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It’s going to be snakes &
leaders time again soon.

Zelenskyy & Netanyahu
will get the Satan trophy.

Trump, and Putin on the
blitz will be sharing Nobel.
My  po   as  bee  anction d
hat  is   hy  it  akes no   ense
Boomerang of Business

For every antonym there’s an
equal and opposite synonym.

EU sanctioning Russia was like
urinating off the Cliffs of Moher.

It was worse than that, it was no
different to putting turds in the tide.

Yes, the proverbial **** hit the fan,
now there is excrement everywhere.

Ukraine is a septic tank overflowing,
they will be needing BRICS to fix it.

Babuscha has a smile on her faces
Mother Russia defeated all of NATO.
Before I begin permit me to inform you that
Mare Nostrum is not a sea horse filly and
the old sea dog was sheep worrier down by
Ahakista in in west Cork where Sue Nami
said sea saw Ebb & Flo had purchased a
waterfront house called Tear na Nogue.

It’s just outside Dunes by the stretched sand,
or strand as it is known locally by the beach
combers wood drifters mudlarks & sea urchins
who are always there unshaven and unkempt.

I can’t talk, I’m a sort of a ne’er do well myself
I'm living down here in a camper van with a
fine  biteen of grey stubble too may i add.

Gew know what I noticed, when the sea wakes
it waves and down here we are very close to the
the sun sinks  and because the horizon touches
the sky it has to squeeze through and here’s
another ting I spotted. All  the winds blow from
west to east where it rises and that  is for the
same reason that  radiators are in the front of
cars so the avail of the head winds to keep them
cool it is the same reason the sun is like Wrong
Way Corrigan. Since I have been down here
I haven’t noticed once rising in the south and
sinking in the north but a local Vincent Ellis
told me that it is always like  that but the
Healy Rays tried their utmost to get it shifted
a bit more towards Iskaroon down by Cahir
Daniel where O’Connell was born but dim
hures would put a thwisth in a straight road
and sell eggs  from an up turned currach if
they thought there was muney in it.
Safe Hoarding Places

Squirrels are masters at it,
so good in fact, that often,
their nuts become trees.

Hedge fund hideaways in
foreign vaults Swiss banks,
one can’t lock a mole hole!

But what about thieves
where and how do they
protect their stolen assets?

The bible says thou shalt
not covet thy neighbours
goods, it’s about you Israel.
The Imagine Nation

Imagine, we go there, but
they must not come here.

Imagine if the Swallows
left and never returned.

Imagine if Salmon and Wild
Geese abandoned our shore.

Imagine if all the expatriated
Irish decided to come home.

Imagine if the Israeli’s left
their illegally occupied lands.

Imagine a looking glass but
your reflection is missing.

When imagine is minus its
image, in is out of the mirror.

So, if we can’t see ourselves,
imagine how refugees see us?


Ireland is a racist country
If Europe had not had
Imperialistic ambitions
ie acquisition aspirations
Then the current racists
Might, I say might have
A basis for their opinions
Regarding immigrants.

But one must accept the
Basic principle of how a
Boomerang works to fully
Comprehend the first law
Of physics action reaction
Thus reverse colonisation.

We Irish of all people’s have
No right to close our borders
Because of our history, we are
The mass migrators and we
Went from being independent
To joining the club of African
Clubber’s, so get real and if
you can’t remember where
You came from, at least, try
To remember where you went.


From A 74 Year Old Homeless
Irishman Living permanently
in Camper Van to immigrants
currently victimised in Ireland.

Welcome X a hundred thousand.
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