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Carbon footprints were
discovered near the cave
mouth as minors played
hide and seek. But soon
a seam was located by a
local entrepreneur, now,
the children are gainfully
employed at the coalface.
If I was American, I think
I’d find it more ecological
to go on a waiting list than
buy a gun to suicide myself.
Apparently there was an
Isthmus between Spain
And Morocco millions of
Years ago. Before, what is
now the Mediterranean it
was an arable basin, until
The Atlantic burst through
flooding to Mare Nostrum.
But it didn’t stop there, it
Also broke the ***** of
Bhosphorus, thus linking
Marmara to the Black Sea.
A pity Isreal didn’t flood!
The AA say that this
Too will pass
Which contradicts
Echart Tolle’s power
Of now theory.

There’s another saying
Of what ever is for you
Will not go by you.

But who said if you
Snooze you loose?

I have been in the ****
For four years, this AA
Of one day at a time is
Right load of old bolix.

365 x 4 + 1 =1,461
If there is only now
Why memory
Why high and low

Why no in between
Only night and day
Trom agus eadrom
See and saw.

Traffic signals amber
Between go and stop
But not between stop
And go.

Light has no constant.
(Cogito) is an uncertain
statement (therefore I am)
not, convinced about now.
Tywinn was a miniature Schnauzer
that Allison Lawrence tried to hide in her trouser
But he barked at the gate
Before boarding at eight
So she drowned him instead like a louser
Vegan herbivores are
Egg-nostics because
They believe that the
Reason the chick-hen
Crossed the road was
Not to perch, scratch
Brood or hatch, but to
Get laid by a rooster and
Got hit by a Yolkswagen.
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