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7.8k · Jan 2019
Consumer Cancer
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Golden Valleys, Growing Naturally


This is a Logo in Ireland, Dairygold™
is the company.

I would safely say, that there is hardly
an acre in rural Ireland devoid of some
form of artificial fertilisers, pesticides,
herbicides or fungicides.

(Ireland is riddled with consumer cancer)

If the Logo was written as follows,
a comma between Growing & Naturally
plus an exclamation mark ! which should
really be a question mark ? (in the absence
of the comma between Valleys & Growing)
Golden Valleys, Growing, Naturally! or ?

               Then it might pass.

Let's see if we can force them to change
it and by doing so, it will highlight the
fraudulent practice of duping consumers
with blatant grammatical omissions and
the wordplay illusion by clever marketers.

(Well, perhaps not as clever as they thought)


I spent all morning, wondering should they
be a comma in the last paragraph, in the
afternoon, I removed it.  Oscar Wilde.
6.0k · Dec 2019
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
All of the moves on a
chessboard of which
the permutations are
infinite, have been
witnessed at Camp-
Nou by the G.O.A.T.

Upon hillside tracks
and mountain passes
where herds pasture
on unsure footings at
cliffs edge in all types
of weather is the Goat.

Think of a goalkeeper
waiting for an indirect
free out of vision from
behind a wall of players,
imagine the thoughts-----
between predator & prey.

         |˚             |
         |              |

Tribute to Lionel Messi
Barcelona on his 7th Balon D'or.
3.6k · Mar 2019
Brexit Messi!
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Stop the Brexit Messi!
Well, if he was a keeper
rather then a striker, yes
there would be no chance
of UK loosing the European
Cup which is to be played
in Brussels on March 29th.
2.5k · Feb 2020
No Messi-ng Haiku.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
Lionel snaps,
                    Suarez bites,
crunch time
                    for Abidal
at Camp Nou.
2.2k · Jan 2019
Vegan Vagina.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
If I expect to be a born
again christian, I would
be hoping that they got
rid of the fish, unless,
that is, my mother was a
Mermaid, in which case,
a Caesarian section is the
only other option I could
consider, now that I am
100% Herbivore, avoiding
******* completely,
even on Mardi Gras, when
Cath O' Licks, have a Papal
exemption on Fat Tuesday.
2.0k · Nov 2018
Insulting Choice.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
If I take the wrong turn
will you insult me?  No.

If I pick the small apple
will you insult me?  No.

If I go in the wrong door
will you insult me?  No.

If I back the wrong horse
will you insult me?  No.

If you choose to eat meat
will I insult you?     No.

If I become a vegetarian
will you insult me? Yes.
1.9k · Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Starting way up north from
from fair head in Antrim to
mizen head in Cork there is
not a Border Collie in the 32
counties wishing for a return
to The Troubles before the
Good Friday agreement when
meat was forbidden by the
Catholic Church because fish
is for felines and it was seen
by many canines as a blatant
act of segregation, racism and
even discrimination for which
the animal kingdom of Eire
(In the absence of a Monarch)
has been audibly vocal in all
of the four provinces, many of
the nations kennel clubs and
at last years Crufts Show in
Earls Court London, a Kerry
Blue refused to stand on the
winners podium with a Poodle
who shared first place, because
she was a vegetarian and not
at all sympathetic or supportive
to a universal diet for all breeds
on the island of Ireland.
1.9k · Jan 2019
Cancer, naturally.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Ireland is riddled with

Pesticides, herbicides,

Are obviously, not the

Dairygold® have got
it right. Surprisingly!

Organic pastureland,
green grass, happy cows!
   "Golden Valleys,
Growing Naturally" ?

         ("Logo ™")
without the question


In the event of Corporate
Punishment, IE, finding a
herd of hungry Friesians
in my front lawn, or my
next organic pizza happens
to be a Crispy Cow Pat with
lashings of Mozzarella, I am
hereby declaring that Silent
Spring lady, Rachel Carson,
was bumped off for making
metaphorical accusations, such
as could be interpreted by those
who are currently involved in
the depopulation process by
way of poisoning the people
via consumer products, that
are known to contain harmful
carcinogenic compounds veiled
by misleading advertising.

1. her policy of using fresh, natural produce: unprocessed, organic, pure, wholesome, unrefined, pesticide-free, chemical-free, additive-free, unbleached, unmixed, real, plain, ******, crude, raw. ANTONYMS  artificial, refined.

2. a natural occurrence: normal, ordinary, everyday, usual, regular, common, commonplace, typical, routine, standard, established, customary, accustomed, habitual, run-of-the-mill, stock, unexceptional. ANTONYMS abnormal, unnatural, exceptional.
1.9k · Sep 2018
A Tender Moment.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Willie sat by the side of
the river in a philosophical
mood under a weeping willow.

Midway, between the two
banks, was a small island
only paddling distance away.

Debris from a previous flood
had accumulated on the low
foliage of an uprooted tree.

A funnel of cold air from the
ten arch bridge made a wind
sock of a plastic net nitrate bag.

In all his time, Willie had never
ventured on to this little islet,
even wondered if he should flag it.

Off with the shoes, rolled up the
legs of his trousers and slowly he
negotiated his way over the stones.

On exploring the land mass, which
was an isthmus of a mere ten square
meters, he decided to return to land.

Just before his disembarkation, he
noticed a large denominational euro
note caught in the gills of a dead fish.

Eureka Eureka money and food all
in the one catch (was his thought as
he made his way back).

The sodden state of the 100 euro note
was what guided Willie’s wise decision
to take it, as was, to the local Credit Union.

In the queue whilst waiting for a vacant
teller, everyone was admiring Willie’s
dead fish.

Eventually, at the desk, and known to
those working therein, a 100 euro note
was not his norm and created suspicion.

After tendering the note attached to the
Trout, that had apparently been fowl
hooked up the river by Johnny Logan,

The lady behind the desk called for the
manager, who immediately held the note
up to the halogen fraud lamp.

Willie had never encountered anything like
this when he made a 5 euro deposit once a
month to his savings account.

He enquired of the manager as to why he
was holding his fish and 100 euro note up
against the bright light.

The manager responded,  “ It is the policy of
all banking systems to check high denominational
notes for visible water marks “ !!
This is a true story that happened in Mallow
County Cork Ireland in March of this year
2018. A local journalist Eugene Cosgrove
covered the story for " The Kerryman " news
paper.  A photo of the fish that caught the
100 euro note was controversial, and currently,
there is a legal challenge between Willie Eaton,
Johnny Logan and the Mallow Trout anglers
association, who stock the river. The 100 euro
note is being held at the local Garda Siochana
pending the outcome of the tribunal.
Johnny Logan makes his on Fly's and can prove
without doubt the Dry Fly that spiked the 100
euro note, is actually his and thus claims the money.
Johnny uses Chicken Wishbones and feathers for his hooks.
Meanwhile, The Anglers association also have a strong
case that is currently being discussed, because according to
the fishing charter, only fish that have been taken from the
river by Rod and Reel, are the property of the Angler.
The Fish has been placed in a deep freeze, with the Fly and
100 euro note intact and will be visible to the public at the next hearing.
Willie's solicitors also have a strong case insofar that the fish was on
the Island of The River Blackwater just by the Town Bridge and the Island
has never been charted, thus giving the dead fish a status of what would be akin to refugee. The European Union (EEC) are now involved, as this could
set a precedent for The Fisheries Act, currently topical between France and UK
over the Scollop War's. More on this case will follow, as soon as I have a report from Eugene Cosgrove.
1.8k · Jul 2018
Apres Solstice.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018

So what's the catch?
I'm still waiting for the
penny to drop.

Half time has passed
and the referee has
flipped the coin.

The sun has decided
to continue playing in
the same direction.

I watched the throw in
at approximately 5 am
Central European Time.

The blues were there in
abundance cheering on
the Bon Vivant.
1.8k · May 2020
Since Lockdown
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
Since lockdown, there is
virtually no road ****, no
dead foxes, badgers, or
rabbits on the wayside.

Since lockdown there is
virtually no refuse, no
Kentucky or McDonald
wrappers on the wayside.

Since lockdown, there is
virtually no pollution, no
no noise or exhaust fumes
or oil drips on the wayside.

Since lockdown there is
virtually no people, no
idle gossip or slandering
in groups on the wayside.

Since lockdown there is
virtually no spraying, no
herbicides pesticides or
fungicides on the wayside.

Since lockdown, there is
virtually no reason why
anyone would wish for a
re-opening. Of the wayside.


I love Lockdown.
1.8k · Jul 2018
My Last Erection.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
It’s too late now, there won’t
be another one,

My Dr. assured me, and she
should know, she'd

been dealing with ******
since I came here.

Ah: but you left your mark
for humanity, she said.

Your contribution will live on,
that can be your consolation.

Progress she said, since, G.P.S,
Lighthouse erections are superfluous.
1.5k · Feb 2019
Bia Rebel
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Metaphor for Metabolisms
and adventurers of culinary
conquests catering for those
with bilingual taste buds in
an Irish city called Belle Feast.


Bia is the Irish word for food.
Bia Rebel is a restaurant in
Belfast Ireland.
1.5k · Sep 2018
- - - l a n d
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
The Land may disappear
The Language may disappear.
The Lineage may disappear
The Laughter may disappear
The Love may disappear
The Laggards may disappear
The Locals may disappear
The Lucidity may disappear
The Luck may disappear
The Legacy may disappear
The Liberty may disappear
But The I R E is here to stay.
1.4k · Sep 2018
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Paddy met a *******
at a Pedestrian crossing
with a Poodle Painted
green on Patricks Day
Pretending to be Catholic
but he was a Protestant
because he walked on
the Orange and got Bradley
injured by The Secretary of
State Karen a Unionist to a
Papal Propaganda meeting
in Portadown attended by
Paisley-ites Pronouncing
Phonetic Parables in Portuguese.
Karen Bradley, The Secretary of State for
Northern Ireland, said she don't know ****
about anything or anyone in the 6 Counties.
1.4k · Sep 2018
Henry VIII
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
White Helmets.

Construction site discrimination
was rampant when I was a welder
back in the 70s, but we were
exempt, anonymous, just as Zorro,
The Lone Ranger, Batman or
Ned Kelly, because one can't weld
and wear a helmet.

The rank n file wore orangee yellow
hat, the electricians were blue etc.

I remember being one a job, where
there was a question team from each
of the trades, including the labourers,
even management, (white helmets)

A tie breaker question between the
yellows and blues, was,
Which English King had 6 wives?  

I was the question master (not enough
welders on the job for a team)

Charlie Kelly was the head of the Yellow
Helmets, the team conferred, but Charlie's
answer left me in no doubt that he got an
oblique peak at the answer on my desk.

Up went his hand, out loud and proud, came!
1.3k · Aug 2018
Brass Monkey.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
0 0
o o
˚  ˚

Joan Thaw
the snow woman,
she started out John,
until his ***** melted!
For Feminists.  This is a gender friendly Haiku with a seasonal reference.
1.3k · Nov 2018
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
They were ok on the screen
of Breaking Bad, but one does
find that they can also be used
in a condescending tone.

The British are quite goos at it,
demeaning derogatory undertones by
verbal diminishings, such as, The IRA.
Full denomination please, makes one Irate.


They say, The I.R.A. is a terrorist organisation
Not, The Irish Republican Army is a T.O.
Irish Republican Army
does not have a T nor an O
in its composition, it is highly
disciplined and organised,
with commanding officers
and Generals, just like all

Not a Terrorist Organisation.
1.2k · Apr 2019
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Higher, I say, for the new
Notre Dame steeple, never
mind the people.

In fact, why not dismantle
the Eiffel Tower and put it
smack centre of the cathedral.

Now that would be the ultimate
******* architectural symbiosis,
one celibate bird, with two stones!
1.2k · Dec 2018
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
The Munster Blackwater
had a steely, corrugated,
cloud reflected look about
it today, sooty, in fact.

Paisley said he would
never give up the blue
skies of Ulster for the
grey skies of the Republic.

But The Ulster Blackwater
has the same hue as ours,
so tell me then, what is
the cause of that Mr. Paisley?
1.1k · Oct 2018
Camus's Prayer Stool.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
He wrote standing up, doubt if
kneeling would have been his
forte, yet, he had one, bought it
in 1955, five years prior to a fatal
accident en route to Paris from
Lourmarin in Provence where I
currently reside. Catherine, his
daughter, gifted me the stool with
a letter of provenance, both of which
are still in my possession. But why,
one must ask, did Albert Camus
purchase Un Prie Dieu, he being an
atheist. Is there anybody out there
able to answer this question ?

In poetry form!

Here is a challenge for you.
So, first, google Camus and
find out what you can, then
get writing.

Ps. Photo of Stool on request.
1.1k · Jul 2018
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
I think S.C.A.D. is the Elixir
of education, yet, I’m only
the gardener, but despite,
that, I have been learning.

Knowledge is shared,
creativity is coaxed
genius is gratified.

I am not merely

I am now the
Green Fingered
Irish Scad A Various.

Permit me to take a

For President Paula Wallace
Savannah College of Art and design.
1.1k · Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
For Jamel Khashoggi
   The Eye of Allah.

                 (  *

Crescent moon asterisk
    at Saudi Consulate
       (convex retina)
1.1k · Mar 2019
Kerry Rain (modified)
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Kerry Rain

Now I know from whence the
excess water comes from, when
our river floods Willie’s house.

The catchment area between the
mountains, back here in Kerry,
is an Atlantic funnel.

Ventry winds, West laden, with
an aviated tide, make land fall
just below, in the aqua plain.

From here, it heads for the Cork-ed
plughole, where its route is marked
by bridges along the way to Mallow.


8 March 2019
House sitting in
Co Kerry.
(Visited Ventry yesterday)
1.1k · Jan 2019
850 A.D.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Yesterday I spilt the beans,
100% Colombia Arabica.

Daisy, the Border Collie
from Westport in Mayo,

Was on to the # Browny's
in a flash, just as Kaldi's

Goats were, in Ethiopia
circa 850 A.D.

The 250 grams of beans
were no different to a herd

Of sheep scattered on the
hill of Croagh Patrick.

I was the poor shepherd
while Daisy, true to her

Evolutionary inheritance
went after the fleeing flock,

Though not to help put them back
in the bag, she began to eat them!

A night from hell ensued, wooden
floors, long nails, pacing, pacing.

Daisy had her first high, but
today, she is in a sheep dip.
Daisy is the dog we are minding
in Westport Mayo for owners gone
on 2 weeks holiday. We work for but please,
keep this to yourselves.
1.1k · Aug 2018
OIK 603
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
My first recollection of the sea
was not the water but the sky.

How could it be that if I could
walk the waves I'd reach the clouds.

It was an illusion of which I had
no idea how to explain or even ask.

And why, if it was tilted towards
the coast, did the surf spill in?

There was a lot about the ocean that
left me wondering and then the beach.

Where was it, and why did we have to
drive so far in a Morris Minor to see it?

Or why did my father bring a shovel
and three bags to bring home the sand?

We had a grainy garden which the snails
avoided because of the saline grit.

'Good for the aeration of the soil,' he told
our neighbour, who was leaning on the fence.

When it rained heavily for days on end we
had puddles, small lakes and tiny Atlantics.

I don't ever recall going back. The Morris
Minor rusted; they blamed the sea for it.

It became a chicken house, they entered by
the boot floor that the stolen sand had rotted.

OIK 603 was the license number, it was green
with orange indicator wings on the door posts.

There were six of us, all as pale as the white
chevron in the centre of the Irish Tricolour.
1.1k · Jan 2019
Proxy Brexit
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
If E=MC2 and one of
those squares is not
on the hypotenuse,
then, that means May,
or Corbyn one of them
is the catch, in 22 over
seven, thus a sine, or a
co-sine of an impending
tangent, which in theory
is a hypothesis without a
principle of average law.
In lay man's terms it will
be a compounding error
because England is not a
May/Corbyn mathematical
tandem twosome in duet
at a time when a unified
solution is needed to the
European Equation with
no common denominator.
1.1k · Apr 2020
Life's a Bleach
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2020
Once more into the bleach
Bleach of contract
Bleach head
Bleach comber
Bleach buggies
Bleach boys
Bleach resort
Bleach front
Bleach hut
Bleach wear
Bleach hair
Bleach fleas
Bleach ***** ˚˚
1.1k · Aug 2018
A Nasty Goring.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
President Joko Widodo.

Indonesian symbol Garuda
  is a mythical type phoenix
  akin to Icarus both extinct.

  Joko Widodo also known
   as the bird-man of Bali
   told Abbot go fly a kite.
1.0k · May 2023
Gaza Stripped
Ryan O'Leary May 2023
They expect everyone to

believe in their genocide

but not a word about ours.

They expect everyone to

turn the blind eye, while

they extract a gold tooth.

They expect everyone to

view them as victims and

us their national antonyms.
1.0k · Jan 2019
A Bakers Cousin.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
En France, a cause de
leur system métrique , a
Bakers Dozen does not
exist, so, in order to get
around this dilemma, I
had no choice but title the
poem, a bakers cousin or
else it would have been
called Le Boulanger's Dix
which has a ******* sound
to it and the #MeToo lot
are already complaining
about the ****** innuendo
of what some see as a blatant
symbiotic patriarchal profession
that has created both the Baguette
and the Croissant as some form of
visual representation of the phallus
and ****** with yeast being the
common denominator of them both,
therefore by introducing his cousin
and keeping the relationship within
the confines of an incestuous family
affair, the poem in theory should not
need to be censored by the readers,
unless of course you are a Coeliac
in which case I strongly advise that
all of what you have read here is best
erased from your memory immediately.
1.0k · Aug 2018
Apple ™
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
They attract Ants,
mines a QWERTY
and guess what, one
has just gone from the
end of the Q all the
way from left to right,
stopped at the roundabout
after the I, then went for a P.
1.0k · Apr 2019
Lame Fox
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
Clock's gone forward,
keep a sharp eye on
farmer May's roster.

Brexit a hole in the
foul house fence
while the birds sleep.

A back bencher won't
be missed, be out of
there before Ber Crows!
961 · Nov 2018
Mayle Bomb©
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2018
The Genoa Bridge
engineer was dead
and buried long
before his creation

The same fate is in
store for Peter, just
a matter of time and
his Year in Provence
will be antonym-ed.


29th November 2018.
931 · Apr 2019
The Eagle
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2019
De elevating power might
seem a futile task for a mere
earthling, disadvantaged by
stature, and of course due to
being under surveillance from
an altitude beyond reach, of
even, the imagination.

Such being the predicament
of an elderly Weasel inattentive
to the hidden dangers from an
intemperate predator soaring
directly above, just waiting to
profit from this evident dotage.

Down swooped the winged
carnivore, availing of surprise,
up-draught and velocity, it
quickly sank its talons into the
side of the disabled animal
and rose triumphantly into
the empty sky and high.

But just as possessions fall through
fingers, the winds of change were
about to reverse the tide of misfortune.
The stunned carcass, which only seconds
previously seemed as though was dead
as dead could be, suddenly posed a
problem for its captor (in flight).

Immediately, there was a notable change
of direction and a notable drop in the
flight horizontal, the big bird was visibly
in trouble, the Weasel had sunk its teeth
into the undercarriage, securing itself
from being released of the foot spikes.

The underdog was not going to go down
without a fight and there was nothing,
absolutely nothing The Eagle could do,
no negotiation, no solution other than
land, because The Weasel was not going
to let go and The Eagle was loosing fuel.

Efforts to dislodge The Weasel proved
nugatory, yet, The Weasel was prepared
to **** the Eagle in flight, a pyrrhic victory
is as democratic as one could wish for.
The Eagle had no option, down it came,
flew low along by the tree tops in an effort
to detach itself for The Weasel.

The Weasel availed of the Hobson Choice
and released itself from the breastbone
clambered on to the branches, making
its way out of the tree.
Meanwhile, The Eagle after a huge loss
of blood, left a trail along to forest floor
for The Weasel to follow


The leech Eagle ended up in College Road
Sligo where it has a nest.
What became of it, is still unknown, but we
are sure, that The Weasel has not given up.

This is the Fable of Free Travel.
A pass given to the author by
a Government agency in Sligo
Ireland, and taken away with
no explanation.
919 · Mar 2019
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Brighton is the closest
to Brexit than anywhere
in Britain so why not
Bring a Breton sample
and stop Brainwashing
to Brake the Brackets
that Braggarts Brag in
Brainless Bravado of
Bribery that is Brewing
by Bricking the tunnel
thus Bridling Brittle Brows,
with Brutal Brush-offs
Bruising Brotherly love.


EXIT via the backstop.
916 · Sep 2018
Breaking Bad
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
The Brits are being prepped
for a second referendum on
Brexit because they did not
tick the correct box last time.

Should UK stay in Eu  [    ]

Should UK leave Eu     [ √ ]


Symbol Eu. Europium.
      (of the masses)
884 · Dec 2018
Mallow 3 Miles.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
I could give you directions
to the ends of a rainbow,
but the *** of gold is only
at one.

I could give you directions
on the use of a boomerang,
but if it doesn't come back,
it was not meant for you.

I could give you directions
on how to make someone
else happy but the same may
not work for yourself.

I could give you directions
but they will never be the
shortest distance between
two points.

I could give you directions
on where to find happiness,
but there is no need for me
to indicate with my finger.

I could give you directions
because I am dyslexic and
being astray is a state I have
perfected and appreciated.

I couldn't give you directions
at the crossroads, because the
stolen sign is in the back seat
of my car, it is why I'm lost!
Some years back when it
was my turn to go to Cork
city from Mallow 20 miles,
I noticed a sign with one
bolt missing " Mallow 3
miles. I stopped the car and
undid it. Went to Cork, bought
the drugs, drank a few pints
of Guinness and a couple of
Whiskey's, came back the same
route, stopped at the cross roads
and had no idea how to get home.
873 · Dec 2018
Labour Pains
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Brexit has broken water
but despite reaching the
gestation period, it appears to
be in breach of contradictions
and most likely the solution
will be a Caesarian Section,
which, at this late stage is a
high risk gamble that could
see the defoetus in a Corbyn.
869 · Aug 2018
Ho Ho Ho H2o
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Willie wrote to Santa requesting
a Waterman™ for Christmas.
When he woke on the morning
of the 25th, there was a man
in a canoe dressed in red outside
his upstairs window. It suddenly
dawned on him, that Mickey Nugent
the Fireman, was also Santa Claus!
Willie Eaton and Mickey Nugent are real characters.
Mickey was the Fire and Flood man in Mallow for
40 years. Perhaps, Santa also, not sure about that.
861 · Aug 2020
Covid Con.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2020
'                         ^  
'                        /  \
'                       /    \
'                      /<o>\
'                     / _      \
I heard there was a secret orb
it's ovoid laid and it’s for the horde
but they don’t really care for vaccines voodoo.

Well it goes like this just close your fist
a minor thrall of the aged list
the muzzled crowd reposing hallelujah

hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

Your mate was wrong so you were aloof
you know she’s scathing about your proof
her baulking of your insight over threw you.

She lied to you which wasn’t fair
she spoke alone and she didn’t care
and sipped more ale her hebrewed hallelujah

hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

You say I look as if in pain
I'm pinched as salt not in a grain
But if I am then silly, what’s it to you.

There’s a craze at night all round the world
to some it matters we’re not a herd
the whole of thee a token hallelujah.

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah

I beat my breast your out of touch
I will not kneel I will not slouch
I am a sleuth so I cannot let them fool you.

And even if it all goes wrong
I’ll stand before the mighty throng
with nothing in my veins nor hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.

Ryan O'Leary 17/08/2020.
854 · Sep 2018
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Maguire & Patterson
never came to terms
with it, died without
a testimony, they did.

Open casket, stiff as
pokers and bald as a
pair of boiled eggs,
they are!

The dampness got to
them it's endemic, but at
least they get their last wish
to be cremated, they will!
Maguire and Patterson
is an Irish match company
making red's and black's.
847 · May 2020
I Can
Ryan O'Leary May 2020
I can hear my neighbours clock
I can hear my neighbours snore
I can hear my neighbours television
I can hear my neighbours washing machine
I can hear my neighbours dog
I can hear my neighbours cat
I can hear my neighbours toaster
I can hear my neighbour microwave
I can hear my neighbours flush
I can hear my neighbours phone
I can hear my neighbours cants
841 · Sep 2018
Swedish Bitters.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
Dr. Klaus will be happy,
Fratricides and Pesticides
destroying The Greens,
trampling on Wildflowers,
Reversing s'ovloV & s'baaS
against the palindromic
monument to ABBA in
Soddermånland. Båstad's!
Election results.
Sweden Democrats.
839 · May 2022
Apartheid Wall
Ryan O'Leary May 2022

Your wall cast a flowing

tide shadow on our side

of the mutual morning

It grew and grew then

ebbed backwards the

direction it came from

Scaling the masonry,

returning, propagating,

germinating, a nightfall.
832 · Aug 2018
Failed Poet.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
I’m a failed poet,
not for the want
of trying, nor was
I afraid to speak
my mind, no, I am
thus classified due
to my readers who
are so ******* dumb
that they never ever
understood metaphors
thought iambic pentameter
was an ego measuring
apparatus and a simile
should be accompanied
with a parentheses, two
dots or an emoji.

I suggest they go and read
Carol Anne Duffy, because
I am just as bad, but not
worse, yet she made laureate!
805 · Mar 2019
The Bumpers
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
It was more often than
not on Friday nights
when the countryside
was drained of bachelor
farmers attracted to the
chair o' planes bright lights
and bumpers at the carnival.

The latter occasionally had
a few extra fast ones which
were worth waiting for.

Side by side they sat eyeing
up their target with head on
collisions that caused the
launching of spectacles,
watches, ear rings, but also,
false teeth scattered on metal
floors which became the
new focus of devilment.

Drivers aiming to crush them
before the sessions end, but
what strikes me as odd, now
in hindsight, nobody told us it
was supposed to be the Dodgem's.
803 · Jan 2019
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
B.R.O.M.B. is the abbreviation
of an amalgamation of a
situation in abomination by
dissipation of a nation in
segregation & humiliation
with an expectation in
deviation by procrastination
of delineation by a cessation
and violation to a predestination
of a unification by a precondition
without reservation, exploitation,
condemnation or expatriation.

So, the B.R.O.M.B. in Derry was
in anticipation of a preparation
an indication for a hesitation.


Just exploded in Derry!
783 · Dec 2018
Rainbow Worrier.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Since moving back to Ireland
from sunny Provence, I have
become somewhat anxious
about our hidden pots of gold.

I met a Leprechaun in Mallow
yesterday who told me that all
the holes in the road, were due
to trial digs by The World Bank.

Cork County Council are waiting
for an EEC grant before they even
consider backfilling them, for now,
they are being used as bird baths.
783 · May 2019
Ryan O'Leary May 2019
It's a fault with double glazing,
everything outside the window
is inaudible.

When mute pine cones fall on  
corrugated roofs, upset dogs
mime angrily in silence.

Or when the heavens open, and
the earth is being doused with
those liquid all sorts,  in Ireland,

Yes Ireland, where holding up
umbrellas inside a house brings
bad luck, Heaney used a rain stick.
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