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Augustine Apr 2014
Dream of me
At night when
You're safe
In your bed

Think of me
When your hands
Are idle

But don't
Make me stay
Augustine Apr 2014
You think you're so sly
With your ****** stained boots and cheap cologne.
But I have eyes in dark alleys
And in the bar you like so much.
And I saw you with your head between her legs.
You ungrateful ****.
Augustine Apr 2014
There are some who love only for a night.
Some who love until they find someone new.
Some who never love at all.
And some who scream their love to the moon.
Then there's me whose heart silently aches for you.
Augustine Apr 2014
A love of mine smelled like
Summertime Strawberries
In the middle of fall.
Augustine Jan 2014
Smooth like velvet clothes,
Light like a bluejay's feather
That flies with icy wings.
Augustine Jan 2014
Determined with a dedicated wraith was her anger,
Wanting vengeance for those who destroy her;
Myself being no exception

Smelling caked blood and tasting the salt
On my dry cracked lips.
I held onto the boat
For dear life as it was thrashed around.
The occasional loud splash
From the hungry beasts below
Filling my ears,
Along with the crashing of waves.
My life was in the hands of Mother Nature herself
And who knows what she has in store.
Augustine Jan 2014
Laying in the closet
Unused, unwanted
Collecting cobwebs and dust
Buttons handing by threads

It looks like an overused rag,
Falling apart and stained
It a see many special occasion
And caught many a mess

It lays dormant in the dark
Completely forgotten about
Like a useless item
To be thrown away
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