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 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes

So happy that you listened
My words they weren’t so deep
But you deserve much better
Than that little whiny creep

Your talent shines like moon beams
Your smile like the sun
No use in wasting any time
With someone who’s a ***

He’s nothing but a little punk
Who thinks he is so grand
Has such a hard time writing
With something in his hand

So send this loser packing
Tell him to get lost
Pay someone to kick his ***
Regardless of the cost

He is but a cockroach
Running from the light
To afraid to hang around
Stand up to the fight

So once again I’m happy
You listened to me Sye
So many people love you here
You don’t need this guy
Our beautiful Sye is being harrased by some punk kid and I am writing this to let her know we all stand behind her and will do whatever we can to protect her.
There is a forest old as hillsides
tall, majestic, dappled shades
fall on ground beneath the silent
gnarled defenders of the glade.

There they stand in ancient splendour
many souls have passed their way
often used as welcome shelter
from the heat of summers day.

Sweet the air they breathe in chorus
our life's breath their lungs provide,
soaking up our daily poison
so that we may live and thrive.

You seas of men intent to clear them
citing progress, peddling greed
tearing roots from precious mooring
laying waste to nature's seed.

**** the beauty of a landscape
displace creatures for your need
rupture fragile ecosystems
scar the earth and watch it bleed.

To you I ask a simple question,
as I see the land bereaved.
What need has man of all this progress
when he can no longer breathe?
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Poetic T
The old ones that have been there
They have seen time,
But time does not wait
The insects devour are
We feel there fear upon the wind
Branches never to have sprouts of green
There carcass,
Not even cold before
Now many pieces that were once a whole.
We will stand it never more
Nature is king
Those of flesh must learn there lesson
We feed them, nourished them,
And they repay
By senseless destruction,
My Brothers
Sisters uproot
Show them natures force,
So it was, they rose from the soil
Root now not nourished by mother earth,
Campers were their first call
Fires did burn
Hacked upon
Another brother for warmth
Branches lunched forth,
Flesh no match for Solid timber used in force,
Screams resonate through the air
But the leaves upon those grounded
Cover like a canopy not releasing sound
Faces froze in terror,
Seeing faces etched in ancient wood
All those years of anger
Reaped upon those weak and bone,
Like felled trees, they crumples upon the earth
Life for life,
Which was burnt upon the ground.
Tears of sap fell upon down below,
And so the old ones once again waited,
Rooted once again to mother earth,
Never Still
For those who would follow,
And find nature isn't so kind,
For the woods have eyes,
Whispers do travel upon the wind
**Ready for war, natures fight back begins..
If you're slowly drowning
In a darkness all your own
just whistle and I'll find you
take your hand and lead you home.

If your heart it flounders
slowly tearing at the seams
know that I still hear it beating
in my melancholy dreams.

If your spirit lingers
at the edge of loving light
know that I will stay there with you
know that I will stand and fight.

We will roar at our oppressors
We will wrestle with the dark
so much light can be created
by a single, tiny spark.

Then from the depths we will emerge
in stronger, wiser form
to stand shoulder to shoulder
and face the coming dawn.

For love will always bind us
it holds us sure and true
and there is nothing stronger
than the love I feel for you.
If I got lost as a kid I was told to whistle so that I'd be found, any tune would do. I realise now that the whistling in itself was more of a comfort to me while lost than it ever was a means of finding me....I was a curious child, I got lost a lot..... some things never change.
The sun rises and with it the fight begins, kicks and blows rain hard as I catch my reflection and see the futility of my existence staring back at me. 

This is my war. 

There will be no peace talks with my adversary, she dwells inside, stubborn, unmoved by my suffering, mocking the medication meant to silence her being. 

She is glass shards. 

She is the shrapnel of my past, forever deeply embedded in my tired future. 

She is hatred of my very self. 

She claws at me with sweet suggestions, whispered screams of unending torment, temptation to cease being burns at her core as I am drawn blindly to her flame. 

There is no ceasefire, no peace in which to dwell, no escape from the constant hum of her displeasure. 

She is me, I am her.

Our silent battle as old as time.

I see her watch me through tear filled eyes, her hatred bristling at my smile as she sings of my flaws and tosses all hope to the ground to shatter irreparably.

She is mine. I am hers.

We dance in time to sympathetic looks and tired sighs as loved ones speak of self indulgence and stiff upper lips.

She will be, that I may not.

She will not be silenced.
I wrote this a few weeks back while at a very low point. I wanted to explain to my sister how I was feeling, this, however ******, was the result. I wasn't sure whether to share but my sister thought I should. Sorry it's a bit of a long ramble but it is my truth.
We are all capable of so much more than we think.
Most people never scratch the surface of what they're capable of.

Expertise is relative.
Expertise doesn't come from a piece of paper.

Life is richest when we become good at a lot of different things.
“Know-it-all,” “Jill of all trades,” and “renaissance man” are compliments.

Life is an experiment.

You don't have to wait for permission,
and you don't need anyone else to grant you status.

It's not about being the world's greatest expert.
It's about being expert enough to accomplish your goals.

The more you use creativity, the more you get.

Brilliance lies within each of us.
Follow your passion.

Go now. Live. Play. Explore.
*Learn* more. Do more. Be more.
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
She accepted
the crayon
and drew
a transparency
to step across
the mirror.

Living on
long forgotten,
she sprang from fire,
her love affair,
a tale of fairy.

The baobabs grew,
feeding on her,
shredded the glass.
A darker night
devoured the moon,
diluted her crayon.

Then came the day after.
She rose
and drew a crayon.
She accepted lucidity
feeding on transparency.
She took a step.
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