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276 · Oct 2018
Thank me for sharing
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
The nightmares have begun
but more than that, a reality
has come to support what is
my greatest fear, which is, the
conscription of an obligated
necessity that compels me to
go home, where I suspect my
past demons are preparing a
subterfuge for a repetition of
the unbearable likeness of
Bweeng, close to the Monkey's
Bridge en route to Nad which
is the Cuckoo's Nest of the area.
Down in the village, dare I go
and break my sobriety in the
Embassy for troubled minds
seeking refuge from repressive
attitudes that pervaded the land
when I left half a century ago?
I think I will, must, because I
may well need an anaesthetic to
cope, so where else. Looneys Pub!
My name is Ryan and I'm an
alcoholic, I have been clean &
sober for 18 years, but I'm going
back to Ireland after an exile of
close to 50 years. A clove of garlic
nor a crucifix can't protect me from
***** Sean's who are going to be
there waiting for me. But my sponsor
said, Feel the Pain but do it anyway.
276 · Aug 2022
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
.              5
   A high   with
     ring finger

  doesn’t count

unless one’s an


276 · Aug 2018
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Imelda Marcos had only three
hundred and sixty five pairs of
footwear. Every leap year once in
four, she went shoeless for charity.

Muslim Women fled barefoot to
Bangladesh from Burma, because
Aung San Suu Kyi believed, that
charity must always begin at home!
274 · Jul 2019
Cyclic Process.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
I found a wind blown nest
today, that of a Robin.

It was colourful, green moss,
white wool, brown twigs and
blue strands of synthetic twine,
as is used in baling machines.

What is interesting, the birds
have got into the recycling mode.
274 · Jan 2019
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
[ A location worthy of a  ]
[wooden corral, adorned]
[with a canvas quilt of     ]
[saturated impressions.   ]

Connemara is an area of
Connaught in the west of
Ireland, it is the postage
stamp on an envelope, that
nobody ever dares to frank.
274 · May 2019
Train Spitting
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
While I am waiting for
Regina Doherty, the T.D.
Minister for Social Welfare,
to look into why my senior
citizen status privilege, of
the free rail pass, which was
cancelled for no reason, I go
daily to Mallow South Bridge,
where I do some Train Spitting.


The card was issued Nov 2018
valid until 2023, was annulled
three weeks ago, while we were
in Dublin and refused access to
return. No notice was given.
This is how the elderly are being
treated all over the country, under
this current government who have
past associations with Fascists.

Fine Gael's Fascist Roots | LookLeft
Aug 31, 2010 ... The most serious fascist movement to emerge in Ireland were the ... bans – adopted the blue shirt and the right-arm salute and grew rapidly. ... Even as O' Duffy was made President of the new Fine Gael party, the more staid ...
Ryan O'Leary Oct 5
.           Interpol regulators are
            putting APB’s on poets
            with empathy for Gaza.

             Anti Semantic is what
             the charge is, and our
             poetry will be deleted.

             [Government Warning]
             reading or reproducing,
             even, reciting, is illegal!
272 · Dec 2022
Christmas Haiku
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2022
Grated ice snows its

                     metaphorical dusting

on a green pasture
271 · Jan 2019
Butterfly Chess
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Barcelona played chess
with a ball, created an
optical illusion for the
fans, mesmerised the
camera's not to mention
Sevilla's goalkeeper who
was looking for the bean
under a shell, but, Messi
checkmated Monarchally.
271 · Jan 15
Full Moon
Ryan O'Leary Jan 15
Full Moon

       Pregnant with luminosity,

      they have no control over

    that, but I’m sure, if he could,

    President Biden would order

    his astronauts to switch it off

     and let the Spikes Of David

   gore, an already grazed Gaza.
269 · Dec 2018
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
In the new feminist
bible Jesus will be
a woman and Mary,
his mother will be
a man, Joseph will
be a neutered trans
gender but Pontius
Pilot will retain the
status as governess
of Rome because
she was seen to wear
a skirt in the movie
with Jeffery Hunter.
269 · Aug 2018
Brogue Irish
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Incarcerated in laced prisons,
by those who attempted
to silence our tongues,
a faint, but recognisable
lilt, of strong words spoken
softly, escaped through the
eyelets, into the ether, where
our wordsmiths forged and
honed, what was to become,
the most powerful weapon, to
be wielded against any Empire!!
268 · May 2022
Ryan O'Leary May 2022

I am autistic

complicated by dyslexia,

a difficult child (perhaps).

But was I breach birthed,

Cesarian, or premature?

Did I have an over sized


Why did you say to me

when I was still a child

that you wished I was

never born?

I just put flowers on

your grave.
268 · Dec 9
Teacher Asks
Ryan O'Leary Dec 9
What is the etymology
of the word refugee ?

Someone going from
West Bank to Gaza sir !
268 · Jul 2019
Scone Alone
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2019
It's all in the tone, this
pronunciation of scone,

When I got up, there
was one,

Now the last scon
is gone.

How can that be,
if I'm all alone,

A note on the table,
signed by AL & a known.
267 · Aug 2018
Audience of I+1.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
It was the first time I ever
wrote on a looking glass.

For a while, the title evaded
me, "Mirrored" seemed obvious.

But when I finished shaving,
it seemed as though, I, was 2!
266 · Jan 2023
Liz Trust
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2023
I was born to a leader not a


I’m the Alpha of a political


I’m going to deal with inflation

A fiscal reincarnation

I’m resigning because I’m an

266 · Jul 2022
Poem for typist
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2022
Street Typist

I heard a metronome

                 on the street

a sort of Morse

          or fingered Braille

that stayed in time

      with my tapping feet

songs are but

     poems with earrings

it’s with keys

                     they sing

For Krishan Coupland

266 · Mar 2019
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
This could be two bird
watchers hidden in a
camouflaged shelter,

Or an aerial view of four
person hole covers on the
side of a road,

Or Guinness glasses on
a counter waiting for the
froth to settle before serving,

Or port holes on the Cutty
Sark down at the East London

Or, hook hangers on a ring
board during a recess of a

Or, Or, Or, Or, a hindsight
image in a rearview mirror
at the grill of an OOOO ?
265 · Sep 2018
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Nothing to do with
Al Qaeda, it's Porsche!
265 · Jan 2019
Tails !
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Socialism and Capitalism
can never share a side each
of the same coin, because
we all want the heads up.
264 · Aug 2018
Nonce Sense
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Future and past pendulated
in my presence, for a moment
I thought it was now!
263 · Jan 2019
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Dangled England, in
anagram, is my reason,
for this poem, of hope.

With Scots and Welsh
at either side, each one
kicking, on a rope.

With their all for one
and one for all, they
treated Paddy as Joe Soap.

But look at you now,
insidious *******,
gummed in an envelope

May, God and Queen,
let Philip drive to a
Sandringham slippery *****.

Because, no matter, what
you think, we Irish still
have the Pope.
263 · Aug 2023
River Haiku
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2023
river wakes lapping

                   grain freighters barge and bisect

Danube after dark
262 · Feb 2019
Cow Pat.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
In Irish mythology it was a
homogamous hermaphrodite,
bi ****** minotaur that roamed
the hills of Con O'Meara, North
of Spideal and South of Cliften
where Alcock and Brown, by all
accounts practiced ******* when
they landed in County Galway
after their Trans Atlantic crossing
from the United States of America.
259 · Apr 2019
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Two bottle necks meeting at the
same intersection in Mallow.

At least, the river has sense
enough to flow one direction,

Cork Council has no jurisdiction
over that, Heaven forbid!

One would assume that evolution
is not in evidence, therefore, familiarity

might be contributing to the illusion
of nothing's changed, so why alter it.

Ant tracks are the closest analogy one
could use as a visual example, or simile.

En passant traffic, pausing periodically
proximate, for a petit tete a tete, en route.

Mallow Bridge is a meeting place, where
people come to pass the time, literally.

Unfortunately, The Blackwater view is
obstructed, by imposing granite walls.

What if, we rallied for rails, those red lights
would no longer command our attention!


Mallow Bridge 1853
two lanes for horse carriages
and a pedestrian walkway.
258 · Aug 2022
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
If I (h)ate meat

does that mean

I love animals?
257 · Nov 2023
-------Poem for Gaza------
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
.                 Therianthropic's

      Netanyahu stated that Gaza is a

     "city of evil", where Yoav Gallant,

       (Israels defence minister said),

   "is populated with human animals”.

   This year, on October 7th, which

    was Palestine Liberation Day, the

     dehumanised escaped and met

       the beasts outside their cage.
256 · Jan 2021
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2021
People are not aware, but
there are Vaccine Variations.

Yes indeed, totally different
according to race gender etc.

There is one for black females
one for black males and Arabs.

The V.V. concept is designed
for population control.

Pill condoms and abortion did
not provide what was expected.

There will be a marked decrease
in people to planet ratio very soon.

The V.V. section of society could
not be contained, so, this is it.

Days of useless eaters is at an end
remember we live on a rotating farm!
255 · Mar 2019
Glow Ball
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Glow Ball Warming seems
to have bypassed Killorglin
in County Kerry where Brass
Monkey's are running around
without testicles, right now on
March 9th and more, the cloud,
Cumulus Congestus, which is
nationwide, is so dense, that
there is no evidence to support
that The Glow Ball even exists!
254 · May 2023
Pœm For Gaza
Ryan O'Leary May 2023
.        Vociferate

  Say what you   ink

don’t blotch or smudge

or smear or blemish

after committing your

pen to paper, anger

  can’t be censored

      rage can't be

    tempered, pain

can’t be punctuated

      but scars are


     because they

      never erase.
253 · Jun 2020
Non Natives
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
In recent years there is
a trend of culling by
killing non native species.

Possum's in New Zealand,
Rabbits in Australia and
Grey Squirrels in Gt Britain.

Attempts at wiping out
native populations by
non native colonials
occurred in America
where the indigenous
Indians were slaughtered
by the millions.

Australia issued licences
to hunt Aborigines recent
as 1908.

Fr. Felice Vaggioli wrote
a book about The British
treatment of Maori which
was banned. An attempt to
wipe out New Zealand Maori
was almost successful.

Efforts were also made to
eradicate the Irish by the
British = Scots Welsh English
known collectively as WASP's.
White Anglo Saxon Presbyterians.

When one has a WASP infestation
what do you do, seriously, what ?

Therein lieth the solution to the US
problem if you answered correctly!
252 · May 2023
Pet Hate
Ryan O'Leary May 2023
Pet Hate.

A carnivore canine may

defecate the street, yet I,

a herbivore human, can’t.

It is because our access

to sewers are sealed with

cast iron manhole covers.

This was my pet hate, the

reason I tied him to a gate

post and abandoned him.
252 · Oct 2023
Hey Jude
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023

  Offal People


Our night sky

  is shrouded.

Smoke bombed

by the evil ones.

Guts livers and

  Israel lights.
252 · Nov 2019
A Christmas Story.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2019
(The Black Nosed Reindeer)


What the **** are you doing here
I must have a red nose reindeer.


I don't know, the job centre sent me
and told me to put glitter on my antlers.


Did you read the job description ?


I did, but the lady said that it was an
equal opportunities position.


Did they give you a card?


Yes, here it is, you me and the bear.


I don't believe this.


Well ! am I hired or not?


I must ring the job centre.
Hello, Santa Claus here.
Where is Rudolf this year Miss?

Job Centre:

Hello Santa, he can't make it this year.


But why not?

Job Centre:

We are not permitted to discuss our'
clients affairs Mr Claus.


But I must speak with him !

Job Centre:

The best I can do is to give you
the AA help line.


Hello, I am looking for Rudolf.


Is this some sort of Joke?


No, this is Santa Claus here.


This is Alcoholics Anonymous and we do not
give out information about our members. All I
can say is, everyone around the table here has
a red nose and looks like Rudolf.

Merry Christmas.
251 · Jun 2021
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2021
You wanted to know what
makes nibs bleed

You wanted to know what
blotting paper is for

You wanted to know what
makes commas full stops

You wanted to know what
makes ink clot

You wanted to know what
makes poets pulsate

You wanted to know what
makes Judaists predators

You wanted to know what
makes the Islamists prey

You wanted to know what
makes evil live

You wanted to know what?
Palestinians want know why?
250 · Aug 2018
Footsie Index.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
The Odd Sock.

At last the phenomenon can
be explained, scientifically.

For example, only 1% of the
population are ambidextrous.

Therefore, if socks, like shoes
had a definite left and right,

the incidence of errant socks
would be a virtual unknown.


If we always wore socks on
the correct feet as we do shoes,

the wear factor would be
of a noticeable similarity.

Interchanging socks from left
to right is what causes the problem.

To put this theory into perspective,
one needs to look at gloves.

The odd glove is not near as common as
the odd sock, because of a left and right.

Therefore, 99% of the worlds population
are prone to getting socked.

Zidane and Cristiano Ronaldo, both Pede-
Dexterous, never lost a sock in their lives.
250 · Aug 2019
The Bachelor.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
If I were a Miller
and you an O'Grady
would you lift flour bags?

No, because I'm a lady.


Bachelor: a young knight serving under another's banner. See also knight bachelor.[said to be from French bas chevalier, literally ‘low knight’ (i.e. knight of a low order).]
249 · Jun 2019
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
Celebrity Reflection® was
docked at Cobh Harbour
today, it dwarfed the town,
even had a larger population.

Were it not for the Cathedral,
and its perception, we would
have been over shadowed.

At noon, The Angelus bells
tolled out three sets of twelve,
for the pious amongst us.

They were followed by the town
fire siren, three loud warnings.

An American enquired of
the latter's significance?

" It's for those going to Hell sir ".
249 · Jun 2019
Eye Catcher.
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2019
There is a tiny island
in the river, enough
big to swing cats if
they could swim out.

I'm imagining it on a
raft foundation in order
to accomodate the rising
river levels in Winter.

Proximate to Mallow
Castle, I will be able to
keep an eye on the auld
deers and the granite bridge.

It is going to be a Grand
Design, Willie Eaton is my
consultant, for the Kevin Mcloud
show, an eye catcher.
248 · Dec 2022
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2022
.                   Liberty  

      The sun moon and stars

     (with the exception of the

  fallen ones) are predestined,

it is only clouds have free will.
248 · Jan 2019
\/\/ /-\ |_ |_
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Let the wall be a symbol
of all the nations who
constructed them, let it
encompass all the reasons
for why they endured, let
it reflect the yin yang of
those it separates, let it be
a mountain range, let it be
a canyon, let it be a river,
let it be an obstacle of man
made art, let it be the spine
of two notions, let it be the
ring binder of two pages,
let it be a notice board, let
it be two voices, let it be a
last will and testament, let
it be were echoes meet, let
it be a pew for the gold'n
bald eagle, let it be where
they meet, to prey, together.
Golden Eagle is national bird
of Mexico and the Bald, USA.
248 · Nov 2022
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2022
SHADOW                                     shadow

AND WHY IS IT THAT ON THE        and why is that on the

BRIGHTEST OF DAYS, I  AM           brightest of days, i am

AT MY DARKEST YET WHEN         at my darkest yet when

CLOUDS DIFFUSE THE SUN.         clouds diffuse the sun

I AM CAST IN LOWER CASE          i am cast in lower case
248 · Sep 2018
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
If I had Ebola

I'd ***** in the

I'd ***** in the

All over this

I'd ***** out

I'd ***** out

I'd ***** out
fluid between

My brothers
and my sisters

All over this

Ooh ooh ooh oh
Ooh ooh ooh ooze

248 · Dec 2018
Floda Reltih
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Floda Reltih never knew he
was dyslexic until he applied
for a visa to visit Let - Viva.
247 · May 2022
Ryan O'Leary May 2022

Religion is a bind, no more
no less

There are other forms of

Gambling consumerism or
internet addiction

Atheism is but an awareness
that makes way for avarice

In the Casino’s of our minds
diurnal deities are insomniacs

Money or power never change
hands, pockets are for the poor

Mania is the mana by which
they are indoctrinating us

We are being fashioned to
think that we are original

Greed is our latest need, we
are mortgaged to a new God.
247 · Aug 2019
Depot de Pain
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
En Francais of course, it is
a storage place for bread.

In rural villages all over La France,
Boulanger's  are ceasing to exist.

The young no longer want to work
what they see as inclement  hours.

Le Coq Sportif has become lazy, so
bread is delivered to a Depot de Pain.

I lived in Lacoste en Luberon dans
la Vaucluse de Provence, sud de France.

It was the home of Le Marquis de Sade,
who lent his name to the adjective Sadism.

I often wondered, when tourists, not familiar
with French, thought when they saw "Depot de Pain".

Would that be a serendipitous symbiosis, or a
coincidental metaphor, for du Pain and Pain (hurt)?
247 · Jan 2019
Barm Brack
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
I ate a whole one once, so,
that means, I got the pea,
the stick, the piece of cloth,
the money, and the ring.

Which of course brought
me good luck and bad luck
all of my life.

The thing about it is, the good
always came before the bad.

As the ring was last and I'm not
married yet, what am I supposed
to deduce from that ?
Barm Brack is the centre of an Irish Halloween custom.[3] The Halloween Brack traditionally contained various objects baked into the bread and was used as a sort of fortune-telling game.[2] In the barmbrack were: a pea, a stick, a piece of cloth, a small coin (originally a silver sixpence) and a ring. Each item, when received in the slice, was supposed to carry a meaning to the person concerned: the pea, the person would not marry that year; the stick, would have an unhappy marriage or continually be in disputes; the cloth or rag, would have bad luck or be poor; the coin, would enjoy good fortune or be rich; and the ring, would be wed within the year.[3] Other articles added to the brack include a medallion, usually of the ****** Mary to symbolize going into the priesthood or to the Nuns, although this tradition is not widely continued in the present day.
246 · Dec 2018
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
If is, is is,
is it bad
to say Isis
is not!
Mr Trump?

Thank you Rich.
245 · Aug 2022
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2022
.   Zap Zap Zapping

On Zelensky's Door

Vlad is tapping what

     Was their store.


        Is off the grid

      Bidens Bidding

         For the Mid.

    Soon the $nakes

    Will leave the pit

       Rattled vipers

  Will beging to spit.

       Hir o'shima is

          Their style

       But this time

They’ll meet hostile.

  The time has come

  To rid the WASP’s

   St. Patrick failed

We've still got Asp's.
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