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 Jun 2012 Ricknight
BB Tyler
Green bees
and the dust is there with them
in the air.

Is there a such thing as stillness?
If so, it's hard to find.
It's anomalous,
like moss on rolling stones,
not likely.

The feeling like
insect symphonies,
one thousand beats a measure,
smells like rubber
when it's resting
but fire says otherwise.

It won't stop.
It's a heart beat,
it's a lung,
it's the static flashing
waiting behind closed eyes
and it WON'T STOP!

Smoke sighs itself into
tight spaces
from fingertips,
from the dark sides of skyscrapers,
and the city lights
hold up the sky
to give us just enough
to breathe underneath.

I'll think they should let go.
So that the blanket falls
surely, sweetly,
like death,
onto those shoulders
that don't remember warmth anymore;

because the city lights are cold,
and the dust in the air is never still.
 Jun 2012 Ricknight
Sarah Elaine
Flourishing vegetation in vast variety
Not only for self, enough for society
The sun would shine,
the rain would fall,
Thick, robust vines,
nurture the small
Abundance in everyone is not truth,
Sprouts may grow but stop in youth
Plants may die
can't help but grow
Look back in time
and always know
 Jun 2012 Ricknight
 Jun 2012 Ricknight

I desire only
this life I now live,
in service to you
my remarkable lover.
Every single magical moment
you reveal to me
is a memory I will cherish
long after death overcomes me.
Eternal darkness is acceptable
if your voice will be there with me.
Let loose the hounds of hell,
I care not, I am contented for once in this lifetime.
For I have found a remarkable woman.
Your wit and brilliance dwarfs the minds
of the most elite.
You will forever be my one and only,
even if this world were to crash into nothingness.
I will always be in your service,
to me you are everything,
Even if I know,
you will only tear me
Max Goering June 2012
 Jun 2012 Ricknight
EC Pollick
Lack thereof.

An empty bed.
Lonely hearts club.
A party of one.
Quiet house.
Not even a stir.
Miles cracking as he spins and spins
Rain drop drops down the windows,
down walls
down me.

Not good enough to be remembered.
Boring, lackluster, too easily surpassed.
A hole in the heart,
Weakness is showing emotion.
Blank face.
Death in Life.

A minute too late.
No, absence.
Not here at all
was never really here
was never ever here.

Seeing what is wanted
Not what is had.
What is had
is absence.
A lack thereof.
Nothing really at all.
I swear with my hand on the heart
[mine, another’s]
that I know nothing
that I get on the train on my way home
and come off at some Glasgow terminal
that I write on my shopping list b r e a d
and rush through my front door with stolen roses
nowhere is written for how long, until when
but I hear your words climbing my body
like spiders the wonderwall
like ivy the cross
[mine, another’s]
I know nothing
and no book will be able to tell
how a hand is covering your mouth
and the screaming inside yearns for your body
like an unscrupulous *****
like ivy for the cross
[yours, ours]
 Jun 2012 Ricknight
Debra A Baugh
his essence
cascades across
the grain of my frame;
as his eyes dilate,
imbibing in the beauty
of motion teasing the lull
of moonbeams as it
against the infinity
of our minds

our reflected image
in mirrored composure,
as our delicacy of want
towards an edge
of lustiness
entwined within
warbled notes
of rock wrens
singing love songs
as they dip
their wings
on early

my eyes close
as softness of
lips touch upon
mine own; sending
thoughts to lucid
stillness of serendipity
bathing our contoured
frames in dulcetness
aligned within pouted
hunger tasting one
another in unity

kaleidoscopic prisms
alight in our eyes
as the lull of the moon
pulls the ebb and flow
of the ocean's current
as our bodies move
in rhythm with its
motion of each
cresting wave
crashing against
the shores of
our soul's fluidity
burbling in ecstasy
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