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 Mar 2014 Rebekah Elizabeth
He’s got a hold on me
Teeth gnawing on my organs
Gouged from the seams
Dripping down the street
Sheets drenched red
And all that shows
Is a blue and purple blended bruise
 Mar 2014 Rebekah Elizabeth
'Take a shower', she said
As if it's going to wash off my mood
But I'm not tired mum
Can't you see that I'm suffering?

The pain is on the inside
It's in my mind and I can't escape it
I want to be in the dark alone
Leave me alone forever
.disconnecting myself.
Take me as I am-


Leave me dancing in the wind-

Without shape or from
Simply take me as I am
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The windows to your world
Start to slowly close shut
Fingers move less nimbily
Brain clicks into auto pilot

As the world gyrates around you
You stay perfectly still
The noise is distant, miles away
Almost an out of body ordeal

Your feline or canine friend
Snuggled close to youd back
Pillows surround the body
Thoughts drifting more and more of track

Floating into the darkness
Upward into the sky
You ponder your life
And ask the important questions like "why?'

Finally it engulfs you
Swollowing you whole
Mr. Sand Man's job is done
And he has checked off all his goals
You are so special; I guess you didn't know.  I take a step back, just to watch you grow.
You are so special; you touch the lives of many.  I over look your faults, if there are any.
You are so special; I love your tender care.    Whenever needed, you're always there.
You are so special; your love strengthens  me.  When I'm in your presence, I feel very free.
You are so special; you keep moving ahead.  You are about life; not anything dead.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
roses are red, violets are blue
sugar is sweet, and perhaps so are you
now the roses have wilted, the violets dead
the sugar bowl's empty, and my wrist are stained red,
the sun isn't shining, the skies aren't clear
there's no silver lining, cause your no longer here
rain keeps on pouring, there's no end in sight
your laying there frozen, so far from the light
your beauty's unreal, your smile the sun
but time cant be turned, nor your actions undone
the words that you wrote, which only I read
"I love you so much; please don't cry when I'm dead"
a bond that we formed, a love that ran deep
a pain that we shared, a friend I could keep
I wanted to hold you, wipe the tears from your eyes
been there the moment you said you goodbye
I want to forget but most times I don't
I want to let go but I know I wont
tears on my face, memories burned in my head
the roses have wilted, the violets are dead
I didn't write this, I just wanted to share.
Lay out a quilt
Spread it with love
Then lay down beside me
To ponder the mysteries above

The stars in the sky
The dreams that don't quit
The fantasies that fly
The worlds that split

We watch an infinity
Unravel from the ground
As we fill our minds
And our hearts with sound

We whisper our knowledge
Of those stars way out there
And when we run out of knowledge
We don't seem to care

We start making things up
Stories from sleepy heads
As we drown in this abyss
Of thoughts never said

And we reach out with our fingers
With a desire to tickle
The stars falling around us
Leaving a tingle and prickle

As we watch the adventures
Swim in the galaxies above
We somehow miss
The adventure of love

For there is so much adventure
And many places so new
Locked away in our hearts
If only we knew

And I looked at you
Desiring those stars
Completely unaware
Of the galaxy in my heart
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