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 Mar 2019 Ian Robinson
Set your words free.
It’s just “Poet Speak.”
Let them fly,
Let them fly.
Spill your mind,
Cross the thin line,
Between your
Heart and mind;
Combine, refine, undefine, revise
Just don’t let them be;
Let them fly,
Set them free.
 Mar 2019 Ian Robinson
Never has the wind been
Never was a day like this
More stirring,
Cherry blossoms
Old life becomes new,
Unseen movement
Brings about
Tranquil forces,
Leaves are sailboats  
Reflections in a pool
Cattails watch in silence
Standing outside outlines,
All around its border,
This feeling inside
Speaks of
Solace and smells
Of springtime.
Just a little poem about the beauty of spring.  Winter was dark, cold, and a little rainy. This weather is welcomed.
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