference to their futile
searches in hay stacks
for needles, especially
when they are not lost
considering that they
have their own eyes !
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2024
.                       E P I T A P H
     She couldn’t find fame so sought rich

  In a Limerick this word rhymes with *****

              She made money her God

                 Lived in, Bally - Nod

   But was burned at the stake like a witch.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
My nom de plume
is Anon, but people
call me AL for short.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2021
This poem was written
about me not for me ,so
the censoring was done
without me but the title
is remaining anonymous
until they find something
that actually describes 'Me'
but not 'first person singular'
which I am not, because I'm
a diagnosed schizophrenic.
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