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"Oh, hey Emily, will you be on our team?"

It was the very bad ending to a very bad day.

Three tests, forgotten homework, stuttered lines,
And this is what got me in the end.

Those girls,
The ones with the
Perfect long blonde beautiful hair
And the pencil skirts
And uggs,
The girls who even manage to make gym clothes look good.

We had lined up for
Captain ball
Which is really just
A mix of
Soccer and basketball.

And we had to line up,
Every inch of back touching the wall,
And the first seven people from each side would play, and then the next seven.

But of course
Those girls
The ones who can't bear to be
For two minutes and forty-seven seconds
Had to have the perfect team.

Just no.

I won't "be on your team."

There are no teams.
Agh this is a poem-like rant...
 May 2013 Rosalind Hawkins
again, how do i delete
staring at you
among the neon lights
your smile turns blue
as you stare me back
you know, I could look at you for years
I could kiss you for weeks
I could crack without
the days beside you...
I'm cracking right now
i've been frantically asking
for all of the wrong things
like a first kiss, a hand around my waist
some loose change

what i actually need
are a few true friends
an intriguing book, a canvas
and time to think
That empty space left in my heart

Staring me down each day

Every second cutting deeper

My soul slowly fading

Since the day you walked away

Endlessly searching for the one

Who fits in my arms

As perfectly as you did

Caramel colored hair, caressing

Petite shoulders that create perfectly

A beautiful frame in which sat

The face of an angel

Who broke down weathered walls

With a brightly lit smile

An eloquent touch, strong and delicate

That washed my wounds clean

Her kiss

So soft and sensual

A blissfully sweet waterfall

Warming a cold heart once shut from the world

Not a day, passing by ever so slowly

Will that image escape my mind

Countless girls pass me by on the street

And each time I look away

Fearful of seeing you in their eyes

As if I'm trying to place Cinderella's slipper

On someone else' foot

Already knowing the face of who it belongs to
As I sit up on this mountain top
I’m feeling a love that just won’t stop
Peace and joy feels the air
It speaks of His love and how much He cares.

Untouched by the elements that’s below
Take a breath, exhale and let yourself go.
The sky so blue, the air so clean
It’s the most unforgettable sky I’ve ever seen.

Unforgettable joy, unforgettable peace
I don’t want this moment to ever cease.
Reach for the stars; don’t let your dreams drift by
As you look towards this unforgettable sky

So new, so blue, so fresh, so clean
That’s incredible
No, unforgettable.
My Unforgettable Sky.
A cute little girl with leaves in her hair
Sits by a tree and chews on a pear.
Her clothes are all matted with dirt and debris
She sits in the mountains,
her face to the sea

She's holding a pen with flowers and hearts
she's writing on paper and using her smarts
Someone next to her pokes her in the arm
She puts down her pen and
then turns in alarm

— The End —