Jig, as a young boy slipped
on a mossy board walk and
fell into the "Think Tank".
Unable to swim, he thrashed
around for a long time before
he learned to ponder laterally.
Midway, there was a ****
which he undid, thus draining
the water, attracting attention.
It was not long before locals
came and Jig, hanging on, was
was hauled out, a changed lad.
From then on he saw all of life
in separated fragmented morsels,
which he pieced together mentally.
His findings, never conventional
were always scorned and deemed
dysfunctional, due being different.
It is why his freedom of speech only
existed while he was saying it, after
that, his words were put in a muzzle.
And so it is, why all through history
"great spirits have always encountered
violent opposition from mediocre minds”.