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 May 2013 Rebel Brokenhearted
You said you would always love me,
Joke's on me
I believed in love,
and believed in you.

You promised to never leave my side.
Never is a long time.
I should have taken out insurance,
on loneliness and solitude.

You weaved your way into my web,
now we are all tangled up.
I can't live with you,
can't live without you.
Am a dripping mess of tears.

You took over my heart and filled it up,
with beautiful lies and silent promises.
I assumed too much when you said it was something,
I should never have listened to my soul,
when it whispered your name.
After years of thinking and considering I know
That I am an Atheist.
Hours on end I have thought about it but the answer was always No you don't  believe
Everyone who does believe tells me that it might be because I am gay and don't like what they say about
           people like me. And if they don't know that I am Gay they say I just haven't let him in my heart
I* will not lie and say it didn't cross my mind that my homosexuality might have been a factor but it's
               not. And I can't let something in my heart when I don't believe that it can even be there.
Saddest person I might be for the ones who tell me that but At least I never Waver in standing for my
The answer as to why i don't believe is A) I am more on the science side and B) I just never did.
This poem was inspired after reading Robert Guerrero's  *No Religion For Me* Just to let y'all know
Enemy in sight and I crouch behind the tree.
Sweat rolls from my forehead onto my cheek.
There is a thumping in my ear and I realize that it's the blood being pushed quickly by my heart.

I whisper to my sweet Roger
He is ready.
The Enemy is in sight.
Does he know that his life is about to end.
That each breath is closer to death.
That each second that goes by is a second closer to death.

I **** Roger and he clicks.

The enemy stops all movement, stops all vibrations.
I have a shot.

I take it.

The shot echos throughout woods.

He is dead.
Flames scorch my heart.
I hear the crackles and smell the smoke
Remember when you told me that I was the only one?
Ever think of what I would do?

Forgive? There is no forgiveness to give.
I can’t believe you let me believe in truth that was a burning lie.
Remember when you held my hand, when you confessed your love for me?
Ever think of what I would say?

Feel the intensity? I do
I can feel myself being consumed by what blazes inside
Remember when I told you that I loved you and wanted only you?
Ever wondered how fast love burns out?
You have now stripped me to my bones..
Bare, bruised and battered,
Left alone; undone -
I have but few words remaining -

I love you, and this will be my last breath of you...

Turning from you now, as you have turned from me,
Each step distancing our once solidified foundation -
A rising fire, extinguished by an unforeseen ending,
I no longer will await the day you had promised...
For these futile thoughts of us will fade,
Our love whither -
Our love perish -

Simply put...
This is good bye.
Parted fingers made it hard to see,
I was that girl,
I was scared of everything,
But I'm finally getting older,
This time has made me wiser at times,
I've watched people come, then walk by,
The broken roads threw me off my tracks,
But I'm learning how to get back my feet.
Words hurt me worse,
More then a fist ever could,
I was the girl,
I wouldn't do anything about it,
But through my hard work,
I've learned,
I'm actually worth something,
So I'm wise enough,
To tell you to go on your way.
My hands won't shake,
My knees won't tremble anymore,
When you decided to scare me,
All my insecurities,
They lead back to you,
but I'm not that girl anymore,
I've learned to get back to my feet,
I'm wiser then you think,
I'm not that girl anymore.
Soft light creeping in
I sip coffee, hot and black
Glimpsing back, I tilt my chair
Blue sky through spruce boughs
Retrospective of your eyes
Picking up agates
Ragged brown waters bare teeth
Glacier huge above
Manzanita bush
Dry, rust red and bleached limbs twist
Above, eagles soar
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