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Rickie Louis Sep 2011
Over casted skies, hughed faintly by these city lights,  
power lines and treetops, distract the view, but not quite.
Just enough to see, beyond houses and horizon,  
this sadly painted sky, it is not colored with the season.

I look into your eyes, there's a hint there's something not right,
eyeliner and makeup, slightly covers up the hindsight,
But thru it I can see,  beyond the smiles and the reason,
Its look inside your eyes, it's as though I do not please them.

Trees waving in the wind, changing course throughout the evening,
like the calm before a storm, mother natures heavy breathing.
Then rain begins to pour, ions crashing from the ground,
brightly lighting up the scene, with a devastating sound.

Words flying thru the air, given alternating meaning,
defensively we scorn, imply intentions so deceiving,
within we become torn, as hearts lost cannot be found,
why can't our love be free, without these tensions all around..

Dawn turns to morn, as the birds begin to sing,
And the night of the storm, had ended violently,
Branches and leafs scattered in the flooded field,
It's a night to remember, new beginnings can rebuild.
This is yet to be finished, lots of tweaking needed to set it in all fairness..
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I could tell you of a story, of this flower that I saw.
Growing in a little crack, this flower had it all.
It's beauty got me thinking, how ****** we forget.
It isn't where we come from, it's that we never quit.
The struggles that this flower faced, no quiver nor a fall.
It rose above the chances,
through this crack that was so small.
The only will was life, and the chance that it may "be".
Exist in ways intended, and truly live as free.
This dandelions beauty, gives me the strength to know,
content with where I'm rooted, 
 and will to always grow.
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
There are no lyrics for this song inside my head.
so it's best sometimes expressed in my own words,
of using others expressions, mine's as well,
so I'll place each word on these lines as my pens,
to try to draw exactly what I want to show,
so please keep up and follow if you really wanna,
or shake your head and smile, or simply just pretend.
imaginations greatest when you're only playing,
is what you call yourself, in times that you need.
not exactly being one within your selfish,
is what I'm seeing now as I begin to speak,
listen to me dearly now my hearts becoming,
is what you call me now within my time of need,
friend is who I tried to be when your hearts who I,
me full of ******* with your insincere concerns,
cause in the end I'll be here as this bridge you try to,
it all away and stand there sifting thru the ash.
I tried to ***** the fire as you quickly stuck that,
me with intentions and perhaps you just may see,
that life can be more meaningful without some,
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
I just saw a humming bird,
   Whispering a humble word.
     You say, "no, that's so absurd,
       to be humbled by a bird,
       let alone it whisper words".
     Delusional as it may seem,
  This bird it whispered things to me.
Said, "take it slow" with humming wings    
"Abolish all unneeded things".
   Said, "life is now" as it zoomed by,  
   "Without this nectar life'd be dry"..
     said, "take a drink and take it slow,
    let it sit then let it flow.
  Tickle your tongue, and soft your humm, Simplicity will keep you young".
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
If all were created,
before a finger lifted,
all'd be done...
Before a single word be said,
Every creeping crawling thing'd be dead.
No speaking laws, or slaughtered alters,
Or sacrificing ****** daughters.
No ill lessons, of omnipotence,
Omnipresence or deviance,
The vastness of life and time,
Are much too large, to be defined,
By one who's greatness greater than all,
To know we're here, or rule at all,
It's too far fetched to believe it's true,
There's one above, all around, watching you.
And say a god of sorts is real,
Say christ is god what would you feel,
To know his book is spoken true,
To be applied in all you do,
Word for word and verse by verse,
Forever there to be rehersed,
With jealousy and angry might,
His reasons are, beyond our sight,
His omnipotence we can't define,
His intelegence, beyond our mind,
******, ****, and slavery,
plagues and death, so hard to see,
The fact he made this all for us,
From each bright star, and nucleus,
just to cast us in a pit,
A fiery hell, a suffrage.
None of it, It makes no sense,
And think most don't believe in chance.
Now close your eyes, and just believe,
Blindly follow each page you read,
For faith is something you must have,
To not see past this broken path,
Of lies and hopes in false intent,
It's god who man came to invent.
Here's a law he wrote himself,
One of ten, to show us help,
And thou shalt worship one alone,
But now there's christ who claims his thrown.
A contradiction from the start,
O how this truth broke my poor heart,
He created all in just six days,
A sabbath rest I'm so amazed.
A day to gods a thousand years,
So look at this, And shed no tears,
He made us in all knowing ways,
But so confused within just days,
He changed his mind, his laws and story,
Then sent one down to claim his glory,
Then Lucifer, what was the point,
His purity, god did anoint,
Then jealousy and pride bestode,
But then again god had forebode,
Let alone freewill was not,
An angel had no choice to taunt,
Made to fill specific needs,
The devil had no other deeds,
God knows all, from start to end,
So if he's real, he's not a friend,
He doesn't love, or know all,
Or have salvation, when we fall.
A deity he is not,
Especially with how he taught.
There're better ways to plan a path,
Simplicity is easy math,
But who am I, I'm just a man,
Created by his clumsy hand.
I didn't wanna stop writing this one! So much to say on this topic.. Thanks for stopping by, I have plenty more to read if you enjoyed this. :) Don't forget to like or comment!
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
Impetuously copacetic,
as a zephyr to the soul,
with chills she'll send,
feels good till end,
but soon you're left there cold.
Rickie Louis Sep 2011
There are times that I believe,
               and times that I'm deceived,
and there are times I believe I'm deceived.
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