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Rickie Louis Jan 2012
A waking moment, when eyes first open.
Like a newborn experiencing sight for the first time.
Blinding curiosity illuminating a fight for understanding.
Pure at first, as each new sensation overwhelms the senses.
As each new day comes and goes,
turning into weeks,
and years;
shaping our perspectives.
We slowly lose that sight we once had,
a forceful forging becomes of us.
Is who we are simply what we've seen?
It seems as each clip of life is impressed upon us,
we become less individual in the since of freewill,
and moreso as a carbon copy of impulses and reactions.
Lessons of life are gained after rigorous testing of wills, fates and virtues.
Mistakes as high as moutian peeks can be reached in moments,
Whilst the treck down seem to never end.
Lost deep in a forest that repeats itself,
over and over leading back to that peak.
Within these trials of heartache, triumphs, and shame.
When does redemption come to save our souls?
An awaking moment, when eyes first open.
Like a newborn experiencing sight for the first time.
Blinding curiosity illuminating a fight for understanding.
An understanding beyond the senses,
beyond what can be seen and felt thru this battle life creates.
A struggle for redemption for what has been seen and done,
in the moments before these eyes had true vision.
A redemption that is dreamt with open eyes under sunny skies,
and soundly under starlight; but it seems sometimes as tho,
no matter the destination desired for that clean slate in life,  
I find myself fixed, like a switch on the wall.
As tho we can be empowered, only to be turned off.
Is the desire for redemption caused by switching on,
and rewarded by flipping back off with oblivious eyes?
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
It seems as we get older, a piece of us gets lost.
Desires fill our hearts, it seems those pieces are the cost.
What must we do to find them, or fill that broken void.
Do we ever get them back, or are they just destroyed.
As age creeps up, and time ticks by, and awkwardness begins,
It's hope I find a heart like mine, who's pieces just fit in.
An old unfinished thought..
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
We'll all live on forever..
Like the energy within us,
never ending...............continuous.
Weaving and winding forever on end,
coming and going, colliding, again.
Thru all probabilities of chance,
like a copacetic electric dance,
connected eternal we're never alone,
it's just for a moment this instants our home.
It is, what was, has been, will be,
each step we take is destiny.
This is just my point of view,
but you are me and I am you,
Our essence one but many too.
Simply like a shooting star,
a piece of it within my heart,
another piece is within you.
Perhaps that star was us that flew.
The meaning of this life to me,
is very simply just to be.
Complacent, yet eager to learn,
to feel, to live,  to love, and yearn.
To look inside ourselves and see,
That God is you and God is me.
Tho, we go, we GROW, a p a r t.
A path that goes without a start.
With each new breaths a new begin,
within this loop we're spinning in.
My mind is scattered on this one, keep getting lost in thought, will edit later when I have more time.. Suggestions welcome. :)
Rickie Louis Jan 2012
It's two am, and here again, I'm lying wide awake.
Procrastinations all to blame, for granted life's at stake.
Like binding chains, that freely hang, nor keeping me tied down.
It's motivation that's not here, it never has been found.
Anxiously I pace around, I chase illusive sleep.
Initiative is all to give, but restlessness I keep.
Repeatedly I ask myself, when will it all change, will I finally shed these chains, to keep me from the same?
I close my eyes and fall to sleep at two am agian, with promises upon myself to find that new begin.
Another midnight revelation shedding light my way, giving me precise direction, lost each waking day.
Rickie Louis Nov 2011
Beautiful hazel, blue, and green.
A calming oasis I'd never foreseen.
Peering deep reflecting two,
A futures dream I hold for you.
Smooth and soft colored pale,
The touch unlike a love that'd fail.
Wavy coils bouncing around,
a chipper laugh a welcoming sound,
My son you give me something more,
Your little heart I'll forever adore.
Rickie Louis Oct 2011
I draw my sword and brace my shield,
like a shining knight armored in the shining night,
I ascend the peaks of hearts.
Battling now only the weight that which I believe protects me,
I slowly shed myself to bear the journey that lies ahead..
One piece at time my armor falls to the ground,
risking abrasions and damage delt in future waging hearts.
I soon become naked of all but the plate that hides my chest..
As I search through the valleys,
deep in the crest,
I feel it's beating.
Warmth soon takes me, leading me to it.
With each hopeful stride of my double edged sword,
I find I'm only slaying shadows of demons that once dwelt within.
As each war's waged my heart becomes exposed and weary through what once protected it.
Soon I find myself faced at the entrance,
as I slowly descend down jagged and torn pieces,
I feel the raging heat of it's breath burning and searing flames engulfing me,
I feel it all around me.
I place my shield overhead, hoping it's truth protects me.
Then I lunge,
swinging right then left using the weight of the sword that once hindered,
striking only cavern walls, it seemingly alludes me.
Remembering stories of those before,
I begin to hold doubt and realize through past pains this dragon won't be slayed let alone captured,
I'm only battling myself.
As my journey comes to an end I turn,
I suddenly see it, staring directly into it,
I see it's no beast at all.  
I know in that moment,
I'm nothing more than consumed by hopes of what already lives within,
and blinded by what was expected.
This dragon that I chase (love), has alredy slayed me.
Of course another poem about the trials of finding love, but first letting go of your armour, and realizing there's love within stronger than any that could be found.
Rickie Louis Oct 2011
One heart,
born in whole,
Free from all captivity.
Not a slave,
nor care,
Beating for one,

Two hearts,
one of the other,
made to feed and grow.
Beating for me,

Torn hearts, inseparable, separated.
Lost to the world,
by choice of deception.
The curse begins.

The seeking heart,
Beats for another.
One piece lost,
Destined to recover.
Absent of nurture,
Wicked, wicked,
Repelled, repulsed, shamed.
over and over again,

weirdness and awkward.
With a childs desperate heart.
Hopelessly hopeful,
Helplessly lost.

Found love,
Beautiful love,
lasting love.
My lover,
Deception, infidelity,
Another piece lost.

The cycle continues.
The seeking heart,
Desperate to replace,
What was lost long ago.
Ten times over.

Realization, awakening, awareness.
This piece left,
Peace of heart,
Beats for one,
It's my own.
No longer captive,
Nor a seeking slave.
This last piece,
Freed for me.
My first, non-rhyming poem. Enjoy, my love summed up! Please feel free to critique or compliment!
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