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rhema subedi Oct 2016
In the deep shadows of loneliness, there was someone waiting to befriend you.
Too shy to approach you first, she hid there,
Just as lonely as you were in that moment.
You looked around, in the middle of the room,
Where there was a faint light.
You looked for a friend, but she remained where she was.
She was afraid that you wouldn’t like her;
She feared that you wouldn’t want to be her friend.
Hiding in the shadows, she heard you call out to anyone present.
Then she came out.
Slowly, stealthily, like a cat prowling in the darkness,
She came out into the light.
But by that time, you had given up search.
You sat there with your back to her.
She knew. She just knew that you were crying.
Still, she was afraid to talk first.
But seeing you so sad, she overcame her fears,
And sat there next to you, feeling all your fears and loneliness.
She took your face in her little hands,
And wiped out your tears, even as her own escaped her eyes.
In that moment, you were friends.
She cared. And you did too.
You put your big, strong arm around her sagged shoulders,
Offering comfort; offering the assurance that she so desperately needed. Words, in that moment, would have meant nothing.
But you took one look at one another,
And both understood that words were not required.
rhema subedi Oct 2016
If you ever feel lost think of this:
Every time we look at the night sky,
We’re looking at as many moments in time as the number of celestial bodies we see;
And we’re witnessing a long history of the universe.
Some of these stars aren’t as bright anymore,
It’s been millennia since they sent out this particular beam that you’re sensing.
Now, if a moment in time is so lost in itself that it doesn’t even represent “a moment in time”,
But rather many many moments woven together,
Then how lost can you be?
We’re here now, at a point in the dimensions of space-time that cannot truly be defined.
While you’re feeling lost, the universe is losing itself too.
While you immerse yourself in the wonders of the universe,
The universe is commiserating with you.
It is just as lost as you are.
And we’re all as lost as the universe.
So, by extension, we’re all just as lost as you,
And nobody knows anything apart from this:
That this is a moment in time.
But you and I, we know more:
We know that this is a moment when together,
You and I are witnessing a million other moments along with this one. And losing ourselves in this moment is amazing.
Feeling lost suddenly seems like a good thing.
Because I’m lost with you, and the universe is with us.
rhema subedi Oct 2016
One stolen moment, to be treasured forever,
The first; the last: now and then never.
Tonight, two hands join together, into a little fist,
The memories of this moment, to fade away like mist.
But in my mind, this is a moment engraved in stone,
The memory of the night, you refused to leave me alone.
I hold your hand, like a child might,
While you look ready to take flight.
Fly you would; but never without me,
Being yours is the best I can hope to be.
rhema subedi Oct 2016
In this little fragment, where love seems scarce,
In this little fragment, where lovers feel out of place,
I'm going to pour my heart out, into a heavy rain,
A rain you can dance in, 'til you're free of pain.
Until the moment arrives, when love is all you see,
I am going to love you with all that's left of me.
I'm going to pour myself on you, so that you'll someday feel fine,
I'm always going to love you, with everything that's mine.
To my friends, who are battling their battles and find it difficult to remain standing. This is to all of you who can't smile right now. I love you
And I came to realize that all these common eyes of brown ever wanted was to gaze upon the marvelous sight of you.
For a time my only concern was the vast cosmos,
and my mind attempted constantly to comprehend it.
But had the foolishness finally fled from my heart?
It posed as the wise one when it turned my focus to you.
And I fell for the sun's rays in the depth of your eyes
and concluded that I was interested only in the constellations formed from the freckles scattered on your cheeks.
The only space that fascinated me was the space existing between your fingers.
Yes, I assumed that my senseless heart had regained its wit.
Little did I know.
For once a stargazer, always a stargazer,
and my heart had become a fool for the universe in you.
I don't know what could be more unsettling;
the impending sadness I feel for what has not happened
or the fear that my thoughts
will build the reality of my present
to unwrap a gift I think
isn't mine to keep
rhema subedi Oct 2016
I see a solitary source of light far, far away.
But I’m not sure I’ll live to see it another day.
I travel on, on a windy desert night,
Trying to find the one source of light.

The closer I come, the farther it goes.
Is it really light? Or will it add to my woes?
Water is scarce to come across, and so is food,
The solitary source of light gets my hopes renewed.

Maybe when I get to the light, I can get a drink,
And maybe a hearty meal, and I can sleep a wink.
Hoping the carriers of the light are what I wish for,
That they’ll take care of me, and then I’ll worry no more.

But dreams are dreams: and the light’s afar,
Shining out to me like a distant star.
A star that glows ever so bright,
But from the ground, comes my source of light.

The hopes of catching the “star” propel me forward,
The solitary source of light, calls me onward.
But will I ever reach it now?
I need to get there, and I’m learning how.

But even as I learn, I’m losing my will,
For I’m not getting closer, and my heart won’t still.
The light still calls out to me,
In a language I can only see.

And a compelling need pushes me on,
But, in an instant, the light is gone.
Now I’m lost, I don’t know where to go,
But then I realize, I’ve reached a mountain full of snow.

The light has gotten me out of that lonely land,
And now I focus on the only task at hand.
Taking fistfuls of snow, I shove it down my throat,
And a little farther away, I see a mountain goat.

The goat then calls out to me,
In a  language I can only see,
So, I follow the goat again,
Like a puppy tied to a chain.

It leads me to a meadow green,
This is someplace I’ve never been.
The goat is lost and now I eat,
The flowers and the berries sweet.

I feel content and happy here,
But then I see a mighty hare.
And now the hare calls out to me,
In the language that I can only see.

The hare leads me into a forest dense,
Now I don’t know where I am, and hence,
I look around for someone to take the lead,
And soon enough, I see some geese.

I follow the geese that call out to me,
In the language that I can only see.
But they fly far above the ground,
And lead me to where I can’t be found.

Now, in the night as dark as cold,
I see the light from times of old.
The light again calls out to me,
In a language I can only see.

Following the light, that shows me a way,
I live on to see another day.
But in the morning that light is gone,
And prancing before me, is a fawn.

The faun now calls out to me,
In that language that I can see.
But this creature only wants me to play,
With him, I dance my day away.

When night falls, I’m tired and sore,
So I sleep: and in a dream I’ve seen before,
A path for me again I see,
Where nothing ever calls out to me.

When I wake to a bright blue sky,
I look around, and see a fly,
But the fly doesn’t speak to me;
In that language I can only see.

Now that the fly left me alone;
I’ve no guidance, I can’t get home.
Now I’m well and truly lost, I know,
With no one to guide me, I’ve nowhere to go.

— The End —