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Robby Robinson Jan 2018
Without you I am drowning,
gasping for air.
I don't know how much longer
I can last before I

And as the water slips over my eyes,
I can see you paddling away.

One stroke at a time.
  Aug 2016 Robby Robinson
Little Bear
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***
  Aug 2016 Robby Robinson

I walk with a stranger,
hollow eyes,
emotionless expression,
weathered skin in drab clothing,
barely breathing,
stoic footsteps,
trudging forth, endlessly
along an empty road,
shrouded in a mist
of indecision,
detours mislead,
uphill directions strain,
muscles weaken and burn,
yet I follow where he leads
because this stranger I walk with
is me
  Jul 2016 Robby Robinson
Tia White
I look for you
In passing faces
A stranger's glance
In haunted places

I feel you among
Nature's grandest setting
It is you that I remember
Even when I'm forgetting

I see you wherever I go
In everyone I meet
Your words echo in conversations
That pass me on the street

Your soft, easy way
That safe familiar tone
That always takes me back
To a time long gone
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