M’Aidez M’aidez became
May Day May Day
Shah Mat became Check Mate.
Yet, there are people consume
Main Street Media’s daily diet
Without ever questioning it.
Chess was invented in Persia
An Islamic Muslim state, not
Arab, but there are no bishops.
Yet, there on the board either
Side of the monarch, are two.
Now why is that ask yourself ?
The papal crusades removed
The ships ( which tack ) if you
Are familiar with wind and sails,
So, why would a bishop move
Diagonally across the board?
It makes no sense, not to me!
If you don’t play chess and you
Have never sailed, then there is
An excuse for not knowing this.
Ditto if one takes MSM to be an
Accurate assessment of world
Affairs, even in an en passant.
Did they get you to use teabags
Instead of tea leaves, slice pan
Rather than a loaf of bread?
Is it cost or convenience or is
Careless consumer syndrome?
Ask yourself am I a dumbed down