It was where all of life’s
celebrations took place.
Where we took things
apart when our mother
was out of the house.
It was where one would find
string, rubber bands, matches,
washers, safety pins, sellotape,
batteries, bottle-openers, pencils.
It was where the visitors were
entertained; when the best sheet
In the house would be washed,
Ironed, creased and made to look
like the finest of Irish linen.
It was where there was full and
plenty, candles at Christmas,
and where the dog knew which
one of us sat too far away from it.
It was where letters were written,
bills opened. Where we
discussed politics and shared
news and views and stories.
It was where everything was put
before being placed on a shelf.
It’s where we'd hide from
household disputes and
tribunals in the sky but the
lightning always found us
It was where heavy heads in
cupped palms rested on elbows
when there was nothing else
to put there.