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I am Muerte, no not Morty
I am the big 'M'
Death incarnate
I will come for you, I'm coming to get you
And you will regret crossing my path
What's that? You're looking for the boss man?
Muerte, the big 'M'
Death incarnate?
Who are you kidding?
I'm not him, I'm Morty.
Watched a movie called Undercover Blues last night. Had an interesting character called Muerte.
 Oct 2012 Rebel Brokenhearted
could it be that we were fated
for nothing less than a heroes death?
a fight to the death
with only the best?
no mercy or games
winner keeps their life.

or maybe like romeo n julie
die for a cause;love
but would you really ****
to save a life
or be the man on a ledge
demanding a fair trial
where you arent condemned.

bonnie and clyde had it great
life on the fast lane in banks
but running aint that easy
you cant keep a home and kids
they too couldnt live forever

some people only live to die
pointless painful ends
like watching a rope burn
or walking on fire
could it be that life is empty
but a shell we inhabit for a while
and watch as it is crushed.
Red is the color of passion, but the passion of love
A firey burning sensation, heating and fueling lover's desire
Orange is the color of energy, blinding, and fast
Zipping through space and recharging the multiverse
Yellow is the color of friendship, sunshine and bright
Lifting frowns and bringing joy to all
Green is the color of life, growth, expansion
Of Gaia and the vibrant vivacity of Mother Earth
Blue is the color of sadness and melancholy and despair
Of the salty water of both tear and sea
Indigo is the color of calm and surging stillness, contemplation
And intellect, the color of knowledge
Violet is the color of passion also, the passion of music and art
Powerful and strong, mellowed and smooth
And octamarine is the color of magic, the eighth color of the rainbow, falling off the edge of the world into space
White and black, not contained within a rainbow, but both contain the rainbow themselves, they intertwine, yin and yang
White signifying good, pureness, gaiety, life
Black symbolising evil, taint, gloominess, death

— The End —