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Jun 2015 · 332
What if
Renae Jun 2015
What if...
was over today
What if...
I love you never came
What if ...
all you ever wanted
Stayed unattained
What if your life
Seemed like a game
What would you do?
Would you shift the blame?
Time stops for no one
We all go gray
So don't wait til tomorrow
Do it today
Jun 2015 · 263
Renae Jun 2015
I had a moment of truth today
I listened to your voice
Laughter in my favorite tone
Smiling in my ears
I whispered in my thoughts
"I miss you"
Jun 2015 · 392
To be brave
Renae Jun 2015
Many would say
Takes a risk

A brush with death

No fear
A sharp eye
Quick wit
Many would say
It takes harsh

I say
To be brave
Takes a stand
It takes faith
A strong heart
And courage
A silent prayer

Or many

A heart full of love
A willfulness
Walking a path
On your own
Without it ever being

Bravery cries
Silent tears
No listening ear
Ever hears
To get back up
With eager

To be brave
Is many things
It's strong
It's loyal
It's resilient
But most of all
To be brave
truly takes endurance
May 2015 · 557
It is almost over
Renae May 2015
"Just a little while longer"
It is written
And though we stumble
Trip and sometimes fall
We are not wicked
Only a little bit bent
Confused and broken
We weep and we hope
Yet we stay loyal
Because we know
It is almost over
May 2015 · 235
A broken heart
Renae May 2015
A broken heart is
To put back together
the pieces wont fit
Once it has been
May 2015 · 307
Renae May 2015
What is a promise anyway?
Promises should be kept, safe
Locked up and remembered
Promises are a foundation
On which a life is built
If cracked or broken
The structure will cave

Promises are meant to be treasured
To be honored
A promise is often spoken
Without a lot of thought
Crushing the listening ear
Breaking a young heart
An unknowing heart
A trusting heart

So keep your promises
Treasure what is said
Remember it
And keep your life flourishing
May 2015 · 837
Past Tense
Renae May 2015
There was a time
I honestly believed
You could do no wrong

I believed in you
Everything you said
That you really loved me
Because I was yours
You'd never put me
Through storms
Or wish on me
Any wrong

I believed
you'd be there for me
I honestly believed
May 2015 · 319
Renae May 2015
Have you ever had
A life without love?
I have
I'll tell you what
There's none of
Sweet dreams
There's plenty of
Fake friends &
Living in depression
While you're always giving
Always there for everyone else
It's not returned
That is what it's like
to live without love
To give without love
To want to end it all
Thank goodness for children
And dogs
Apr 2015 · 261
Renae Apr 2015
It goes off
Before you know it
Before you can think twice
One slip bliss
No more worry about this
No more worry about you
No more thinking it through
I'm tired of these triggers
Stabbing like a knife
Tired of hurting  
Tired of life
Apr 2015 · 410
Renae Apr 2015
Slowly it trickles
Softly drives me insane
The constant pressure
The soft relentlessness
The tightness that grabs
The pounding
The sudden awakening
The hurtfulness
The unending abuse
Apr 2015 · 373
Once upon a time....
Renae Apr 2015
This is a story
A not so special love story
About a small town girl and a city boy

He was the good time
Life of the party
Mr. smooth talker suave'
She was the niave
backed in a corner
needing love type of thing

He talked to her
til the sun came up
They fell in love;
That's what they say
Well at least that's
how the story goes and
That's what she thought anyway

The nights were long that summer
She felt as strong as she could be
All they needed was one another
They thought it was forever
They thought it was forever

The years fly by
and the babies came
Struggles and lies
Slid their way in
Til late one night
It all began
Their house of cards
just caved in

Folks that's what happens
When you never talk
Such a sad ending
to what she thought
was real love

The nights were long that summer
She felt as strong as she could be
All they needed was one another
They thought it was forever
They thought it was forever
Apr 2015 · 256
Renae Apr 2015
Like ice to the touch
Clouds of breath linger in frigid air
Talking about nothing
Shivers of goosebumps on arms
Hands in pockets hoping for warmth
Finding frozen fingertips hidden
Between the cotton
This is too thin, we need something more
My hands are too alone
My mind too isolated
Carefully choosing thoughts
Words unsure of the ears that listen
It is too cold here to feel safe
Apr 2015 · 320
Start Again
Renae Apr 2015
Eyes drift
From this to that
Sharp edges protruding
From the pieces of my shattered heart
How can I hide them?
Sand them down smoothe again
Keep calm now
Step forward
Leave the past where it is
Remind myself I can
Start again
Mar 2015 · 313
Too little too late
Renae Mar 2015
You know it's just too little too late
When the experience comes before
& the advice comes after.

It's just too little love and too late to listen.

You know how it is, like when you already fell but 10 minutes later  someone yells  "Hey!  Watch out! There's a giant crevasse under that blanket of snow!" ...because the light already went out for you,  you're broken; bleeding in agony yet who can save you when you're so far down?

You're all alone so in despair you give in to sleep.  Just then  someone remembers you from miles away but the sadness can only linger now because no one can save you from what has happened ...

just too little too late.
Mar 2015 · 551
Who knew
Renae Mar 2015
Who knew there was a Fibonacci sequence to a spiral shell or constellation?

Who knew the seeds of a sunflower were so intricate; 30 something this way... 53 that?

Who knew roots needed fungus
Who knew water could rise 60 ft. or more through trunks to branches, twigs and leaves?

Is your mind boggled yet?
Well thought out creation does not come about by chance
Mar 2015 · 256
Renae Mar 2015
A girl once had a precious jar, it held inside all of her heart. It was filled to the top with special things, like trinkets and pictures and memories. It was painted all pink and glittery. Across the top read her name, she kept it safe behind a frame. Then one day a school friend came by,.... ever so curiously, poking around her jar of special things. Clumsily asking her what was inside, "oh it's really just nothing " she quickly replied.  Honest to God she doesn't want them to see... her very private  personal memories. Some of them good and some not so much,... "You can look at the outside but please don't touch". And this truly was all she'd ask, it shouldn't have been such a very hard task. Alas and still he waited until to the ladies powder room she wondered. He felt the glass, the glitter and paint picked it up and shook it! To the ground it shattered! All over the floor her memories were scattered. Quickly he rushed stumbling this way and that, ripping some papers stepping on glass. In the blink of an eye and it was all over, as quick as he came he ran out the front door.
Feb 2015 · 337
Renae Feb 2015
What's the meaning?
The deeper meaning
The suffering and constant stress
Anxiousness is so confusing
It makes your mind a mess

So why worry about the why
Just remember the Proverbs
When you must cry
And never lean
on your own understanding
Pour out your heart
As you remember to
Never be demanding

Always remembering too
This picture
Is so much bigger
Than just me and you

So never start to worry
About the next day
Cause the next day might be
Just as bad as today

Focus on what's good and true
He clothes the lillies and feeds the birds
What makes you think
He doesn't care about you?
Prov.3:5&6, Matt 6:33 &34
Feb 2015 · 718
In awe
Renae Feb 2015
Swepped away by moments of benevolence

Staring in a haze of emotions

tears of gratefulness

Overwhelming gratitude
for the royal excellence


*I am in awe of you, Jehovah God
Jan 2015 · 388
Renae Jan 2015
You think I'm bitter
No darling not bitter, better
I am glad the wheels are in motion
I am not bitter; only stronger
A fighter
I thank you for that
Call me not bitter
But a survivor!
A giver
Call me what you like
Call me a forgiver
A poet
A songstress
A mother
A friend
Call me a lover if that's what you wanna
But if I am a lover
I am a lover of Jehovah
Not of pleasure
Or of a persona
Judge me harshly
Judge me fair
Only remember
to look in your mirror
And I will not hold it against you
I won't remember
Because like I told you
I am not bitter
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Renae Jan 2015
Everything ends eventually
Nothing is good but Jehovah God
You're not good, I'm not good
No one will acheive perfection
On their own
Eat the most organic
Collect rain water
Workout everyday
You may prolong your life some
Still life ends eventually
"I am no part of the world" said Jesus
"My kingdom is no part of this world"
I believe Jesus
I believe his words
So I know nothing from this world
Belongs to my king.
He does not promote the violence
He does not sexualize messages
He does not punish us for our sins
No, he died for our sins
Yes, everything ends
And I am grateful it does.... for now
I would be happy to not have the stress
To not experience anxiety
The only thing that keeps me focused
Is knowing
When Jesus takes over
All the violence will end
All the sickness and death
Man and his dominance
The ruining of the earth
And it will be filled instead
With pure love and good
With the knowledge of Jehovah
Jan 2015 · 638
Renae Jan 2015
Coral, yellow & blue in swirls and patches danced a top the canvas...
the ocean's waves were rushing up against the thick white sand in a burst of foam... the colors of the sunset reflecting in the water. A large palm tree curls upward in a sculpt like figure close by, it's leaves sprawled out in a giant green umbrella of shade. A grassy hill stands in the distance, tiny pops of fushia, orange and purple tropical flowers grace it's border.

It was brilliant.

His easel was sturdy; stuck down in the wet sand. His hands were steady, capturing as he said, "the essence" of the moment. He moved quickly and carefully  brushing on the last finishing touches to his masterpiece. He could try quietly to remember that moment, that perfect moment. He named it simply, "Sunset".

My eyes shifted up and down taking in the beauty again as I strolled in the art gallery. I was frozen in front of his beautiful work. I could almost go back there, to that beach in that very moment. I wanted the beauty, the essence, the color.

As I reached down and lifted the tag I read the price.... $1500.....

I knew it was out of my price range and rightfully so I suppose, I mean he was a genius; this I could not deny. I certainly knew I would never be able to bring back such vibrance even in a photograph! I ran my fingers over the canvas, the sand seemed real enough to feel, the water almost wet. I wanted to be in the painting.

I felt a surge of disappointment that I would not be able to keep that moment for myself.

Wait a minute! What was I saying? Wasn't I there? I watched his hands, his brush strokes capturing the beauty of it! Capturing the beauty of what is free...

It was then that I stepped back,  how could I buy what was freely given? I was humbled in a split second. I am a fool.

It is a sunset. It is a beach. It is an island. It is free. It is earth. It is creation.

And now I take a vow. Everyday of my life from that day forward, I will watch God paint his sky and
never a day in my life will I have to pay a cent for it.

Because creation it is a gift.

In a sunset, in a tree, in the ocean & sand, in the grass, in the clouds... it is a gift. 

Try as we may to imitate God's perfect and beautiful gifts... well let's face it... it's all we can do.

The original is priceless.
Thank you Jehovah for this beautiful gift we call home.
Jan 2015 · 484
Crazy Mad
Renae Jan 2015
This is perverted, warped, deviant,

It's how you act like you love me then suddenly you change

You're corrupt, abnormal, unhealthy, debauched

*Always pretending to be someone
you're certainly not
Jan 2015 · 433
I don't want
Renae Jan 2015
I don't want a control freak
& I don't want lust.
I don't want someone
who smothers too much
I don't want a parent;
no I don't need a dad.
I don't want temporary,
I never want that.
Jan 2015 · 277
Renae Jan 2015
Oh mind of mine
Stop thinking
Accept misunderstandings
Find the serenity
I know it is confusing
Though He is not
And your heart is full of want
Time is unforgiving
Unfair is all your feeling
Try to find comfort
Without understanding
Thanks be to Jehovah for being greater than our hearts.
Dec 2014 · 448
All of our flaws (10w)
Renae Dec 2014
Overwhelm me
with all of your flaws
equally like mine
Dec 2014 · 507
It's Time
Renae Dec 2014
I believe it's time
We say goodbye...

So farewell
My distant love
Goodbye for good
You'll find someone else
Like I supposed you would

This time you'd be different
This time you'd be true
Treat her like gold
Like a priceless pearl
Shiny and beautiful
Sacred and pure
You'll learn from me
What not to do to her
Dec 2014 · 344
You and Me
Renae Dec 2014
Always alone
until you came along
Giving me somewhere to belong
Ours was an adventure
shared by no other
Worthy of envy
so we held on stronger
I'd never felt so many feelings
I was needing to be with you
If only I knew
Oh how much you wanted me too
Absence should've
Made the heart grow strong
With us
everything went wrong
Up's down's
this and that's
You do whatever while I just nap
on everything
You knew just how
to pull my strings
Blowing up
when I wanted to leave
Trying hard
to capture me
Place me in a cage
where I could never be free
That's not love dear
That's just
You and Me
Dec 2014 · 334
Renae Dec 2014
Though you
may wish they do
Opinions do not
change the truth
It does not matter
That you want them to

They do cause doubts
This is true
An opinion game
is very cruel
It causes confliction
Inside of you
Just so you know
This much is true
Your opinions
Will never
Change the truth
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Renae Dec 2014
Constantly I am fumbling
Trying to keep time with the beat
I catch up with one thing
While the other one topples
Struggle as I go
Struggle as I go
Like a teering totter
One side high the other side low
Can I get some consistency
Again and again
Struggle as I go
I guess that's somewhat consistent in a way...
Nov 2014 · 666
A love story
Renae Nov 2014
A love story
Is an irresistible fable
It entraps the gullible
Eating up ideas like morsels
Wrapped up in legends
Noses in a book
Of warriors
and peasant girls

A love story is a lie
Telling tall tales
of hero's
Who rescue
& carry away
their trophy

A love story is a wish
The young girl craves
desires in her heart
Lingering in her mind
Currupting her reality
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Renae Nov 2014
Creamy, smooth
delicious, sweet
Just the way  
You used to be
Nov 2014 · 386
Rightful Owner
Renae Nov 2014
You will never lose my love
O Jehovah
Your's is an enduring love
Humility is your cup
For you have allowed
The most rebellious
To stand in your rightful place
Teaching us consequences
You love truth & justice
You love what is good
You hate what is bad
You have shown your strength
in the face of adversity
Independent of you
Mankind will always fail
Setting up walls for greed to enter
Men destroy themselves
In war, injustice,
Tearing apart the family bond

are what you will tear away
From the earth
A human family is your desire
Your stand is strong as stone
Your decisions are unmoveable
Trustworthy are your ways
The right belongs to you
You are merciful beyond the meaning
In the end all will bow low
All will understand
You have made life
You have sacrificed
More than any being could imagine
You are worthy to rule
You are the rightful owner
I love you Jehovah God
Nov 2014 · 214
Trouble (10w)
Renae Nov 2014
Trouble finds me everywhere
It must like me a lot
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Renae Nov 2014
This world
is chaulk full of abuse
Kids bully
from early youth
Learning from angry parents
It's a tradition
Handed down
Someone please
Break the cycle
Learn to discipline
with love
Tolerate in peace
Learn to understand
Children are gifts from above
Do what you should
Pay attention
Gain respect  
with unconditional love
Nov 2014 · 223
I want you
Renae Nov 2014
I want you to love me
                   This encompasses all things

Tolerate my imperfect intentions
My desires to please you in everyway
For this is something I crave
I want to do this everyday

I will not ever hurt you on purpose
                         I want you just as badly
                                 As I want you to want me

Please remember this when I
make you angry
Please remember all I ever wanted
Was to make you happy
Nov 2014 · 297
This game(10w)
Renae Nov 2014
is the name of this game
so, I do.
Nov 2014 · 641
Black & White
Renae Nov 2014
If only life were black and white
White would always be clean and bright
Clearly seen and easy to decifer
white as good, black as the other
But instead there are so many colors
Nov 2014 · 283
Renae Nov 2014
She's off!
On an adventure of her own
Experiences that will light up her darkness
Lifting her hopes and dreams
Love she's never known
Opens doors
She never knew they existed
In measures unimaginable
She's running forward
No looking back
She's smiling
She's alive
She's loved
Nov 2014 · 329
Renae Nov 2014
Awakened by a dream or was I even asleep?
These days it can be hard to tell
Especially since the moment the door was opened and what was allowed in I'll never know, and I believe I'll never want to.
Asleep is what I wish, yet it seems to fail me....
So my state of mind may be wary
Enduring in a fog of sorts, hopeful
Of miracles in white or color
Though they often never appear...
In a daze I'm yearning to remain awake
Unsure if what really isn't is and what is isn't......    
I toss and turn in the darkness
All along unconcious; all along asleep
Nov 2014 · 371
Renae Nov 2014
Limp and still, there is no sign or signal
The whole world has ceased to exist
There is no such thing as time or work or worry because her life has become lifeless
Nov 2014 · 339
I pretend
Renae Nov 2014
He would whisper
every sensual seduction
Tickling my ears with desire
I imagine we were in love
Dancing purely out of emotion
Taking us over as we'd drown
In eachother's arms
Tangled up in a stormy romance
His thunder
My lightning
Electricity sparks a fire
We were engulfed into flames
A passion more intense
Than one mind could behold
Burning out of control
We could burn down the whole forest
until it was finally a smolder
A burning smolder
No longer strong enough
The smolder turns to ash
Easly blown away by the wind
In my mind as vivid as the beginning
And still I wish, I imagine, I pretend
Nov 2014 · 442
The pursuit of happiness
Renae Nov 2014
And she walked the path winding to and fro in her serpentine steps. Balancing on the side of her right foot; coyly she smiles that lopsided mischievous grin and ***** her head:

"I want adventure and romance, a life of excitement! You can't find that in an office or slaving on end for ends." I thought about these words as she plopped back down on both feet and I ask , "what will you do?" she shrugged,  "I just don't know but I need to be far from here, I'm on the pursuit of happiness" ....

So that doesn't include me? I thought to myself, and a sudden sadness swept over me. Her 16 year old figure unflawed and beautiful, she was still my gangly girl inside, wasn't she? Where is my happiness in seeing her acheivements, in watching her grow and change and love? But no, her eyes drop, she is distant, aloof.... she is separating and dividing me heart and soul. She doesn't mean to, it is just her happiness she is after.
Nov 2014 · 290
So tired
Renae Nov 2014
It's tiring
Like pushing so hard
Against a brick wall
Trying to make it budge
After awhile
I shrug
Then say
I'm so tired
Nov 2014 · 214
Renae Nov 2014
~The thing is, I will gladly set you free if it means it will save your life~
Nov 2014 · 592
I already voted
Renae Nov 2014
All this voting on the TV is truly
making me ill. Only to find the next imperfect man who will lie, cheat and steal. Human ******* til he causes the deepest ill.  Replaced by the next man who can never heal.
So mankind goes through another 4 years of war, greed & hunger.
As I ponder....
This predicament,.. I wonder why it's done. Year after year people placing their hope in total redundanance. History repeating itself over and over again. As if never learning is a never ending trend.

I just shake my head; I already placed my vote for something else instead, For an Almighty Government already set in place. One to which my King and His Kingdom will never be replaced. It will cure all of makind, from every human race.  From imperfection, hate and violence, from every sick & duranged plague.

It is no earthly physical thing, it is a heavenly one. It is a Universal Government ruled by
God's only begotten son.
Nov 2014 · 241
Renae Nov 2014
We see in others
what we see in ourselves
We are attracted
to our favorite things about ourselves
Treat others
with the same love you'd want in return
For we are all just mirrors
Nov 2014 · 371
Being a mom
Renae Nov 2014
Soft cheeks, smelly feet
My mind my life now
a beautiful mess
Laughter tears restless fears
Wanting needing empty feelings
Lost alone weak and vulnerable
Don't show that though
Stay strong like a pillar
You're the mom
Oct 2014 · 247
My own
Renae Oct 2014
Who am I to say how this will go
Or how that will turn out for anyone
I am no king with a sceptor
I am no queen on a lofty throne
Though I am no jester either
I am just peering into a holy law
I will find answers
I'll look into my own mirror
This shall suffice
I will place my focus
On the most necessary path
My own
Oct 2014 · 877
It is about you
Renae Oct 2014
Everytime I see your smile my heart skips
I melt inside just thinking about you
You are the perfect picture in my mind
I think I dreamt you into life
I pour out my soul to you hopeful
I get lost in your calm collected way
I love your charm and charisma
You shatter me into a thousand tiny bits
Oct 2014 · 260
Temptation (10w)
Renae Oct 2014
You were mine &
I was a game you played
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