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V3NUS Dec 2024
this country is severely ******

we elect a man who
makes empty promises
provides specifically for the white, cis, male, and privileged
gets people killed when he doesn't get his way
should be in prison
in general a bad person
all because most weren't ready to accept
a mixed woman
might be better than a white man

or the police
don't get me started on them
"tHeY'Re PrOTeCtINg ThE PeOPlE aS A wHoLE"
absolute *******
do you know the amount of black people have been killed?
because they were "a threat" right?
stepping out a car, sleeping in our beds, cooking our own food
incredibly threatening isn't it?

or jobs?
female employees getting paid as much as men multiple levels below them
blacks, asians, and Hispanics getting jobs they are way too good for
because we apparently will never be able to do the job we're QUALIFIED for
as good as a white man

and why is it such a big deal
if a boy loves a boy
if a girl loves a girl
if someone doesn't want to choose a gender
if someone doesn't like the gender they were born as
if someone loves girls and boys
if someone doesn't care who they love, as long as they're a good person
if someone doesn't love at all
they're living their own life
who they identify as doesn't affect you in the slightest

we aren't doing too good
it can't be just me who sees this right?
V3NUS Dec 2024
I hate school
too much work
too many bullies
too much pressure
staying still too long
no good food


I love school
no need to hide
no constant need to be perfect
nobody telling me my grades are terrible
nobody saying I'm slow
nobody calling me fat
nobody telling me nobody likes me
no need to worry if people hate me
because if people do
they can mind their ******* business
is it weird I like being at school more than home?
V3NUS Dec 2024
              WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU"
                            there are people in my grade that would **** for a C
                                                               ­           an A- is not that bad
                                                         ­           this is the fastest I can run
                                                         i'm sorry you're dissappointed
                  SLOW DOWN BIGGIE"
                                                         ­                   it's just a granola bar
                                               I haven't eaten anything else all day
                  N O B O D Y"
                                                              ­                                            ...
it's fine
it's all fine
i'll fix it all
don't you worry
                                                           ­                                         Mom
               I promise no assignments will have less then 100 ever again
                                                           ­                               every 100%
                                                            ­                     every smiley face
                                                            ­                    every "good job!"
                 will be written on the paper with the blood from my wrists

                                                         ­                                             Dad
                ­                                                         I promise i'll run faster
                                                          ­               i'll run until I throw up
                                                              ­                                           no
                                                                ­                            even better
                                                          ­                            until I pass out

                                                            ­                                      Meena
                     ­                                     I promise to stop eating so much
                                              matter fact i'll just stop eating altogether
                                                      ­                    and I won't start again
             not until you can clearly see my ribs poking through my skin

                                                           ­                                     and Lali
                                                            ­                                  I promise
                                                        o­nce I make everyone else happy
                                                           ­                   i'll make you happy
                                                           ­                          by ending it all
doesn't my family sound amazing??

— The End —