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Invite me into your nightmares.
Open your gates and
I will walk by your side,
holding your trembling hand.
You are not alone in this.
Trust me.

Show me scars and I'll
show you beauty that
marks battles you have conquered.
Look into my eyes and see
Your rawest form and be not ashamed.
I am not.

My love is the infinite stars
That twinkle in the sky and
Set fire to your heart.
I will be your light in the darkest hour
And I will guide you to safety.
Follow me.

I am the still voice that will calm
your troubled waters,
bringing you peace.
Just believe me.
Allow me to enter
Your castle and together
We shall build a dynasty.

And those nightmares will become
mere memories...
A daunting sky releases the moon's glow
on the shy lotus sprouting from
the cave's hollow splint.

The wind bullies her fragile frame
but she stands unbreakable.
She is unwavering and fearless.

The showering rain chills her spine,
but the lotus is numb to its touch.
It will not control her fore she has learned

to weather the storm.
So she smiled and danced in the rain
and the moon envied the lotus flower
of the night.
Life is about learning  to dance in the rain
Take a picture it'll last longer.
It. The moment you loved me.
Capture the state of euphoria
before it fades.

Instill within me your remembrance
for you are like dust in the wind
that blinds and brings me to tears
when we are together.

You clasp and rip my broken heart.
I choke on your empty promises.
You will not give me life, but for the moment, I live in temporary bliss.

Soon the storm will return and reality
will steal everything I wish you gave me.
The moment will evanesce like vapor.
The picture will last always..

— The End —