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 Dec 2014 NYC
 Dec 2014 NYC
My grandmother always told me to protect love, to chase it.

My grandfather told me to stay away from love, that it never ends well.

As I lay up at 4:44 a.m I don't know who was right.
I cherish the past.
But the present stings.
But... My older step sister told me love also includes sacrifice for the other persons happiness. And I'll do just that... I'll just spend my nights hoping your happy.
 Dec 2014 NYC
Why isn't the sky crying?
When the most beautiful soul has reached up to meet it?
Shouldn't such an embrace bring tears?
Or sunshine?
Why now, is all black and quiet?
Traffic continues when my heart has stopped.
The sky holds the love of my heart
That I never could.
And I'm crying,
And the sky is quiet.
I just hope the sky knows how lucky it is.
And I hope my love, my darling, can see me from somewhere
And know how much I love him still.
Please like and repost this, this is probably the only time I'll ever ask.
Andy was extremely important to me.
 Dec 2014 NYC
Why do I think of the best poem ideas
When I can't write them down?
Repost if you think of those amazing poem ideas of yours when there's no pen or paper around or when you're in the shower or you should be sleeping or just when you can't write them down. Thanks! ^.^
not handsome though
luck came my way
she found me out
loved me one day

loved me one day
then one day more
she gave me a place
took me indoor

took me indoor
let me be within
loved me the way
I had never been

I had never been
handsome though
she saw me through
in one go
what's in a look
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