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 Nov 2016 Robert J Howard
The Devil summons his demons
While earthly mortals sell their souls
It's a game of master and slave

In the cold grey offices
It's where they meet
To devour your soul
Clickety clack , clickety clack
Rows and rows of puppets
Sitting in front their screens
In hopes of recieving more money
to put themselves further in debt

They gather round the coffee machine
Plastic smiles that go for miles , awaiting to clock themselves out.

This where Everything is measured
With walls
full of
regarded as art.

Lifeless being
A cog in the machine
Spewing out profits
For the elite
But don't dare be late
Or you out on the street
Because the devil and demons
Don't give a **** about you
It all about that profit
 Nov 2016 Robert J Howard
Its like browsing
the other
like....... on-line purchase
you compare
you check
you postpone
finally decided to marry
and came home
find its not suitable
unfortunately this product
not from amazon to return..
I've been drinking bleach lately to rid you of this body
drinking cocktails of clorox and ammonia to scorch you from my insides
you are like a stain that won't be scrubbed out
you left this canvas so ***** that there is no hope that it will ever be white and innocent ever again
i am a psychopath
i am the queen of terrifying confidence
i am a minipulator of truth
and lies
because i
am a psychopath
who has her eyes set
on the way she should be
on the reasons behind what they think about her
it swirls around inside yet i dont feel it
it scrapes away at the walls of my heart
which should be painful
why not
because i am a psychopath
 Nov 2016 Robert J Howard
There is a water bottle
on the side of route 3.
It's blue and it's plastic
and it's ***** and old.

Reusable, but unused.

Just a piece of garbage
lying on the side of the road.

I look at that water bottle every day.

I take comfort in knowing it's there.
Through every season of
the last year and a half it
has remained in the same spot.

Sun beating down on it,
leaves gathered around,
covered in snow,
it stays where it began.

Whatever music I'm listening to,
whatever emotions I'm feeling,
through elation from a grade
or depression from a breakup,
the water bottle is there.

What a concept,
what a constant,
what a weird thing to notice
on the side of the road.

But there it is every day,
a ***** blue water bottle,
and unimposing,
but such a big part
of my daily routine.
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